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 Topic: Afghanistan

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  • Afghanistan
     Reply #60 - July 03, 2021, 01:16 PM

    That is the most recent interview of  Hamid Karzai

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #61 - July 05, 2021, 02:00 PM

    The Reality of the US Withdrawal From Afghanistan

    And News today says Over 1,000 Afghan troops flee into Tajikistan as Taliban advance in northern Afghanistan .. Dawn news
    More than 1,000 Afghan security personnel fled across the border into Tajikistan on Sunday following Taliban advances in northern Afghanistan, the Tajik border guard service said.

    The crossings underscore a rapidly deteriorating situation in the country as foreign troops near a complete withdrawal after 20 years of war in Afghanistan.

    Hundreds of Afghan security force members have fled swift Taliban advances in the north, but Sunday's retreats were the largest confirmed, coming just two days after the United States officially vacated its main base in Afghanistan as part of a plan to withdraw all foreign troops by September 11.

    The Taliban took over six key districts in the northern province of Badakshan, which borders both Tajikistan and China, following which 1,037 Afghan servicemen fled across the border with Tajikistan's permission, the border guard service said.......

    All foreign troops must leave by deadline - Taliban

    Any foreign troops left in Afghanistan after Nato's September withdrawal deadline will be at risk as occupiers, the Taliban has told the BBC. It comes amid reports that 1,000 mainly US troops could remain on the ground to protect diplomatic missions and Kabul's international airport.

    Nato's 20-year military mission in Afghanistan has all but ended.

    But violence in the country continues to rise, with the Taliban taking more territory.

    Under a deal with the militant group, the US and its Nato allies agreed to withdraw all troops in return for a commitment by the Taliban not to allow al-Qaeda or any other extremist group to operate in the areas they control.

    President Joe Biden set a deadline of 11 September - the 20-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the US - for American troops to fully withdraw, but reports suggest the pullout may be complete within days.

    As Afghan forces prepare to take charge of security alone, concern is growing for the future of Kabul.

    Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen said seizing Kabul militarily was "not Taliban policy".

    But speaking to the BBC from the group's office in Qatar, he said no foreign forces - including military contractors - should remain in the city after the withdrawal was complete.

    "If they leave behind their forces against the Doha agreement then in that case it will be the decision of our leadership how we proceed," Mr Shaheen told the BBC.

    "We would react and the final decision is with our leadership," he added.

    Taliban spokesman discusses conflict in Al Jazeera exclusive  Jun 27, 2021

    Yap.. the game starts again..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #62 - July 08, 2021, 08:54 AM

    The elephant in the room...

    The keys to peace in Afghanistan lie in Pakistan:

    ... One man who predicted the debacle we are witnessing in Afghanistan today was the journalist Mark Steyn, who wrote the following in a syndicated column dated March 2, 2012: “Six weeks after the last NATO soldier leaves Afghanistan, it will be as if we were never there. We came, we saw, we left no trace. America’s longest war will leave nothing behind.”

    How did this happen?

    My wife Nargis Tapal and a few of her friends visited Kabul in 1972 and she still remembers the city as a modern metropolis with schoolgirls in all-white uniforms and red bows in their hair.

    The word ‘hijab’ had not yet been invented to mean a head wrap and the elderly who covered their heads wore the traditional ‘dupatta’ worn across the Indian subcontinent, across all religious stripes.

    She says she was impressed by the well-laid-out streets and sidewalks, the cleanliness and how it contrasted with the cities across the border in Pakistan. Kabul was on the hippie trail and scores of Americans and European youth passed through Afghanistan on their way to India.

    Cinema halls exhibited large Bollywood signage and, unlike Pakistan, young women did not have to fear the glaring eyes of men that were, and still are, an ever-present reality across the border.

    What turned the tide and made Afghanistan the hellhole the Taliban plan to reintroduce to those who thought they had been driven out?

    Canada’s former ambassador to Kabul Chris Alexander is perhaps one of the most astute observers of the Afghanistan war and the unfolding crisis. He places blame for the crisis solely at the feet of the Pakistani establishment whose intelligence agency the ISI has nourished the Taliban and nurtured its so-called jihad.

    On Monday Alexander — who was also a federal cabinet minister — tweeted the following: “Pakistan’s ‘forever war’ in Afghanistan began with COAS [General] Zia’s coup OTD in 1977. Far from ending it, Joe Biden’s withdrawal has made it far worse. Pakistan’s ‘forever war’ is now a major threat to international peace & security. #5JulyBlackDay#endproxywar#SanctionPakistan”
    Elsewhere, Alexander wrote under the title “Ending Pakistan’s proxy war in Afghanistan”:

    “Those in Pakistan still supporting proxy war in Afghanistan should face tough sanctions. Pakistan should be on the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) blacklist.” He further called for collective action by the U.S. and its allies “to end Pakistan’s proxy war.”

    Alexander is not the only former ambassador who has raised doubts about the efficacy of the American ‘peace talks’ with the Taliban in Doha.

    Husain Haqqani, Pakistan’s former ambassador to the U.S., who is now settled in the U.S., has been a harsh critic of the American-led peace talks in Doha.

    When “TalibanOurGuardians” started trending in Pakistan, ambassador Haqqani called it alarming, saying Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan and Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi “are lying when they say Islamabad does not want a Taliban victory in Afghanistan.”

    Twenty years after occupying Afghanistan, U.S. troops are running away the same way the Soviets withdrew with their tails between their legs — and a coterie of Army generals in Islamabad celebrate their victory by simply breeding more jihadis than can be killed.

    While they seek citizenship in the West on retirement, Pakistan’s military brass is relentless in its efforts to undermine the West.

    Chris Alexander and Husain Haqqani need to be heard and the West should target Pakistan to end its primary export— Islamic Jihad. Pakistan is a country born in bloodshed, divided in a genocide and who hosted Bin Laden and 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Muhammad.

    The keys to peace in Afghanistan lie in the ISI headquarters in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Looking elsewhere is a folly.
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #63 - July 08, 2021, 12:00 PM

    The elephant in the room...

    The key  to peace in Afghanistan lie in Pakistan:

    The key  to peace in Afghanistan   ARE NOT in Pakistan.,  those keys should be taken by   China

     now after post Soviet Union .,  Russian border is far away from Afghanistan

    China should make that Wakhjir Pass as free entry and make a economic corridor  similar  to China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) as CAEC.... and spend some decent amount of their pocket money on that corridor road infra structure development  or may be move some of CPEC to CAEC...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #64 - July 11, 2021, 05:34 PM

    PM Adviser Moeed Yousuf declares US occupier?  ..what occupier .. are you that stupid Moeed ?? I was under the impression that you were educated in US of A.,   And Moeed Yousuf must have told these Taliban guys  to say   Taliban say they control 85pc of Afghanistan
    KABUL: Taliban officials said on Friday the insurgent group had taken control of 85 per cent of territory in Afghanistan, and international concern mounted over problems getting medicines and supplies into the country.

    Afghan government officials described the assertion that the Taliban controlled most of the country as part of a propaganda campaign launched as foreign military personnel, including those from the United States, withdraw after almost 20 years of fighting.

    However, local Afghan officials said Taliban fighters, emboldened by the withdrawal, had captured an important district in Herat province, home to tens of thousands of minority Shia Hazaras....

    well read the rest of the news at the link BUT IF TALIBAN SAYS THEY CONTROL 85% OF AFGHANISTHAN then why their leadership still lives in Quetta, Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Doha??  Why doesn’t it move to that 85 percent controlled area? 

    on the way let me watch this,,

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #65 - July 11, 2021, 07:28 PM

    If Afghan Taliban capture Kabul, will Pakistan accept Taliban government?

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #66 - July 13, 2021, 05:04 AM

    TAILBONES are back in action..

    Taliban fighters execute 22 Afghan commandos as they try to surrender   says CNN news

    Dawlat Abad, Afghanistan CNN —   Over clear but unsteady video, the words ring out: “Surrender, commandos, surrender.” Several men emerge from a building; they are clearly unarmed.

    Gunfire erupts. At least a dozen men are seen shot to death amid cries of “Allahu Akhbar” – God is Great.

    The victims were members of an Afghan Special Forces unit: their executioners, the Taliban. The summary killings took place on June 16 in the town of Dawlat Abad in Faryab province, close to Afghanistan’s border with Turkmenistan.

    CNN has obtained and verified several videos of the incident and has spoken with witnesses.

    Videos show the commandos’ bodies strewn across an outdoor market. After a fierce battle to hold the town, they the commandos had run out of ammunition and were surrounded by the Taliban fighters, witnesses said.

    In one video, about 45 seconds long, a bystander can be heard saying in Pashto, the local language: “Don’t shoot them, don’t shoot them, I beg you don’t shoot them.” The bystander then asks: “How are you Pashtun killing Afghans?” The Pashtuns are the main ethnic group in Afghanistan.,,,,,

     read the rest and watch the video at the link  and  that Indian WION news   says this

    well 3 billion dollars are not down the drain .. Taliban could use some of those facilities and now heroes of Islam from every western and eastern country could  move to Taliban land ..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #67 - July 22, 2021, 03:32 PM

    Friday Focus: Abduction and torture of S. Ali Khel, daughter of Afghan Ambassador in Pakistan

    and that is    Senator Afrasiab Khattak and Peymana Asad, Counsellor; First UK elected official of Afghan origin. and that discussion is about this news ...

    and this is what Govt says

    So what actually happened to 26-year-old  Silsila Alikhil,

     and that is our Home Minister on Jul 20, 2021

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #68 - July 22, 2021, 03:42 PM

    LOOK AT THIS GUY.. AMERICA TO PAKISTAN TO BECOME National Security Adviser  of Pakistan.

    well that guy looks like a Joseph Goebbels., hope he is not trying to make Imran   as  the boss of Joseph Goebbels..

    well this video down is  from Dec 5, 2020

    Yesssss.,   Dr Moeed Yusuf    beat the shit  out of Indians  Cheesy

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #69 - August 02, 2021, 05:52 PM

    Prime Minister Imran Khan Interview on Afghanistan with well educated Afghans   that is couple of days old ..July 29, 2021

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #70 - August 06, 2021, 08:51 AM

    well now we are talking
    I wonder who these two Indian guys are.??  who are  going at my good friend  Orya Maqbool Jan  on the problems of Afghanistan

    Apparently one is Arvind Saharan  who lives in New Zealand

    anyways Orya getting upset ..Orya getting angry .. blood pressure is going high ., well let me add this tube for Indians to watch

    that is again my good friend Orya Maqbool Jan  In Khadim Hussain's Chehlum., He will eat INDIANS ALIVE ...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #71 - August 14, 2021, 09:41 AM

    yap........... we need more preachers

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #72 - August 15, 2021, 06:16 AM

    There you go,  Baboons with tails and tailbones  started their game.,

     News from Afghan news paper GANDHARA BRIEFING says 21-year-old lady named Nazaneen was killed by Taliban militants in Afghanistan for not wearing a veil.

    Police in Afghanistan’s northern province of Balkh say the Taliban killed a young woman for wearing tight clothing and not being accompanied by a male relative.

    Balkh police chief Zialuhaq Toofan told RFE/RL's Radio Azadi on August 3 that the young woman was shot dead by Taliban extremists in the village of Samar Qandian, which is controlled by the militant group.

    Adil Shah Adil, a police spokesman in Balkh, told Radio Azadi on August 4 that the victim was named Nazanin and that she was 21 years old. Adil said the woman was attacked after she left her house and was about to board a vehicle to travel to Balkh’s capital Mazar-e Sharif. 

    The woman was wearing a burqa, a veil that covers the face and body, at the time of the attack, the police said. Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid denied the accusations and said that the group is investigating the attack.....

    well that is the news  from that  land .. which is going to change the story of Islam this way or that way......

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #73 - August 15, 2021, 04:53 PM

    great.. wonderful ..

    Taliban enter Kabul as Afghan government collapses  says BBC News


    Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has fled the country, reportedly bound for Tajikistan

    Taliban fighters are in the process of taking over the capital Kabul and have seized the presidential palace

    US, UK and many other countries evacuating staff from their embassies in Kabul
    Earlier Taliban leaders said they would refrain from violence and allow safe passage for anyone wanting to leave

    Eyewitnesses say the militants met little resistance along the way to the capital
    The Taliban have also captured more territory, including the former US airbase at Bagram and the central Bamiyan province

    YOU STUPID FOOL ., IF YOU ARE AFGHAN .. YOU SHOULD HAVE STAYED IN AFGHNISTHAN .. DIED IN AFGHANISTHAN .,   you ran away?  and was president for 6 years in a country that was in trouble and  and ran away after ruling it for 6 years ??  what were you doing in Afghanistan to begin with?

    well the game begins.. NOT sure the  plan of AMRIKA .. TALIBAN SHOULD TAKE ALL embassies  .. every country ambassador  and ask for money

    pathetic idiots

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #74 - August 15, 2021, 04:58 PM

    Yelda .. that will be first to get killed if he comes to Kabul

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #75 - August 15, 2021, 05:46 PM

    well  let me read the letter of this timid fool  Ashraf Ghani .. why did you leave your AMRIKA and go to AFGHANISTHAN man??

    boy Indians are on offensive .. not sure where they want to go in Afghanistan ??

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #76 - August 15, 2021, 05:53 PM

    "Do you trust the Taliban?":

    Biden faces questions on Afghanistan withdrawal

    boy ?  AMERICAN PRESIDENTO IS AS GOOD AS THAT guy the president who left Afghanistan..

    well that is Jul 8, 2021. now today August 15th 2021., Well Mr. Biden should hear his own words..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #77 - August 15, 2021, 05:59 PM

    Hmm  interesting .. Oh well ..  every one is cooking something .. Iman .. Mr. Kham .. PRIME MINSITER KHAN ......BE CAREFUL....

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #78 - August 15, 2021, 06:09 PM

    well this is quite fast .. very very unexpected

    Oh well  .. I don't know what my PT Imran  PT Imran is going to do now....


    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #79 - August 15, 2021, 08:12 PM

    The unthinkable outcome that many 'leftists' and 'secularists' are content with tonight:
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #80 - August 16, 2021, 04:08 AM

    some british asians think this is a victory against western colonialism - what to do with these cheerleaders?
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #81 - August 16, 2021, 08:42 AM

    You can only remind cretins like this:

    that the Taliban is itself a colonial project. But my contempt is largely reserved for the 'secularists' and 'leftists' like this guy:

    He's American and I'm not so I don't mind him listing the incompetencies of his past governments or the fact that he wants to stand of a 'anti-war' platform. But don't call yourself a secularist if you have nothing to point out about the return of a theocracy. Am I wrong or did the emancipation of humanity from religion not used to be one of the things the the left prided itself on? What's it about now? Fucking superfast broadband? Pitting Western communities against Afghans in Kandahar and Kunduz?

    This growing insularity and resentment with many leftists is something I've noticed for a while. I don't like this one bit. I mean, who cares if Afghanistan becomes a theocracy again? They're all assholes and cowards, the Taliban and the Afghan government forces who surrendered. See the problem with a theocracy is that attempts to rule over everyone, including those who don't want to live under it. I can't believe I have to say the obvious. But what do I know? I'm just an idiot who supposedly swallow everything the mainstream meedja and the CIA say.
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #82 - August 16, 2021, 12:44 PM

    Qureshi stresses 'comprehensive political solution' in meeting with Afghan delegation

    Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, after meeting a delegation of Afghan leaders in Islamabad on Monday, said it was "incumbent on the Afghan leadership to use this historic opportunity to pave the way for an inclusive and comprehensive political solution in Afghanistan", according to a statement issued by the Foreign Office (FO).

    The foreign minister welcomed the delegation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and later discussed with the leaders the situation in Afghanistan — which is gripped by panic following the Taliban entering Kabul and taking control of the presidential palace and President Ashraf Ghani leaving the country.

    "We hope that all Afghan leaders will make efforts [for peace] in the larger interest of the country," the foreign minister said, adding that Pakistan was determined to play a constructive and facilitative role for the restoration of peace in Afghanistan.

    According to the statement, Qureshi said, "It is necessary that we work together to devise a plan of action for the betterment of Afghanistan and the region."

    "Our aim is [to work for a] peaceful, united, democratic, stable and prosperous Afghanistan," he said, expressing hope that both the parties would work together to take the process of peace and rapprochement forward in the war-torn country.

      that and more is there at the link .. well that is a not bad news.. we need to learn more about that INCLUSIVE government . .. well time will tell

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #83 - August 16, 2021, 02:43 PM

    One of the Pakistan channel breaks this news

    Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar Appointed As New President of Afghanistan | Breaking News.,

    Appointed by who??

    U.N. Security Council holds emergency meeting on Afghanistan., 

    Well  U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres  can HE CONDUCT ELECTIONS IN AFGHANISTHAN??   Or just 5 to 10 000  thugs with beards running amuck across the nation

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #84 - August 17, 2021, 09:19 AM

    looks like there's a british media push to mainstream the taliban - just saw their crocodilian spokesman given free airtime as if a representative of a legitimate govt.
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #85 - August 17, 2021, 09:46 PM

    Reports are saying that the Taliban are forcing 12-year-old-girls to marry their dirty grown men pedo mujahidden.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #86 - August 18, 2021, 02:58 PM

    The Taliban's first news conference from Kabul  Aug 17, 2021

     discussion on that interview on Al Jazeera English news

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #87 - August 18, 2021, 03:08 PM

    Taliban after takeover  fire on a crowd of protesters in Jalalabad,
    oh well

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #88 - August 18, 2021, 04:59 PM

    Exiled Ashraf Ghani says supports Taliban-Karzai talks  says news

    Ashraf Ghani, the Afghan president who fled the country for the United Arab Emirates following a Taliban takeover, said on Wednesday that he hoped to return home, and that he supported talks between the Taliban and top former officials.

    “For now, I am in the Emirates so that bloodshed and chaos is stopped,” he said in a video message — his first appearance since leaving the capital on Sunday. He noted he had “no intention” to remain in exile.

    “I am currently in talks to return to Afghanistan.” The UAE announced earlier in the day that it was hosting Ghani “on humanitarian grounds”.

    In his message posted to Facebook, Ghani said he supported talks between the Taliban and top former government officials, after it emerged that Taliban members had met with former president Hamid Karzai and Abdullah Abdullah, who headed the failed peace process.

    Taliban leaders have said they have “pardoned all former government officials”, according to the monitoring group SITE.

    Ghani succeeded Karzai as leader of Afghanistan in 2014.

    In his message, Ghani said he had left Kabul to prevent bloodshed and denied reports he took large sums of money with him as he departed the presidential palace.

    Ghani has been bitterly criticised by former ministers for leaving the country suddenly as Taliban forces entered Kabul on Sunday.

    “If I had stayed, I would be witnessing bloodshed in Kabul,” he said, adding that he had left on the advice of government officials.

    why ? why blood shed?? 

    you just resign from the government and STAY IN THE COUNTRY MAN... what the hell .. you need to run away from the country?

    well let me hear the guy ....  something fishy here

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Afghanistan
     Reply #89 - August 19, 2021, 04:29 AM

    An insider's view from the US
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