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 Topic: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism

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  • Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     OP - July 13, 2010, 12:20 PM

    Was reading reddit today and found this thread about a man who deeply wants to rape women. (He's in therapy.)

    Here's an excerpt from the writings of a serial killer:

    Quote from: Michael Ross
    As you might imagine, I have been examined by a multitude of psychiatric experts over the past fourteen years. All of them-even Dr. Miller, the state's own expert psychiatric witness-agree I suffer from a paraphiliac mental disorder called "sexual sadism." This is a mental illness that, according to the testimony of the experts, resulted in my compulsion "to perpetrate violent sexual activity in a repetitive way." The experts also agree that my criminal conduct was a direct result of the uncontrollable aggressive sexual impulses caused by the disorder.

    What exactly is a paraphiliac mental disorder? It is very difficult to explain, and even more difficult to understand. I'm not even sure that I myself fully understand this disease, and I've been trying to understand what's been going on in my head for a very long time now. Basically, I am plagued by repetitive thoughts, urges, and fantasies of the degradation, rape, and murder of women. I cannot get those thoughts out of my mind.

    The best way for the average person to try to understand this is to remember a time when a song played over and over again in your head. Even if you liked the melody, its constant repetition was quite annoying, and the harder you tried to drive it out of your head, the harder it seemed to stick. Now replace that sweet melody with noxious thoughts of degradation, rape, and murder, and you will begin-and only just begin-to understand what was running rampant through my mind uncontrollably.

    Some people believe that if you think about something day in and day out, you must want to think about it. But that just isn't true when you are discussing mental illness. Most people can't understand because they just can't imagine wanting to commit such horrific acts of unimaginable cruelty. They can't begin to understand this obsession of mine. They think that if you fantasize about something you must want to make the fantasy come true. But it's far more complicated than that. They can't understand how I could fantasize such disgusting imagery, how I could derive such pleasure from that fantasy, and yet be so disgusted later by the exact same thoughts or urges, or at the thought of how much I enjoyed the fantasy just moments before. I could relive the rapes and murders that I committed, and when reliving those despicable acts in my mind I could experience such orgasmic pleasure that it is hard to describe. But afterward I felt such a sense of loathing and self-hatred that I often longed for my execution. I was tired of being tormented by my own sick, demented mind. So unbelievably tired.

    And the urge to hurt someone could come over me at any time. Powerful urges welled up for no reason, and with no warning. I remember once when I was being escorted from the Mental Health Unit back to my cell after seeing my psychiatrist. There was a small stairway that led from the unit to the main corridor. I was being led, without any restraints, by a small, young, female correctional officer. When I got to the stairwell, I was suddenly flooded with an overwhelming desire to hurt her. I knew I had to get out of that stairwell, and I ran up the stairs and out into the hallway. I will never forget how she shouted at me to stop and threatened to write me a disciplinary report-she didn't have a clue as to what was going on. I didn't know this woman; she had done me no harm; yet suddenly I was filled with a powerful desire to hurt her. She never knew just how badly I wanted to hurt her that day. She never knew how close I came to attacking her and maybe even killing her. You would think that after being sentenced to death and living on death row, such urges and thoughts would be curbed. But they weren't, for this illness defies rationality.

    I have found some relief, however. About two and a half years after I came to death row, I started to receive weekly injections of a drug called Depo-Provera. Depo-Provera has been used for years as a female contraceptive in Europe and recently was approved for use in America. For sex offenders it is used at a significantly higher dosage than what women take for contraceptive purposes: Women receive 150 milligrams every three months; I received 700 milligrams weekly. In men, Depo-Provera significantly reduces the body's natural production of the male sex hormone, testosterone. For some reason, whether because of some abnormal biological hookup in my brain or some sort of chemical imbalance, testosterone affects my mind differently than it affects the average male's mind.

    A few months after I started to receive my weekly injections, my blood serum testosterone levels dropped below prepubescent levels (last month my level was 12 ng/dl, with the normal range being 260-1,250 ng/dl); and as this happened, nothing less than a miracle occurred. My obsessive thoughts, urges, and fantasies began to diminish.

    Having those thoughts and urges is like living with an obnoxious roommate. You cannot get away from him because he is always there. What Depo-Provera did was to move that roommate down the hall to his own apartment. The problem was still there, but it was a whole lot easier to deal with because it wasn't always in the foreground. He didn't control me anymore-I was in control of him. It was an unbelievable sense of freedom. It made me feel as if I were a human being again, instead of some sort of horrible monster. For three years I had a sort of peace of mind.

    Then I developed liver problems, a very rare side effect of the hormonal shots, so I was forced to discontinue the medication. Soon thereafter the noxious thoughts, fantasies, and urges returned. It was horrible. I felt like a blind man who had been given the gift of sight only to have it snatched away again. There was an alternative medication, but it lacked FDA approval as a treatment for sex offenders, so the Department of Corrections refused to approve its use. From my past history we knew what the problem was: testosterone. Get it out of my bloodstream so that it can't reach my mind and I am okay. So I asked to be surgically castrated, with the support and approval of my treating psychiatrist. But the department-which I am sure was afraid of headlines such as "Sex Offender Castrated by State"-refused my request. It took more than a year of fighting by a lot of good people here in the Mental Health Department before I was allowed to receive the alternative medication, a monthly shot of a drug called Depo-Lupron, which I have been receiving to date.

    What made the year without medication particularly bad was that I began having thoughts and urges about hurting people here. I remember one young woman in particular, a nurse who had always gone out of her way to help me. She always had a smile, and was always friendly to me, even though she knew who and what I was. I started having thoughts and urges of hurting this woman, and that really tore me up inside. Here was someone whom I liked, who had always helped me, and how did I repay her kindness? By wanting to rape and strangle her. I felt uncomfortable whenever she was around, and I felt so guilty and ashamed that I could hardly look at her. Fortunately nothing ever happened, and she never found out what was going through my mind. That time is past now because I am receiving my medication, but the memories and guilt haven't gone away.

    Why would a benevolent god create or allow such disorders to exist?

    German ex-Muslim forumMy YouTubeList of Ex-Muslims
    Wikis: en de fr ar tr
    I'm on an indefinite break...
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #1 - July 13, 2010, 12:34 PM

    There is a human lurking inside every monster.

    That was very gripping. Thank you for sharing it, Aziz.

    Those of you here who are for the Death Penalty: Should this man really be executed? Is it morally wrong that he should be receiving all this psychiatric help funded no doubt by the taxpayer?

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #2 - July 13, 2010, 12:37 PM

    "There is a human lurking inside every monster"

    That is a good one., In the same way Human beings  must realize

    "There is a monster  lurking inside every human"

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
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  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #3 - July 13, 2010, 12:37 PM

    You forgot the other side of it: there is a monster lurking inside every human.

    ETA: Ah, great minds think alike Grin

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #4 - July 13, 2010, 12:45 PM

    The benevolent GOD is testing him! He has not submitted to Allah! If he does that I am sure his fantasies will die a natural death.

    The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.
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    Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored !- Aldous Huxley
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #5 - July 13, 2010, 12:48 PM

    Ok, there is a monster lurking inside every human too. I'm willing to grant that. So what's your point?

    People who are for the Death Penalty think that there are some criminals who are so different to us (in an obviously bad way) that practically, they are not even human. But this article shows that even the most gruesome monster shares a significant similarity with the rest of us. It's something I've always believed; this article just confirmed it.

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #6 - July 13, 2010, 12:54 PM

    The point is similar to your point, in that they are ultimately not that different. Their behaviour is just another graduation on a scale that is made up of small steps in shades of grey. They go beyond what is acceptable though in that they harm other people.

    However, I have often been struck by how often porn seems to thrive on depictions of degradation of women. Doesn't happen in all porn of course, but it does seem to be a surprisingly popular theme.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #7 - July 13, 2010, 12:58 PM

    However, I have often been struck by how often porn seems to thrive on depictions of degradation of women.

    I dont get it either, anythin like that just puts me off.  Must admit thought, I dont mind watching it the other way around Wink

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  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #8 - July 13, 2010, 01:05 PM

    Yes, they do go beyond what is acceptable. But to go beyond what is acceptable is not as hard as most of us probably imagine. I think dehumanizing criminals is a defence mechanism. They fear even imagining that they could be capable of committing the same crime. But everybody is capable of anything. The greatest saint is capable of becoming the most devastating monster, and vice versa.

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #9 - July 13, 2010, 01:17 PM

    There is a human lurking inside every monster.

    That statement cannot be proven by this article alone.

    Those of you here who are for the Death Penalty: Should this man really be executed?

    If he has not taken a life, it is possible to treat him, and he shows a genuine interest in rehabilitation, then no, I see no reason he should be put to death. I do think the women he beat and raped should have an opportunity to beat him and ass-rape him with a 10-inch dildo, however.

    Is it morally wrong that he should be receiving all this psychiatric help funded no doubt by the taxpayer?

    It's making him safer, so no.

    fuck you
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #10 - July 13, 2010, 01:17 PM

    Yes, they do go beyond what is acceptable. But to go beyond what is acceptable is not as hard as most of us probably imagine. I think dehumanizing criminals is a defence mechanism. They fear even imagining that they could be capable of committing the same crime. But everybody is capable of anything. The greatest saint is capable of becoming the most devastating monster, and vice versa.

    Oh sure. I agree with that. One thing that history teaches us is that perfectly ordinary people are capable of the most horrific acts and it doesn't even take that much to get them there.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #11 - July 13, 2010, 01:19 PM

    Why is it that only certain posts I can delete and others can only modify?

    "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor E. Frankl

    'Life is just the extreme expression of complex chemistry' - Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #12 - July 13, 2010, 01:27 PM

    Worth noting though that this guy may be exceptional in more ways than one, in that quite a lot of serial killers never express any remorse. In other words, they have similar urges to this guy but do not appear to be bothered by them like he is.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #13 - July 13, 2010, 01:32 PM

    That statement cannot be proven by this article alone.

    I think it does. Unless you're trying to say he could be bullshitting just to get some sympathy. It doesn't seem that way but then again I haven't met this person personally so I wouldn't know, and neither would you, tbh.

    If he has not taken a life, it is possible to treat him, and he shows a genuine interest in rehabilitation, then no, I see no reason he should be put to death. I do think the women he beat and raped should have an opportunity to beat him and ass-rape him with a 10-inch dildo, however.

    I honestly can't see how raping a rapist is any less objectionable than raping a non-rapist. And btw, the guy in the article, as far as I can tell from what Aziz reported (since there is no source) is a convicted rapist and serial-killer.

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #14 - July 13, 2010, 01:36 PM

    Worth noting though that this guy may be exceptional in more ways than one, in that quite a lot of serial killers never express any remorse. In other words, they have similar urges to this guy but do not appear to be bothered by them like he is.

    I don't doubt that. But we can't be sure which killers will eventually show remorse and which won't. It's obviously not going to be something which as soon as they've been caught they will repent straight away. They should have a lot of thinking to do. They'd have a long time in prison to think about it though.

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #15 - July 13, 2010, 01:39 PM

    I think it does. Unless you're trying to say he could be bullshitting just to get some sympathy. It doesn't seem that way but then again I haven't met this person personally so I wouldn't know, and neither would you, tbh.

    No, that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that you can't take this one dude's personal testimony and extrapolate a general analysis of all serial rapists/killers from it.

    I honestly can't see how raping a rapist is any less objectionable than raping a non-rapist. And btw, the guy in the article, as far as I can tell from what Aziz reported (since there is no source) is a convicted rapist and serial-killer

    Yeah, I missed the murder part the first read, just caught it on the second. In that case he deserves to be ass-raped and beaten by his victims relatives, then killed by them-- maybe they could all kick his skull in after they're done raping him. Fuck his urges being "uncontrollable"-- bullshit, and if they really were he should have turned himself in after his first victim or at least told a fuckin shrink about it and had himself checked in to mental hospital, or gone to live in a cabin in the woods Ted Kazcynski style-- fucking something. He might have an excuse for the first victim, but he certainly has no excuse for the others.

    fuck you
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #16 - July 13, 2010, 01:44 PM

    No, that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that you can't take this one dude's personal testimony and extrapolate a general analysis of all serial rapists/killers from it.

    Yeah, I missed the murder part the first read, just caught it on the second. In that case he deserves to be ass-raped and beaten by his victims relatives, then killed by them-- maybe they could all kick his skull in after they're done raping him. Fuck his urges being "uncontrollable"-- bullshit, and if they really were he should have turned himself in after his first victim or at least told a fuckin shrink about it and had himself checked in to mental hospital, or gone to live in a cabin in the woods Ted Kazcynski style-- fucking something. He might have an excuse for the first victim, but he certainly has no excuse for the others.

    Both of those points are valid IMO.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #17 - July 13, 2010, 03:35 PM

    No, that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that you can't take this one dude's personal testimony and extrapolate a general analysis of all serial rapists/killers from it.

    There isn't a special reason why he was able to show remorse after committing such a horrendous act. He was able to do so because he was capable of doing so as a human. I think that this is a case of "if he can do it, anybody could", and the onus is on you to tell me why you think that actually there is a reason special to him why he was capable of showing remorse.

    Yeah, I missed the murder part the first read, just caught it on the second. In that case he deserves to be ass-raped and beaten by his victims relatives, then killed by them-- maybe they could all kick his skull in after they're done raping him. Fuck his urges being "uncontrollable"-- bullshit, and if they really were he should have turned himself in after his first victim or at least told a fuckin shrink about it and had himself checked in to mental hospital, or gone to live in a cabin in the woods Ted Kazcynski style-- fucking something. He might have an excuse for the first victim, but he certainly has no excuse for the others.

    I share your desire to blame him for the crimes he has committed. He has to accept full responsibility. But actually, if we were living in a state where there was the threat of death for anybody who commits murder or rape, then I would blame him less for not getting help sooner rather than later when he has already committed the crime. That's because if there was the threat of death then thinking about committing such crimes would become more of a taboo, and you would be less likely to want to talk to somebody about these thoughts you are having. If we were instead living in a justice system where punishment was seen instead as a rehabilitative or preventative measure rather than for the sake of revenge, then you would be more open about your thoughts about committing a crime and you can get help sooner. Capital punishment is a scare tactic and I think scare tactics almost always come and hit you back twice as hard.

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #18 - July 13, 2010, 03:56 PM

    This guy shows the potential to be rehabilitated, should that not be a priority? His doctors confirm his actions are caused by his disease, which as I understand is a legitimate defense. If he can be rehabilitated to the point he is no longer a danger to society, then isn't that preferred over the death penalty? Surely there are cold blooded murderers who show no remorse who receive life sentences at worst.

    The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
    - 32nd United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #19 - July 13, 2010, 04:04 PM

    He's already been executed.

    German ex-Muslim forumMy YouTubeList of Ex-Muslims
    Wikis: en de fr ar tr
    I'm on an indefinite break...
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #20 - July 13, 2010, 04:10 PM

    Worth noting though that this guy may be exceptional in more ways than one, in that quite a lot of serial killers never express any remorse. In other words, they have similar urges to this guy but do not appear to be bothered by them like he is.

    that is the nature of those who are diagnosed with sociopathy and psychopathy.   They cannot fathom that they
    have done anything "wrong", and dont have a hint of regret whatsoever.

    And there is no mention why he is on death row to begin with   Huh?
    Methinks something is amiss.   And WHO is this guy?

    The fact that he doesnt have any cognitive distortions in writing about it doesnt make sense either.

    First of all, if he DOES have this "disorder", what the hell are women doing escorting and treating him?
    something doesnt sound right about that.  And a woman escorting him in a stairwell with no restraints?  

    When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
    Helen Keller
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #21 - July 13, 2010, 04:12 PM

    Oh. The OP said he's in therapy. Oh well. I think there was a better choice than execution, but there's no going back now. One of the drawbacks of capital punishment.

    The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
    - 32nd United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #22 - July 13, 2010, 04:17 PM

    He's already been executed.


    First of all, if he DOES have this "disorder", what the hell are women doing escorting and treating him?
    something doesnt sound right about that.  And a woman escorting him in a stairwell with no restraints?  

    Yeah, that does sound like bullshit to me now that you point it out. Death row is the highest level of security within a prison.

    Oh. The OP said he's in therapy. Oh well. I think there was a better choice than execution,

    Maybe, but then again, maybe the whole reason he wrote that and he went through all the trouble to get therapy is he was hoping he might be recommended to the governor to have his sentence commuted to life in prison. Certainly couldn't hurt his case, and in his position what's he gonna need the testosterone for anyways?

    but there's no going back now. One of the drawbacks of capital punishment.

    Yes, one of the primary reasons I oppose it in practice.

    fuck you
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #23 - July 13, 2010, 04:21 PM

    and whose to say he isnt socio or psychopathic??  One of their common attributes are being
    very charismic, and charming, and wouldnt ANYONE say anything to keep from being lethaly
    injected?  they have been known to be VERY brilliant too, and manipulation is also a strength
    of theirs.

    When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
    Helen Keller
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #24 - July 13, 2010, 04:30 PM

    There isn't a special reason why he was able to show remorse after committing such a horrendous act. He was able to do so because he was capable of doing so as a human. I think that this is a case of "if he can do it, anybody could", and the onus is on you to tell me why you think that actually there is a reason special to him why he was capable of showing remorse.

    The onus is on you to (1) show his remorse was genuine, (2) that he represents more than himself. If you really think (2) is on me, than by that logic I could say my next-door neighbor is black and loves Pavarotti, therefore all black dudes love Pavarotti, and if you challenge me on that generalization the onus is on you to prove to me that all black folks don't love Pavarotti.

    I share your desire to blame him for the crimes he has committed. He has to accept full responsibility. But actually, if we were living in a state where there was the threat of death for anybody who commits murder or rape, then I would blame him less for not getting help sooner rather than later when he has already committed the crime. That's because if there was the threat of death then thinking about committing such crimes would become more of a taboo, and you would be less likely to want to talk to somebody about these thoughts you are having. If we were instead living in a justice system where punishment was seen instead as a rehabilitative or preventative measure rather than for the sake of revenge, then you would be more open about your thoughts about committing a crime and you can get help sooner. Capital punishment is a scare tactic and I think scare tactics almost always come and hit you back twice as hard.

    Please, you really think he would've turned himself in if he were facing a life sentence for the crime or any long period imprisoned? Guy cared about himself more than he cared about his victims, otherwise he would have turned himself in after the first one no matter what punishment he faced (and he'd be a lot less likely to face the death penalty if he only killed one person then immediately turned himself in)-- that's the bottom line.

    and whose to say he isnt socio or psychopathic??  One of their common attributes are being
    very charismic, and charming, and wouldnt ANYONE say anything to keep from being lethaly
    injected?  they have been known to be VERY brilliant too, and manipulation is also a strength
    of theirs.


    fuck you
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #25 - July 13, 2010, 05:20 PM

    He's already been executed.

    Can you give a link from where you found the article? What is the guy's name?

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #26 - July 13, 2010, 05:33 PM

    The onus is on you to (1) show his remorse was genuine, (2) that he represents more than himself. If you really think (2) is on me, than by that logic I could say my next-door neighbor is black and loves Pavarotti, therefore all black dudes love Pavarotti, and if you challenge me on that generalization the onus is on you to prove to me that all black folks don't love Pavarotti.

    Not the same. My argument is more like "my neighbour loves Pavarotti, therefore other people must have the capacity of liking Pavarotti too".

    As for whether his remorse is genuine, I don't know. But I know that if he was facing death row, then he would have an obvious selfish reason to try and convince people that he was genuinely sorry and was on the road to recovery. How do we get around that? Abolish the death penalty  Smiley Have a system of justice that isn't "carrot and stick".

    Please, you really think he would've turned himself in if he were facing a life sentence for the crime or any long period imprisoned? Guy cared about himself more than he cared about his victims, otherwise he would have turned himself in after the first one no matter what punishment he faced (and he'd be a lot less likely to face the death penalty if he only killed one person then immediately turned himself in)-- that's the bottom line.

    No, I do not think he would turn himself in merely because he would fear life imprisonment. But I do think he would be more likely to talk about his feelings if they weren't such a taboo. And why are you obsessed about "first crime committed"? Why does that hold any significance? A murderer may only regret the crime he committed years after it happened.


    So you're saying the death penalty should exist because if it did exist then criminals would say anything to try and avoid the penalty, and therefore they're not genuinely sorry, so might aswell just kill them? You're not giving them a chance to show real remourse, that's why they're not showing real remourse!

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #27 - July 13, 2010, 05:57 PM

    Not the same. My argument is more like "my neighbour loves Pavarotti, therefore other people must have the capacity of liking Pavarotti too".

    That doesn't work for a couple of reasons. I'll explain later, as I started this reply from end to start of your post, and wanna wrap it up about now.

    As for whether his remorse is genuine, I don't know. But I know that if he was facing death row, then he would have an obvious selfish reason to try and convince people that he was genuinely sorry and was on the road to recovery. How do we get around that? Abolish the death penalty  Smiley Have a system of justice that isn't "carrot and stick".

    How many times do I have to say that I oppose the death penalty in practice if not in principle? My only argument is that this dude deserves to be raped and killed for his crimes, not that the state should actually execute such a sentence.

    But I do think he would be more likely to talk about his feelings if they weren't such a taboo.

    Rape and murder are cultural taboos for good reason.

    And why are you obsessed about "first crime committed"? Why does that hold any significance? A murderer may only regret the crime he committed years after it happened.

    Because the dude's basically arguing that his impulses were irresistible, which is the only reason why he committed his crimes-- he should have figured that out after he raped and murdered his first woman for no damn reason other than his thoughts/urges, at which point he had a moral responsibility to turn himself in.

    What I'm saying is even if having an irresistible impulse mitigates some of the moral responsibility, it only does so for the first crime. If he had stopped at that one woman and turned himself in, I would likely say he does not deserve to be put to death and attempts should be made to rehabilitate him even if he spends the rest of his life in prison or a mental hospital. The fact he did nothing to restrain himself from these impulses when it was clearly within his power to do so makes me think he deserves multiple ass-rapes then a slow, painful death.

    So you're saying the death penalty should exist because if it did exist then criminals would say anything to try and avoid the penalty, and therefore they're not genuinely sorry, so might aswell just kill them?

    What? No. How did you infer that from what I wrote?

    fuck you
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #28 - July 13, 2010, 06:15 PM

    Can you give a link from where you found the article? What is the guy's name?

    Michael Ross. Like it says in the quote tags. Smiley

    Wikipedia has no page on him. But this website about serial killers publishes his writings:

    German ex-Muslim forumMy YouTubeList of Ex-Muslims
    Wikis: en de fr ar tr
    I'm on an indefinite break...
  • Re: Mentally ill - Sexual sadism
     Reply #29 - July 13, 2010, 07:42 PM

    Lol that's one weird website.

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
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