I didn't even want to go to university, but the only reason I went was because I knew it would've been unacceptable otherwise and my parents would've never allowed it. And since I joined I've wanted to drop out on many occasions and the only reason I didn't was because I'm on scholarship and would have to pay back every single penny. And now it's too late, and of course it's all my fault. But I told my parents very openly that I don't regret neglecting my studies and the only thing I regret is going to university in the first place.
I understand you, I had very similar thoughts about university, I hated it and I tried dropping out several times by applying for full time jobs and stuff. But take it this way, you've spent 18 years, a few more years is not going to make that much of a difference in the long run. When you finish you'll end up qualified in something, you'll have something you can lean on if everything goes bad and something that will help you become more independent, something no one can take from you. After you finish go for what ever you want. I did it and graduated and you can do it too. Your perceptions may also change in a few years time as well. Take that into account.