ah but is it feminine?
males can be called Francis, Shirley, Alex, Sam, Chris, Ashley, Beverly, Evelyn, Hilary, Jocelyn, Kelly, Meredith, Shirley, Shannon, Sharon, and Vivian.

but I don't mind harmless flirting

Hey I didn't say it was a bad thing, I like men who're in touch with their feminine side.

Oh and I know most men don't mind harmless flirting only cause it's only ever harmless for them .. not for us ..

.. I should shut up now.

"Why did you and Berbs have to come into this rant of mine man?! I had forgotten you sexy lasses felt old in the head"
Yes I'm sure you did. *wink wink*
Aha! You're a sausage! I knew this would solve my dilemma.

does say on my profile that I'm male, but hey go figure!

EDIT: I hate you. >.< It took me forever looking for these quotes I don't care now, I'm posting this shit.