You all are taunting me! Telling me I'm overreacted? Telling me I should be more understanding of others? All I've done is been a good fucking reliant friend. And when it was time to return the favor no one was there for me. That's all I came here for, to say that I hate I was used. I hate that no one understands me. So enough of your pointless advice that is making everything worse.
The only person making everything worse here is you right now. You are being extremely rude to people who are only trying to make you feel better by giving you a more rational way to look at things, rather than the irrational reaction you are having.
Who are you to tell me to log off?! I dot have to go anywhere. I'll do what I want and say what I want.
If you're getting tired of my so called DRAMA then why you sill reading my posts? Put me on ignore if I'm fucking up your oh so perfect
Again, uneccesarily rude to someone for just trying to advise you to take some time away from the pc since ALL you are doing is attacking people who are trying to help.
I could dig up posts of yours in which you say no one on the forum cares because they don't reply to you quite easily, and then compare them to these posts of yours telling everyone who does reply to them, exactly how useless their replies are.
Whatever your problem, you are wrong to take it out on us just for fucking replying to you.