but it does condemn killing one's children .... now i am so confused

Islam is much more than whatever line you can pull out of the Quran, and you know this. One or two lines of text isn’t going to balance out the total mind-rape of the religion in its purest form.
It is the school of thought in its entirety. Islam is the sum of its parts, of which the Quran is only a part. You have to take into account the stronger, deeper-rooted and overbearing parts of it - the obsession with sexuality and sins of the flesh, the contempt for women (its not a coincidence that nearly all honour killings are women), the basic principles of Islam repeated and stressed throughout on almost every page, surrender of body mind and soul, to trust in Allah, to turn to him constantly, rendering people incapable of judging according to their own concience, warping and twisting that concience anyway, to avoid, despise, hate, even punish in barbaric ways those who turn away, to demonise them, vilify them, to cut them off, to stop their infection spreading, to crush all dissent, so that glory to Allah is all that remains.
And lets not even start on what happens when Islam has a full stranglehold on a culture, so all-encompassing that you cannot tell where the religion ends and the culture begins. You cannot separate them from each other at that point. They are one and the same. Honour killing is a symptom of the millennia old misogynistic mindset so deeply rooted in the culture and dogma of zealots. This is Islam in a nutshell, in its purest form - the words of rabid and fearful men, bent on control and power. Islam is a man's world. Women either obey, or are broken down till they do or die.
Reading this stuff through the eyes of one who believes it to be true and wanting to be true is like diving for pearls in poison waters. Swallow a bit of it and you’re already part way capable of the most henious shit imaginable.