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 Topic: Is Atheism a religion?

 (Read 3800 times)
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  • Is Atheism a religion?
     OP - October 03, 2010, 06:01 PM

    yes / no , why?

    if not is it a "religious veiw" quote from Ateapotist

    "What you do not like done to yourself, do not unto others."
  • Re: Is Atheism a religion?
     Reply #1 - October 03, 2010, 06:15 PM

    It is simply not believing in a hypothesis presented by bronze age authoritarians.  Is not believing in unicorns or leprechauns a religious view point?  Where you go from there is up to you.  

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: Is Atheism a religion?
     Reply #2 - October 03, 2010, 06:20 PM

    Do I believe in the Catzilla of Planet Necron?  No.
    Does that now make me a member of an anti-catzaillaist religion? No.

    Point made.
  • Re: Is Atheism a religion?
     Reply #3 - October 03, 2010, 06:23 PM

    Yes it does! and all anti catzaillaists must die! The great Lord of Zinor commands us!

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: Is Atheism a religion?
     Reply #4 - October 03, 2010, 06:25 PM

    oh, so you're the fringe faction of the house of cats are you  finmad

    war be upon you!
  • Re: Is Atheism a religion?
     Reply #5 - October 03, 2010, 06:42 PM

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Is Atheism a religion?
     Reply #6 - October 03, 2010, 08:08 PM

    yes / no , why?

    if not is it a "religious veiw" quote from Ateapotist

    It's an implicit non-starter. You need 'belief' for religion. No belief = no religion. Job done.

    Religion is ignorance giftwrapped in lyricism.
  • Re: Is Atheism a religion?
     Reply #7 - October 03, 2010, 09:02 PM

    I agree with sojournerlumus. Most atheists I know would be pissed at you for stating atheism is a religion.

    Is your grammar defective? Just askin'.

    "The wound is the place where the Light enters you." - Rumi

  • Re: Is Atheism a religion?
     Reply #8 - October 04, 2010, 02:06 AM

    yes / no , why?

    if not is it a "religious veiw" quote from Ateapotist


    Atheists do not have a doctrine stating what they believe in. Also atheists have their own beliefs about life, science, philosophy, and exc.
  • Re: Is Atheism a religion?
     Reply #9 - October 04, 2010, 04:17 AM

    I agree with sojournerlumus. Most atheists I know would be pissed at you for stating atheism is a religion.

    I think pissed might be a strong word for it.  Mildly annoyed to be lumped in with snake charmers and sham artists would be more like it. 

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: Is Atheism a religion?
     Reply #10 - October 04, 2010, 04:52 AM

    Everybody has beliefs, you can't distinguish between atheists and religious folk on that criteria alone.

    At evening, casual flocks of pigeons make
    Ambiguous undulations as they sink,
    Downward to darkness, on extended wings. - Stevens
  • Re: Is Atheism a religion?
     Reply #11 - October 04, 2010, 05:55 AM

    Beliefs are different than faith.

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: Is Atheism a religion?
     Reply #12 - October 04, 2010, 06:00 AM

    yes / no , why?

    if not is it a "religious veiw" quote from Ateapotist

    When someone suggests atheism is a religion to me i tell them to go and look it up in a dictionary if they are not sure about what it means.

    From the chambers english dictionary

    Atheism  - disbelief in the existence of a god.

    Its a simple concept there is no need to complicate it.

  • Re: Is Atheism a religion?
     Reply #13 - October 04, 2010, 06:18 AM

    Agreed, deusvult, but the difference is one of degree and not kind. Atheists may not have a total and unquestionable faith about all of reality but beliefs are all of the same nature.

    At evening, casual flocks of pigeons make
    Ambiguous undulations as they sink,
    Downward to darkness, on extended wings. - Stevens
  • Re: Is Atheism a religion?
     Reply #14 - October 04, 2010, 07:22 AM

    Is Theism a religion?

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Is Atheism a religion?
     Reply #15 - October 04, 2010, 07:32 AM

    yes / no , why?

    Yes it is a religion.
    Its prophet "Athos" said so.
    Its holy book "Athesis" is the true word of the God "Athal".
    Athiests worship the god "Athal"....

    Athaaaalo Akbar! Athaaaalo Akbar

  • Re: Is Atheism a religion?
     Reply #16 - October 04, 2010, 05:06 PM

    Is Theism a religion?

    Yes and no.

    Yes because theism is often associated with religion and each religion has their own doctrine about their belief in a god and perform religious practices in order to worship their god.

    No because some people believe in the existence of a deity but are not part of any religion and each individual have their own philosophies.
  • Re: Is Atheism a religion?
     Reply #17 - October 04, 2010, 05:15 PM

    Wrong answer.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Is Atheism a religion?
     Reply #18 - October 04, 2010, 05:22 PM


    Wrong answer.

  • Re: Is Atheism a religion?
     Reply #19 - October 04, 2010, 05:38 PM

    Atheism is to religion like bald is to haircolor.

    nuff' said!  cool2

    "We are never deceived, we deceive ourselves." - from Goethes Faust
    "Only the wisest and the stupidest men never change." - Confuzios
    "there is no religion of peace, only people who are peaceful while being religious."
  • Re: Is Atheism a religion?
     Reply #20 - October 04, 2010, 05:46 PM

    ^^^ Post of the day!

  • Re: Is Atheism a religion?
     Reply #21 - October 04, 2010, 07:34 PM

    Atheism is a position with respect to the truth value of one proposition, namely 'God exists'. A religion is a system of beliefs inclusive of morality, spirituality, eschatology and other topics. Religions can encompass a position with respect to the truth value of the proposition 'God exists' but it implies so much more. Therefore, Atheism cannot be a religion.

    Bear in mind that Theism is not a religion either. It is a position with respect to the truth value of the proposition 'God exists' as well. Religions are generally Theistic, but they aren't equivalent notions.
  • Re: Is Atheism a religion?
     Reply #22 - October 04, 2010, 08:23 PM

    There have been, are and will be atheistic religions.
  • Re: Is Atheism a religion?
     Reply #23 - October 04, 2010, 08:34 PM

    Oh of course, I completely agree. But I do think a differentiation between the notions of Atheism/Theism and religious beliefs/ideals.
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