I think science is led by imagination and need.
Science works, its not a religion.
Science motto is "dont take anyones word for it".
Religion is led by superstition and need.
Religion doesnt work "atleast we dont know until death conquers us"
Religion motto is "Dont ask, have faith"
Usually I like to read more of the thread before I post but I'm going to start off by disagreeing with Tabun.
Study and testing out every inspired expression is a regular part of my religious life.
In most cases Tabun may be right about sciences motto but there are cases when people are ask to blindly follow the direction of so called science with very little fact to support it. Just like when "science" thought it was a good idea to vaccinate children with protein poor diets. How deep has "science' burried the mistake. There are alot of things that happen is the name of science that are not right.
True enough there are way to many who in the name of religion claim that faith is all that it takes. For way to many years people were as much as put to death if they took it upon themself to learn about what religious writings said. But men and women chanced the penalty so that today most the world has well with in thier reach what ever religious writing they choose to read.
I find the thought that we wont know if religion works until we die a though rather strange. There is so much more in my believes about life and living and when the dead will live again and when death will never conquer again. I know that obscession with death and a hell of torture is out there, I have shook head in dismay after more then a few conversations yet it takes me by surprise time and time again.
When all is said and done I'll end up saying the world we live in has many colors, shades and hues. Never has it been, nor will it ever be, just two colors black and white. I have been convenced by evidence there is a God who cares for us and created all things. I have also come to know that people can put anything even science or atheism in the center of their life to point that they make it as if it is a god to them.