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 Topic: CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed

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  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #450 - August 02, 2016, 03:28 PM

    Anything by bogart in this thread about the movie American Sniper:


    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #451 - August 08, 2016, 05:12 PM

    I dont know about UK but If we are talking about US, A black person is more likely to get harrased,beaten,arrested or even shot to death by police than whites in US.  people dont come out in solidarity movement to protest if they feel they are more targeted discriminately than any race. Saying that "All Lives Matter" would only mean two things; either you are ignorant of this issue or you are in denial. Black lives Matter does not mean they are suggessting that no one else lives matter but theirs only, its simply asking that they deserve an equal treatment and justice as the other communities do.

    "Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well."
    - Robert Louis Stevenson
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #452 - August 08, 2016, 09:34 PM

    Anything by bogart in this thread about the movie American Sniper:


    Gotta say people praising a man that thinks Iraqis are savages pushed my buttons.
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #453 - August 10, 2016, 10:09 PM

    I’m going to assume your knowledge of civil rights activism and strategy. Sit-ins and shutting down modes of transportation have a long history of actually achieving results. The inconvenience is part of the point, even if some people have to have their meetings disrupted or their morning commute delayed a bit to get the conversation going.

    I wish we did live in a world where internet forums and BBC debates were all it took to actually effect change.

    You mockingly mentioned the difference between violent and nonviolent resistance, when in reality that difference is everything.

    As I said initially, the institutionalized discrimination and marginalization of people of color is something deeply embedded in western society. There are more examples of it than I can list here right now, and I’m sure you are aware of them. It affects virtually everything that a black person is likely to encounter in the span of his or her life, from education, to hiring practices, to brutality from the police. It is reinforced and perpetuated through things like the media, through roles in movies and shows for example, influencing social expectation of what it means to “be black.”

    Even the vernacular used by many of African descent in the Americas, which is a direct legacy of centuries of slavery, is demeaned as a sign of ignorance and inferiority. The way we speak is stigmatized before our ideas are even registered!

    The BLM movement is by no means the panacea. But on the whole, their tactics of non-violent civil disobedience, protest, inclusion, and focusing on their specific principles is something I cannot be quick to dismiss.

    Of course everything is open to questioning, but eventually, looking for something to criticize without actually demonstrating how you are contributing to the goals you allegedly agree with begins to look a lot like nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking - though you are free to do just that.

    And I’ll be sure to tell you when you aren’t adding any value in hopes you'll take heed. It's my honest feedback. 

  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #454 - August 28, 2016, 06:19 PM

    And I like that video., Ideally that Russell Brand would have been great as a woman.,   Still he has time to go for that sex change ..

    Well I too inclined to accept his explanation of 9/11 ., In fact i go beyond that ., I say to start with,   it was Juicy conspiracy with juicily ideology without which 9/11 would have not happened..   

     Once  Ishina holds that rabbit in her hand it is hard to convince.,  And with  the rabbit leg in her  hand  she says .. "rabbit has only three legs and it runs faster than fox.. "  ..

    My mind runs, I can never catch it even if I get a head start.
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #455 - September 06, 2016, 08:41 PM

    The reason why you learn the negative aspects of colonization of European countries is because they are socially relevant in the developing of ideas in the country that you are in. The history you learn in class, in whatever era you went to school in, reflects the political climate of the day which is why certain topics relating to colonization are taught (like slavery as part of educating kids on discrimination and racism) while other topics are completely ignored (The Great Bengal Famine in India - The only thing that the majority of people will remember about Britain's history in India is that it built railways). History textbooks are only meant to portray an acceptable narrative of the dominate culture of the country, which is not politically controversially.

    It's funny how you think that the reason for the lack of Non-European colonial history is to paint only Europeans in a bad light and give the rest of the world a free pass. In reality, by not even exploring the history of other regions of the world it makes it seem like only Europeans have a history of a civilised world and it was the Europeans who brought civilization to those regions. This actually has a negative effect on ethnic minorities who are completely disconnected from their ancestry as it seems like it only began with colonization. It also allows people of European ancestry to see themselves and their culture as being superior when it reality it was the brutality of European colonialist which gave it an edge over other civilized regions of the world.

    It would actually be great if Non European history was taught in school textbooks, maybe then people wouldn't believe that without Europeans, Africans and Indians (american or south asian) would be savages who swing on trees or lived in tents.

    "Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well."
    - Robert Louis Stevenson
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #456 - September 06, 2016, 08:54 PM

    Great post, though there's nothing fundamentally wrong about swinging from trees or living in tents. grin12
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #457 - September 07, 2016, 11:26 AM

    For real though. Have you ever tried to swing from a tree? That is some challenging stuff! No thanks!

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #458 - September 07, 2016, 11:29 PM

    Quote from: SilentMancunian
    It that actually true? Did European countries intentionally try to create a multicultural society or did that occur by circumstance? When Britain enacted the Nationality Act in 1948 was it a welcome mat for all people from the Commonwealth to come to this country and stay or was it a open door for their distant cousins, in places like Australia, New Zealand, Rhodesia etc, to have access to Mainland Britain and encourage stronger ties between themselves and their former colonial friends? Other European countries also had policies which opened the door to people from their former colonies, but was it with the intention to create a multicultural society?

    There was encouragement for people from South Asia and the Carribean to come to Britain but there was no intention for them to stay. They were encouraged to come and work, not to stay and settle. The moment it was realised that the Government didn't have control on the numbers of people coming to the UK, as well the future plans of the people coming,  they tried to close the door on the Carribean and South Asian immigrants in 1962. This actually made it more likely for immigrants to permanently settle in the UK and it led to many South Asian men to bring their wives and children to the country. The lack of policies to integrate immigrants into British society and the racism of the 'natives' created barriers between the 'native' population and immigrants. The multicultural policies came a long time after the anti racism laws in the 60s and the immigrants buying/renting homes in some of the most run down areas in the country (there wasn't exactly much options on where they could live as private and public housing was governed by people prejudices).

    The reality is, multicultural society and multicultural policies are the result of shortsighted policies of the past in dealing with the problems of that era. The 'Live and Let Live' idiom which British people see themselves living by might give you a better answer in why multiculturalism was the preferred policy when dealing with a growing culturally diverse population.

    There was no intentional project to create a multicultural society in reaction to nationalism of the past. Britain at that time was dealing with its declining Empire and the loses occured during the war, the notion that multiculturalism was on the mind of its government when enacting the Nationality Act 1948 is absurd. A lot of what you said sounds like a conspiracy which liberals cooked up to destroy the national identity of the 'native' population.

    You seem to have the perpective of a 'native' who had multicultural policies and 'immigrants' imposed on you, while being silence by political correctness,  neglecting the fact that it was also imposed on the immigrant population as well. There are many things wrong with multicultural policies, especially when it leads to diverse groups like Muslims being grouped as one, but the way you are coming across makes it sound like immigrants have the political standing to impose the multicultural policies on the rest of society. You have also tried to make a narrative of history by trying to make the past fit into your current views of immigration and multiculturalism.

    Your arguments on 'kinship' and what belongs to the British people doesn't take into account how divided British society has always been and how little the majority of the population actually own, and have control of, in this country. If the idea of kinship was relevant then surely people from the bottom of society wouldn't be kept down by people who are at a higher position on the social ladder? Who is more likely to be accepted by the upper classes in Britain, a person who holds the same same social status but have a different ethnic background or a person of a lower social class and from the ethnic background?

    Looking at your posts, there are many things you have over simplified and if I have the time (and can be bothered) I would respond to them. I actually agree with some of what you said, but in the context of the white working class being neglected and becoming politically insignificant to the Labour Party. The way you use the term 'kinship' and talk about 'natives' is akin to a lot of the arguments in the early 20th century which were used to exclude Jews from being included in the national identity of the European countries.

  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #459 - October 16, 2016, 03:11 AM

    Very interesting ideas Wahhabist ... keep 'em coming!  Al-bayyinah is indeed very confusing, because it portrays the messenger as a classic biblical prophet with a 'book' he reads from, and yet the Qur'an often seems to treat a 'book' as a very arbitrary symbolic concept that has little relation to a physical manuscript.  So one can both come and read pages from a book, and yet one has no book.

    My pet view is that this is because the messenger is essentially a product of typological exegesis, rather than (at least initially) a historical reality.  He is a sort of abstracted picture of revelation, and in that abstracted picture the biblical prophets are given 'books' that they use.  You might say that just as the early Qur'an presents a very simplified soteriology--the truth of salvation--so it presents a very simplified revelation theology--the truth of revelation.  In doing so, it isn't trying to represent any sort of contemporary historical reality, it is trying to articulate an abstract Arabic restatement of the core truth.

    "Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well."
    - Robert Louis Stevenson
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #460 - October 19, 2016, 09:14 PM

    I'll chime in here, knowing I don't really have the time to dedicate to a worthy response.

    One thing that I think many people fail to understand - including many non-black Americans - is that BLM did NOT begin because of recent police shootings.

    We were ENSLAVED in this country for hundreds of years and literally considered to be subhuman. Our men were beaten, denied an education, and bred like cattle in order to produce the strongest offspring possible. Our women were repeatedly raped, abused, and forced to labor in houses and fields across the south for generations, and made to believe that servitude and being raped was life’s only purpose. Think the atrocities of ISIS on a systemic basis. This is not an exaggeration. (I myself am three quarters African and a quarter European. How do you think that happened?)

    Many people go on to say, "Oh, that was a thing of history. It was a long time ago. Move on." What many don't seem to realize is that even when the humans who were forced into slavery were freed, they were not given civil rights, they were not empowered, they were not considered equals by their former masters. Instead, they were marginalized, dehumanized, and often persecuted in a systemic way by their former masters who resented the fact that the war was lost.

    The best analogy I can think of right now is if all the abused migrant works in the Gulf States were suddenly told, “OK, you’re free. But you still don’t have any money, rights, or claims to citizenship. You still don’t speak our language like we do and we’re still never going to consider you as one of us. If you want to eat and survive, you have to go back to doing the same work you were doing before, under marginally better conditions. But sure, you’re free. Go be free.”

    This went on for more than a hundred years, well into a time that our parents could very easily tell us about. It’s not just a matter of history. Our families, our parents and grandparents, were born and raised only miles away from the plantations our ancestors were forced to work. It is a very real and present reality that is quite separate from the American experience you guys might have seen on TV.

    The Civil Rights movement did not come about because the South realized the error in its ways and decided to empower black people. It came about because strong-willed human beings (of both races) said "enough is enough" and began fighting the status quo. This battle was fought on multiple fronts, from the church to the courts to the streets. You’d better believe there was and still is resistance to this.

    This came in the form of deliberate sabotage of any efforts that were made by blacks to gain real empowerment and self-sufficiency. These are not just words I am typing. There are real examples of this, including examples from the very city I grew up in myself. There are live examples today of places like Alabama where there are no black appellate judges and there is a deliberate effort to keep things that way. White supremacy is not just a phrase or a hashtag.

    Just as our parents were able to tell us how bad things were back then, other parents are telling their kids how “great” things were back then, and now we hear those chants of “Make America Great Again.”

    So, back to the issue of police shootings – this is not just some new phenomenon. We have known for generations that white men can kill black men with very good chances of not being held to account. Our history is full of examples of this. From Emmett Till to Travon Martin, believe me we know what the deal is. The message is loud and clear. And it doesn’t end at shooting. More of our men are imprisoned today than were enslaved generations ago, and that’s not because we’re somehow genetically more prone to violence or criminal behavior.

    So, if you don’t understand what black people have been through in this country, that is completely comprehensible. You were never really meant to. Our stories were never really told in a way that only we could tell them. But what you are seeing right now is a generation looking to hold our society to account for the ideals and values we claim to represent. People are less afraid today. The systemic intimidation is not working the way it used to. Social media is spreading the word in a way that was never possible before. People are demanding real and actual change. It’s not new and it’s not over.

  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #461 - November 13, 2016, 11:10 PM

    Accepting the finality of my own existence is something I've come to terms with. I don't believe in life after death or reincarnation or any of that. I think that when I die, I will simply cease to be. All of existence is experienced only by virtue I am a conscious being. I am the universe experiencing itself, and when I die, the world dies with me. I'm not so special or unique that I should be provided a table at eternity. I'm a tiny insignificant bit of carbon and the universe owes me nothing.

    Think of all the people who have lived and died. Imagine them. great philosophers and scientists and emperors and soldiers and warriors and Kings. Prophets and architects and poets and revolutionaries. Rock stars and teachers and explores and scholars. Husbands and wives. Mothers and fathers. Brothers and sisters. Sons and daughters. The billions of people just like you who are lost to history. How many of their names do you know?

    Does it matter that these people are gone? They were real. They existed. They lived and loved and laughed and cried and won and lost and each and every one of them mattered. They had their time. Now we have ours. And one day the page will turn, our chapters will end and a billion new chapters of those who don't even exist yet will start, and it will say they lived and loved and laughed and cried and won and lost and each and every one of them mattered.

    I'm not afraid of a life that ultimately ends, I'm afraid of a life wasted. Life is a gift none of us asked for but all of us possess, and I don't want to be an old man on my deathbed looking regretfully on a life of missed opportunities. But nor do I think often about my own death. What's the point? When I am, death is not. When death is, I am not. What matters most are lives lived, happiness gained and legacy. I can wallow in self pity about those I loved dying or I can be grateful I had the chance to know them.

    I can look at the clock and count every second, see each tick as one more second of life gone, one second more closer to the end, or I can take advantage of the time I do have. You can live more in twenty years than others do in eighty. It's not the time that matters, it's the person. Don't dread the clock and don't worry needlessly. Years, lovers and glasses of wine. These things should never be counted.

  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #462 - November 24, 2016, 02:04 PM

    Life is a hundred times better after "leaving" Islam (does it really ever leave you?). I live my life as I see fit, and I no longer have imagined obstacles and walls put up around me (because of being a Muslim woman), interfering with my physical, mental and social well being. Of course, had I continued living more or less like I did as a Muslim, but without all the social benefits of belonging to a "big group" and all the religious and spiritual numbing, then life would pretty much suck. I decided though to change my life and have it the way I wanted it. I can do anything, I can push through and achieve all my goals. I'm gonna do and learn all the things I want to in life. It takes time, years actually, and is an ongoing process and journey. But really, it's scary to look back how I felt and how I lived three years ago and how my life is now.

    And by the way, it is really hard to find someone to relate to, because there aren't a lot of people with similar experiences as us. Sometimes you only need to find an intelligent enough person, who maybe can't relate with all parts of you, but who can at least understand or try understanding. The homogenous white middle class culture I'm currently surrounded by (force) is suffocating, and at times through and through sickening. But I go look for friends elsewhere. I've had the privilege to find two precious individuals who are very similar and at the same time very different from me. None have the same experience, but all have the same understanding. There's our common ground.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #463 - November 27, 2016, 05:29 AM

    In my teens and 20,21 I was crazy about women and sex. I use to watch porn a lot and wank.
    But I never had sex with any one.

    Now I don't like women any more. They look like another guy to me.

    My Sperms cells and semen are important to me.
    They keep me strong and healthy.

    No ejaculations a day
    Keeps the doctor away.

    "Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well."
    - Robert Louis Stevenson
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #464 - January 10, 2017, 02:41 PM

    No that is not true.
    Yeezevee always makes great points.
    He is extra ordinary writer.
    In fact he is super sexy writer.
    I have crush on him.

    Unfortunately yeezevee is not a girl.
    Otherwise I would have taken him to my home.

    My mind runs, I can never catch it even if I get a head start.
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #465 - January 30, 2017, 12:37 PM

    Actually, the Arabs did not base their slave trade primarily on race historically. As in much of the ancient world, slavery in much of the Muslim world was determined primarily by conquest, subsequently by religion, then by social status. The assigning of slave status to race is a thing that proliferated in a unique way in the Americas.

    This is a relevant point, however, because it ties to a point I made earlier in this thread when I mentioned that race relations in the Americas is an explosive topic akin to religion in the Middle East. Obviously, there are overlaps between race and religion. In the Muslim world, however, there were black kings in Mali, Turkish sultans in the Ottoman Empire, Persian shahs in the Safavid Empire, Indian kings in the Mughal Empire, etc. Race was not the primary determination of power, even if the power dynamics may have sometimes seemed or appeared to play themselves out along racial lines. Religion was.

    In America, however, the people in power were overtly and ideologically racist. It was not just a matter of “black people smell funny” or “black people eat lots of chicken, haha.” The racist ideology that supported the institutionalized subjugation of blacks held them as inherently inferior.

    And incidentally, while discussing this topic with a (former NOI) family elder of mine, I made the point last week that it is interesting that race is still an item mentioned on our ID cards here in America much in the same way that religion is still an item mentioned on ID cards in much of the Muslim World.

    To tie this back in to my reaction to you in this thread, you sound very much like a wahhabi male in Saudi Arabia complaining about the “sexism” of shia women in the country. The power dynamics at play put you in no position to make those sorts of statements, even if your feelings may have happened to be hurt by a shia girl who once said something mean to you.

    It is exactly your privilege that allows you to make that sort of statement. It’s not “romantic” involvement; it’s actual involvement. While you are able to view this topic as an abstract mental exercise using the language of mathematical equations to discuss the experience of human beings, many of us here are trying to help you understand how the matter is not quite as simple as you put it, and how your oversimplification is quite offensive given the realities on the ground.

    And I genuinely like you, TR. I respect a lot of the work you have contributed to the ex-Muslim cause and you honestly seem like a pretty cool dude to me. And I understand that this can be a difficult conversation to have, so I hope this does not come across as a personal attack. But if the world is going to start making progress beyond the havoc caused by European aggression that has existed for the past 5 centuries - aggression that was ideologically supported by overt White Supremacism on the part of the aggressors and that has directly affected the families of many of us here- then we have to stop pretending that the sentiments that many people of color have developed as a result towards “white” people – sentiments that definitely need to be overcome – are the same as the racist ideology that has allowed white people in particular to benefit socially, economically, professionally, emotionally and mentally on the backs of the rest of the world.

    Post of the year.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #466 - January 31, 2017, 07:27 AM

    I was reading:
    Embryology in the Quran: Much Ado About Nothing - A Refutation of Hamza Tzortzis' Scientific Linguistic Analysis of Chapter 23

    which I'm sure many of you might have read but I just love the part where the author beats the apologists at their own game (lexical gymnastics of Arabic to prove a miracle). Posting it for those who might have missed.

    It's pretty elegant this part:

    The Tempest Act 1, Scene 2

    “What seest thou else
    In the dark backward and abysm of time?”

    The following is a demonstration of what Hamza calls “lexical analysis” applied to the above lines from Shakespeare.  

    “The statement from Shakespeare, asks what one can see in the “dark” “backward” and “abysm” of time?  

    The word “dark” carries various meanings such as: absence of light, night, dark color, black, being hidden, invisible, absorbing more light than it reflects, ignorance, inmmoral (all definitions taken from Oxford English Dictionary).  

    The word “backward” has a myriad of meanings such as: to put or keep back, delay, retard. To send back, return, towards one’s back or the back of anything, to bend backward, fall backward, be pushed backward, to retire, towards a worse state, unwilling, slowness of conception or action (all definitions taken from Oxford English Dictionary).  

    The words “abysm” has several meanings including: great deep, bottomless chasm, infernal pit, hell, void space, a condition from which recovery is impossible, to sink in (all definitions taken from Oxford English Dictionary).  

    Scientific Interpretation:
    Upon a linguistic and scientific analysis of the Shakespearean words, the myriad of meanings of the terms in the statement corresponds to what is known today in modern astronomy. This statement is describing the existence and nature of black holes.

    The meanings of the word “dark” such as “absence of light”, “black”, “being hidden”, “invisible” “absorbing more light than it reflects” are describing the dim nature of black holes where the strength of the gravitational field would prevent even light from escaping. This characteristic causes black holes to be “hidden” from human view due to “the absence of light” i.e. the light from the black holes would not escape and reach the human eye. The term “backward” coupled with the term “dark” paints an image of either light or any other object “falling backwards” into the black hole. The term “abysm” refers to the “deep” or “bottomless” nature of black holes as well as the fact that black holes consist mostly of empty, “void space”. The term “backward” which carries the meaning of “slowness” coupled with the term “time” refers to the gravitational time dilation or the slowing down of time in the black holes. These phenomenons are described by the theoretical physicist Jim al-Khalili in the following manner;

    Page 40, “Let us consider what happens when an even bigger star, say twenty or thirty times the mass of the Sun, stops shining. Such a star will not be able to resist its own gravitational collapse. It will keep on collapsing until it has been squashed to such a density that even its own light cannot escape its gravitational pull. To someone watching from a distance the star will suddenly disappear from view. It has become a black hole”

    Page 66, “A black hole corresponds to the case when a very heavy, yet point sized, object causes the rubber (space) to be curved and stretched down into an infinitely deep cone-shaped hole. The event horizon here corresponds to a circle somewhere inside the rim of this bottomless pit beyond which there would be no escapes.”

    Page 70, “However, because of the way space and time are mixed up inside a black hole, you continue to fall at the same rate as before. It is just that your time will slow down. This is known as gravitational time dilation.”

    Page 84, “So the particles of light would not be fast enough to escape its gravitational pull. Such a star must therefore look black to the outside world. In fact, it would be invisible”

    Page 84, “Black holes, as we understand them today, comprise almost entirely of empty space! In fact they are literally holes in space, inside which the properties of space and time are completely altered.”  

    Jim Al-Khalili, (1999) Black holes, wormholes, and time machines. Institute of Physics Publishing. Philadelphia.

    William-o-akbar! Poetic ownage.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #467 - February 06, 2017, 06:27 PM

    Every god is a “pagan” god if it’s not your religion.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #468 - February 07, 2017, 03:12 PM

    Muslims flaunt the so called “Islamic Golden Age” as some sort of proof of  the unique supremacy of Islam when in fact, humans have been making scientific advancements since we first learned to make fire and use tools.

    I don’t deny that the Arabs continued and contributed to a tradition of knowledge that humanity has known since the Stone Age. But to consider this contribution as particularly inspired by religion, or indeed, because of religion, is a bit inaccurate in my opinion. For the largest empires the world had seen to not  have contributed anything to science would have been far more astounding in my opinion.

    It was not the Islamic scholars of the Arab empires that were making discoveries and advancing science; it was the scientists. And this happened in spite of Islam, not because of it. Granted, Islam contributed to the cultures in which these contributions emerged, but location, resources, and accessibility to prior knowledge were far more important.

    If the Islamic Golden Age is any proof of the supremacy of Islam, then certainly this modern and truly golden age of ours is a testament to the supremacy of secularism and the naturalistic scientific process.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #469 - February 10, 2017, 07:21 PM

    Stunning words from Sajeeb....  hello Sajeeb welcome to the DOG den..I mean god den  Cheesy .. let me rewrite your post as surah  

    Songs and Sonnets from  Sajeeb Quran

    allah is sole author
    allah is everything
    Questions are not accepted in Islam..
    knowledge is frowned upon.
    ignorance become miraculous
    blessings and blessings everywhere

    Then I started asking question,
    I found no answers.
    I asked those who were allegedly superior
    but to no avail, no one knew the answers.

    Then it happened,
    Bam  the bolt  lightning bolt
    my questions were blasphemous
    my persistence began to anger
    shouts from my friends
    and shouts from my near and dear
    All shouts...all sounds...the parrot sounds
    I have nowhere to go
    no one to ask

    So I did my research  
    same unanswered questions
    everywhere and in every faith
    And the beliefs began to disappear
    indeed they disgust me.

    And So Here I am,
    a living breathing ex-Muslim.
    I have not suffered
    nor have I been affected by my loss of faith.
    In science I have found evidence and peace,
    in religion I found doubt and hate

    That sound better and we can make it better ..  and we can also do that with Quran.. we can make it better ..better people .. better planet

    With best wishes and wish you happy new year Sajeeb

    The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
    - 32nd United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #470 - March 26, 2017, 08:49 PM

    Alright, man. You caught us. We’ve really been trying to keep this whole thing a secret, but you were just too clever a guy for us to keep the wool over your eyes for too long.

    The truth is - and please keep this to yourself now that we’ve let you in on it - we’re actually a bunch of taqiyya practicing, Mosasd funded, part-time Wahhabi Islamist half-Muslims who voted for Trump and Brexit while pretending to be liberals and colluding with the CIA in order to enforce Sharia in local preschools.

    We’re also pro-life, unless the fetus was conceived as a result of adultery. Then, of course, we’re pro-death, preferably by stoning. (We do the stonings secretly so that no one knows what we’re really all about.) We use fake stones, though, since we’re only half Muslim.

    It’s tough being half Muslim, tougher than you might think. We can only ever finish half a bacon sandwich.  (And bacon is good, as it turns out, so it’s really hard to stop once we start.) When we drink alcohol, we leave about 2.5% (nisab) of the glass unfinished and donate it to charity. And when we’re having sex outside of wedlock, we have to yell “Allahu-ak!” EACH TIME before we climax. (No “bar,” though, since that would be full Islam, and we’re not really about full Islam. And because bars are haram - unless you leave 2.5% of your drink in the glass for charity, of course. See above.)

    Anyway. Look. What I’m saying is, it’s really tough being a half Muslim. We come here to congregate together and share best practices on taqiyya usage in the modern world, (half) sharia implementation, and the best way to make it through half a day of fasting during Ramadan. (We actually kinda do do that last part. But how could you ever be sure? This whole thing might just be some sort of taqiyya Inception: taqiyya inside of taqiyya, inside of taqiyya. How will you ever know the TRUTH!!??)

    And shit! I just said "do do." Better go and make (half) wudhu now. Astaghf.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #471 - May 19, 2017, 01:16 AM

    True story from a friend of mine;
    I have this friend. She’s a good fifteen years younger than me, and we lived pretty close to each other when I was in vancouver. That was almost 4 years ago, so she was in her early twenties at the time. I remember one year, as her birthday approached, she kept bubbling on about wanting to go out to celebrate.

    “Let’s go to a bar and get drunk!” She giggled. I could recall a time when I would have been that excited about the prospect of a long night full of jagerbombs and china white shooters. I no longer felt that way.

    “Sure, it’s your birthday. Whatever you want.” I replied, supportively, concealing my inner grimace.

    The problem became worse when the big day arrived and we pulled up to a club. Not a bar. Not a pub. A club. I stood, a short, white, middle-aged mom who has a bedtime, in the middle of the dance floor. Hundreds of – let’s call them kids, ’cause that’s what they were – kids gyrated around me to some Spanish ditty no one knew the words to except the one: Gasolina! The bass was pounding so loud, I am near positive it changed the rhythm of my heartbeat. Boom, boom, boom, “Gasolina!”. I could smell who hadn’t worn deodorant that evening, and I’m pretty sure I tasted a go-go dancer’s sweat. I’d just parted with $10 for a watered down Bud Light (which was the only beer they had on tap) and I must have had a scowl on my face, because my friend noticed my discomfort.

    “Are you okay?” She mouthed at me… I think.

    “This is not a bar.” I looked at her, stoic and blinking with the strobe light, my fingers in my ears.

    “What?” She screamed, which I could only assume from the effort she put into mouthing the word.

    “This is not a bar!” I screamed back. She didn’t hear it. She dragged me to where our other friends were dancing and I mom-danced my way through the night, swearing to myself that this is the last time I go out with kids.

    Words have meanings. A bar is a dimly lit sit-down joint that serves a multitude of beers on tap and has shitty nachos and mozzarella sticks on the menu. There are usually booths and some televisions showing the latest sporting match and you can often find a pool table or a dart board around somewhere. There’s the Keno corner where the local gambling addicts get drunk waiting to win it big and there’s an abundance of dark wood and brass. There are certainly no strobe lights, no one is grinding my ass and no one is pumping their fist in the air shouting, “Gasolina!”. At a bar, I do not have to sniff anyone’s armpits nor do I have to burn a single calorie save for the dunny breaks. A bar is clearly for civilized people, while a club is more suited to gorillas in heat. Rich gorillas in heat. Words… words have fucking meanings.

    Words have meanings we all agree on so that we can understand what each other is talking about. If you change your definition of certain words, they lose meaning to everyone else. For instance, if your definition of “toddler” is “dog” and your definition of “clobber” is walk, you can understand where the confusion might come into play when you say you’re going to go clobber a toddler. You could see how your new definitions could potentially end up in a police situation, possibly with you in handcuffs and your getting to know the back of a police car intimately while your loved ones watch on in utter confusion.

    We must share our definitions of words or we’re simply not discussing the same thing. So, today, I thought I would clear up some of the words religious apologists misuse the most. We’re going to have far clearer discussions on the topics of religion if we can all use the same definitions. Here are 7 words I’ve noticed many theists misuse constantly:

    1. Theory

    You knew this one was coming. As outspoken atheists, we hear the same old mantra every day:
    Evolution is just a theory! This phrase is more played out than Donald Trump’s presidency. Here we see the theist using the colloquial version of “theory”, when the topic at hand demands the use of the scientific form of “theory”. To a theist, a theory is a guess and nothing more. However, when discussing theories in science, we’re not using that version of the word. Instead, theory means:

    A scientific theory is an explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can, in accordance with the scientific method, be repeatedly tested, using a predefined protocol of observations and experiments. Established scientific theories have withstood rigorous scrutiny and are a comprehensive form of scientific knowledge. – ref:Wikipedia.

    So, when you use the colloquial version of theory in place of the scientific definition of the word, you make quite clear that you’ve not got the slightest clue what evolution is and what evidence exists for it. Until you do, probs best not chat about it, lest you embarrass yourself further.
    Perfect, contrary to the Ass’s assertion here, has but one definition. There is no room here for subjective interpretations of the word. Sure, when we’re looking for the perfect mate or the perfect pair of shoes, the criteria required for those things to be deemed perfect is certainly subjective, but no one is claiming the shoes or the mate themselves are perfect objectively speaking. When someone asserts that the Bible is the perfect word of god, they are claiming that it is so objectively.
    A piece of writing that is objectively perfect would not need revisions, nor could it be interpreted incorrectly. It wouldn’t have any contradictions or problems within the text itself. You would not be able to debate the meaning of its contents and the introduction of a newer installment would render the first imperfect.

    Perfection means as good as is possible. If it’s the word of an omniscient, omnipotent god, what is possible has no limit. By definition, an omnipotent god has the ability to create a text that is clear, understood by all and undebatable. He has the power to record his word in such a way that there is only one possible interpretation, no matter who is reading it. An omniscient god would foresee all the updates/revisions necessary for the rest of time, and of course write the first installment of the text with all the unfolding of time in mind. If something in God’s word were to become obsolete with the passage of time, his word is imperfect.

    The Bible, we know beyond any doubt, is not perfect. It does not objectively meet the definition of perfect. Theists need to stop referring to it as such.

    3. Proof

    No, your wet dream about the virgin Mary is not proof of god. The image of Jesus appearing on your burnt toast is not proof of god. Hearing voices, perceiving answered prayers or statues crying tears of blood are not proof of god. Proof is evidence that is enough to prove something is true. Empirical evidence is required to prove something is true – that means it can undergo repetition. It must be demonstrable, falsifiable an objective. Predictions must come true no matter who is investigating. Proof is not something you feel or believe it. Proof is objective, outside of yourself and apparent to anyone with an inquisitive enough mind.

    4. Free will

    Imagine you’re heading out to the newest restaurant in town tonight. It’s getting rave reviews and everyone is going on and on about how different it is. “It’s unlike any dining experience you’ve ever had before!” they say. You’re finally going to experience it yourself but as you walk in, you’re taken aback… above every seat is a bucket of pig shit.

    “What’s with the unusual decor?” You ask your server, nervously glancing at the dangling refuse above you.

    “Here.” He hands you your menu. It’s several pages long and you thumb through it as the server continues. “Have your choice of anything on the menu, but please note that if you order anything other than the prairie oysters, your bucket of pig shit will overturn dumping porcine dung all over you and everyone around you.”

    Another patron at the table next to you leans in, points to the menu and says, “Isn’t this great? There are so many choices!”.

    This is precisely what is meant by free will when a theist says it. No, you don’t have to order prairie oysters to avoid wearing bacon turds, but you do have to worship god to avoid eternal torture. The thing about Chez Porky is that you can go home and shower and live the rest of your life without piggy poop in your hair. It’s impermanent; it’ll pass; it ends. If you choose not to worship god, your torture in a lake of fire goes on for all eternity. There is no escaping it, ever. This is not a choice anymore than prairie oysters at the shit barn is.

    5. Moral
    God has rules on how to own and treat your slaves. He has rules outlined pretty clearly about how to pay your way out of punishment for raping. He has slaughtered the entire population of earth: men, women and babies for the bad behaviour of a few. He watches every rape, every murder, every terminally ill child on earth and does nothing. Asserting that god is the ultimate source of morality is like saying Kraft Dinner is the height of culinary artistry. Unless moral means “more completely depraved than Hitler himself”, theists are using the word wrong.
    Faith is belief without evidence. Atheism is the answer “no” to “do you believe in god?”. I need no faith in the fact that I do not believe in god. I am the primary source of this information, which counts as good evidence. I know I don’t believe in god. No faith required.


    7. Atheist

    There is a huge spectrum, almost all-encompassing, of what a theist might mean when they say “atheist”. To theists, “atheist” can mean someone who asserts there is no god. It can mean someone who knows and believes in a god but is too angry at him to worship him. It could also be someone who believes in a god but doesn’t like his rules and so chooses to live outside of them. “Atheist” could be someone with faith in that which cannot be proven; it can mean science worshipper, nihilist or satanist. “Atheist”, to the theist, might mean evil, lacking a moral backbone or communist. Very rarely does a theist mean “someone who lacks a belief in a god” when they say “atheist”. It’s strange, to say the least, that to a theist “atheist” can mean pretty much anything under the sun, except for the one definition atheists use. It’s almost as if they have to make up new meanings for the word in order to be able to pick apart our position. It’s almost as if they can’t argue with “I don’t believe you, please prove it.”

    But alas, “atheist” as us atheists tend to use it ourselves, is simply lacking a belief in a god. It makes no claims, has no morality, no specific worldview. But what the fuck do we know, right? We don’t have the almighty, all-knowing creator of the universe whispering us to sleep each night, right? We’re obviously in the wrong, and we’re all Hitler-worshipping, goat-sacrificing baby-eaters who’ve waged war with Jeebus.

    Theists and atheists use different meanings for so many of the most common words that come up in conversation between us. It’s no wonder civil conversation is a rarity when discussing religious beliefs and lack thereof. We’re pretty much speaking entirely different languages. Hopefully this little list will be a good starting point for better understanding each other, though. Perhaps now the theist will understand what we mean when we use these words.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #472 - May 19, 2017, 01:35 AM

    "The hardest part is probably the hijab". This rings so true. I'm not sure a guy can understand what the hijab is for a Muslim woman, or an ex-Muslim for that matter. Even as a Muslim, the hijab can many times be a real burden and suffering. Even more so when you're no longer a believer. While I was still faking my "Muslimness", nothing was as hard for me as wearing the hijab. And I was a munaqqabah, and just the thought of not having to cover my face anymore was like a dream. While wearing the hijab/niqab, it was fully by my own will. That's why Muslim women who say they are not forced are telling the truth. It's the moment you no longer want to wear it, that you understand that your choice and free will is delusional. Even in those cases where you are "allowed" to take it off, you most often suffer from social pressure och emotional blackmail in different forms. Rarely, if ever at all, does a Muslim woman take off her hijab without any repercussions...

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #473 - June 01, 2017, 12:37 PM

    Take what you like from Islam ditch the rest. It's a flawed human religion just like all the rest. Pick and choose. Be who you are. Show love to all. Let others take you for who you are. If they can't then that's their problem.

  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #474 - June 01, 2017, 04:06 PM

    ^ *Presses the like button

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #475 - June 06, 2017, 12:24 PM

    Surat Rave-adan

    10.   And eat and take shots until ye can no longer distinguish a black thread from a white thread.

    This is a beautiful analogy
    Indicates the beauty of the Arabic language

    And miracles in the Koran

    The analogy shows the appearance of light after dark

    I consider the challenge to "bring something like it" completed.
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #476 - June 06, 2017, 12:35 PM

    Good catch ibn Bilal and akay...brilliant observation that day and night occur. This is truly an astounding miracle, something Mohammad could never have witnessed on his own.  mysmilie_977

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #477 - June 06, 2017, 03:23 PM

    Last night I ate a piece of bacon and indulged in mojitos. My firend though didn't miss the opportunity to point it out for me that it's Ramadan. Now I almost regret the bacon Grin

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #478 - June 21, 2017, 12:54 AM

    You humans are strange.

    I have no idea what to do with you, why you do what you do, or even why I should give more than an infinitesimal fraction of a fuck. And trust me, I've tried. It's pretty much fucking hopeless. At the end of the day all of us walking, feeling, shitting, pissing, fucking  robots of decaying organic matter have to interact for one another's survival. Whatever.

    yes ...yes..yes  asbie., how do we drill that into the brains of faith heads...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • CEMB Greatest Hits - posts you may have missed
     Reply #479 - June 22, 2017, 10:46 PM

    I'm the same with No Smoking signs. I see them as aesthetic nuisances.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
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