PPL like Cromwell fought against the king and church to bring what eventually led to western freedom and democracy. enlightenment wasnt something christianity chose. enlightenment was shoved down christianities throught.
Cromwell fought the king because he thought that the reformation had not gone far enough, what you have to understand by reformation here is the separation from the catholic church not a watering of christian fundamentalism.
In fact Cromwell was a religious zealot (puritanist) who promote harsh fundamentalism return to certain non catholic source some of which muslim would be delighted with: like abolishing chrismas as an originaly pagan tradition recuperated by the catholic church and the symbolism of the Virgin Mary (at Nicene) as well the destruction of all statue and images or icons...
now many people understand reformation like modernisation while it was a return to fundamentalism with less rituals advocated by Luther and Calvin (both wrote about "Justification by Faith alone"
this link is a text translated from Calvin text:
http://homepage.mac.com/shanerosenthal/reformationink/jcjustif.htmThis however has allowed the protestant Church to move away from strict rules and complex rituals.