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 Topic: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan

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  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #60 - February 19, 2011, 11:31 PM

    Huh? how are they being played?

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  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #61 - February 20, 2011, 02:43 AM

    " We need to whip up a lot of emotional anger and rally people to show political strength, how do we do that?"

    " Find a key point like a person fighting against the blasphemy laws or a symbol of America or whoever certain groups oppose and say he blasphemed, people get rilled up march protest beat their chest ect and the religious establishment gains power repeat and rinse"  

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #62 - February 20, 2011, 11:29 AM

    ''instead of realising that they have an incredibly incompetant (at best) and corrupt government the people will be too busy trying to get some Christian girl who probably never said anything to anyone killed for some stupid law that should only exist in the eleven hundreds''.
  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #63 - February 20, 2011, 12:46 PM

    Pakistan has failed to create a secular narrative or secular space or national identity in the face of decades of Islamisation. The sad truth is that the blasphemy law is a 'logical' outcome of Islamic Nationalism in many ways. And it seems to have popular support, and has become something of a lightning rod issue.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #64 - February 20, 2011, 01:05 PM

    Pakistan has failed to create a secular narrative or secular  space or national identity in the face of decades of Islamisation. The sad truth is that the blasphemy law is a 'logical' outcome of Islamic Nationalism in many ways

    I really do not understand "Secularism" in Islam dominated social structure in any country.   unless religion is made a private enterprise  of individuals without those big gatherings and speeches in Mosques by these preachers enterprise from religious books, The society can never be secular.

    Robert Frisk wrote an article on that to day at

    These are secular popular revolts – yet everyone is blaming religion

    Robert Fisk was in Cairo as the revolution took hold in Egypt, reports from Bahrain on why Islam has little to do with what is going on

    Mubarak claimed that Islamists were behind the Egyptian revolution. Ben Ali said the same in Tunisia. King Abdullah of Jordan sees a dark and sinister hand – al-Qa'ida's hand, the Muslim Brotherhood's hand, an Islamist hand – behind the civil insurrection across the Arab world. Yesterday the Bahraini authorities discovered Hizbollah's bloody hand behind the Shia uprising there. For Hizbollah, read Iran. How on earth do well-educated if singularly undemocratic men get this thing so wrong? Confronted by a series of secular explosions – Bahrain does not quite fit into this bracket – they blame radical Islam. The Shah made an identical mistake in reverse. Confronted by an obviously Islamic uprising, he blamed it on Communists.

    Bobbysocks Obama and Clinton have managed an even weirder somersault. Having originally supported the "stable" dictatorships of the Middle East – when they should have stood by the forces of democracy – they decided to support civilian calls for democracy in the Arab world at a time when the Arabs were so utterly disenchanted with the West's hypocrisy that they didn't want America on their side.

     "The Americans interfered in our country for 30 years under Mubarak, supporting his regime, arming his soldiers," an Egyptian student told me in Tahrir Square last week. "Now we would be grateful if they stopped interfering on our side." At the end of the week, I heard identical voices in Bahrain. "We are getting shot by American weapons fired by American-trained Bahraini soldiers with American-made tanks," a medical orderly told me on Friday. "And now Obama wants to be on our side?"

    The events of the past two months and the spirit of anti-regime Arab insurrection – for dignity and justice, rather than any Islamic emirate – will remain in our history books for hundreds of years. And the failure of Islam's strictest adherents will be discussed for decades. There was a special piquancy to the latest footage from al-Qa'ida yesterday, recorded before the overthrow of Mubarak, that emphasised the need for Islam to triumph in Egypt; yet a week earlier the forces of secular, nationalist, honourable Egypt, Muslim and Christian men and women, had got rid of the old man without any help from Bin Laden Inc. Even weirder was the reaction from Iran, whose supreme leader convinced himself that the Egyptian people's success was a victory for Islam. It's a sobering thought that only al-Qa'ida and Iran and their most loathed enemies, the anti-Islamist Arab dictators, believed that religion lay behind the mass rebellion of pro-democracy protesters.

    Frisk is right there..  but confusion is everywhere., Islamic societies are essentially leaderless societies , the only leadership they have comes out of Mosques.., That is unfortunate thing..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #65 - March 22, 2011, 04:04 PM

    In the Name of Religion_the Blasphemy Laws of  Pakistan
    Statistics are enough to make one shudder, but case studies reveal the even more ugly side of the picture.

    Those who claim to be the defenders of the dignity of the Prophet (PBUH) and the sanctity of the Quran are the biggest offenders of the crime they accuse others of, unashamedly spewing lies and hatred in the name of the Prophet (PBUH) and religion. A look at the numerous – in fact too many – cases of blasphemy and of defiling the Quran reveals the dynamics at work and the ulterior motives behind the framing of such cases.

    A resident of Mansehra, Nasreen had been turned out of her husband’s home by his second wife, and with no place to go, she made her way to the shrine of Data Ganj Baksh in Lahore. But something worse than homelessness awaited her. Nasreen Bibi was booked under 295-B by police officer ASI Bashir Ahmed, who accused her of burning portions of the Holy Quran. What had actually happened was revealed much later through advocate Pervez Aslam Chaudhry of the Legal Aid Centre for the Destitute who had taken up her case. When he met Nasreen in jail, she told him how the police officers had abducted her from outside the shrine, tortured and gang raped her when she had refused their advances, and to prevent her from lodging a complaint against them, falsely accused her of desecrating the Quran.

    Another woman, who turned down the advances of her neighbour, had to pay the penalty like Nasreen. Naseem Bibi, along with her two sons, was booked under 295-B and all three were put behind bars.

    Akhtar Hameed’s is one such case. Remembered as the visionary behind the Orangi Pilot Project, Hameed was framed by an ex-employee whom he had fired and sued for misappropriation. In 1989, Mubin Afzal (who had links with the Jamaat-e-Islami) retaliated to his sacking by accusing Hameed of blasphemy, presenting Hameed’s interview in Takbeer (a Jamaat-run paper), as evidence. Numerous court cases and death fatwas followed, as well as an arrest without a warrant by a captain of the Pakistan Army. A year later, Maulana Ehteshamul Haq Thanvi also filed a case against Hameed for a poem he had written, claiming Hameed had insulted the Prophet (PBUH) and Hazrat Ali.

    Niamat Ahmar, a Christian and the headmaster of a school in a district of Faisalabad, was accused by a fellow worker who wanted to move into Ahmar’s position. Ahmar became the victim of not only a false case, but also a brutal murder. In broad daylight, he was stabbed to death in the presence of many witnesses. The killer, who butchered Ahmar’s body to pieces, instantly became a hero for killing a “Christian blasphemer.”

    Sometimes, verbal accusations serve as enough ground for murder. No FIR was lodged against 22-year-old Jagdesh Kumar, who hailed from Mirpurkhas but was working in a leather garments factory in Karachi. Instead, co-workers played judge, jury and executioner and beat the young man to death over an alleged case of blasphemy.

    In 2002, Zahid Shah from Chak Jhumra was stoned to death. The charge levelled against Shah dates back to 1994, when he was booked under 295-B, on the basis of an FIR lodged against him by the village imam, who accused him of blaspheming against the Prophet (PBUH). Granted bail in 1997, he left his village and moved elsewhere. On his return to his former abode for a visit, he got into an argument with a few locals who reported the matter to the same imam who had filed the FIR against Shah. The imam responded by telling people to kill him. Four hours later, when the police arrived, Shah was already dead from the stoning

    In 2007, what began as a minor quarrel between children in the Bakhshi Park neighbourhood of Toba Tek Singh district, developed into a full-scale fight between the parents which was mediated by the elders of the neighbourhood but eventually assumed the shape of a blasphemy case. Without any investigations, one boy’s uncle, Abdul Ghaffar, with the assistance of police officials managed to slap charges against Salamat Masih and four other members of the Christian community under 295-A and 295-C.

    And it didn’t end there. Abdul Ghaffar proceeded to instigate a crowd at a seminary by telling them that Christians had desecrated the Quran and trampled on the Prophet (PBUH)’s name with shoes. Upon hearing this, a mob of 80 attacked a Christian colony near Bakhshi Park. Several residents were injured and some homes were burnt down too.

    Well when I read those real life stories.. I really don't care if some one burns some silly religious book and These religious bums must  be desensitized in every way possible..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #66 - March 22, 2011, 04:25 PM

    I say bless her for exposing the so called tolarant Sufis however, I know once she comes to the West, she would turn into another Wafa Sultan, Human rights should be protected, but I dispise people who leave one faith to join another to bash eachother

    It degrades mankinds development and brings us more into conflict.

    Why doesnt she just declare shes an Agnostic and puts two fingers up both at Islam and Christianity and the leaves the middle finger up for Judaism.

    That would be great
  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #67 - March 22, 2011, 04:30 PM

    This case fully exposes the real nature of Pakistani society.

    They are cult of Mohammad Followers.

    They are told they will go to paradise if they kill the one who insults Mohammad. What kind of peaceful religion says such a thing!

    I mean, they protest outside her prison for her to be hanged but when Taliban bomb them, they stay silent and reserved! they are cowards, they knew she is a woman with no power!
  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #68 - March 22, 2011, 04:34 PM

    Pashtun, with respect my friend. This woman is languishing in a prison cell with death threats reigning on her head from all corners of Pakistan, accused of a crime that has resulted time and time again in the victim being murdered in prison, and whose main protector, the most powerful man in the biggest province of Pakistan was shot in the back for sticking up for. His murderer was showered with flower petals BY THE LAWYERS when he appeared in court, and has become a massively popular figure amongst the masses. And you're worrying about her being compared to Wafa Sultan (as if she can be dismissed so easily) and advising her on how and what she should think and feel if she should ever be so lucky to escape from her cursed, murderous, foul predicament?

    I pray that Asia Bibi gets free and finds refuge in a safe country, and then says whatever she likes in response to her experiences. But that is precisely what will contribute to the efforts to have her murdered like an animal in an abbatoir by those who have taken it upon themselves to defend the 'honour' of Mohammad by killing peasent women and Christian boys and shooting dead liberal Muslims like Salman Taseer for defending them.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #69 - March 22, 2011, 04:37 PM

    Pakistan has failed to create a secular narrative or secular space or national identity in the face of decades of Islamisation. The sad truth is that the blasphemy law is a 'logical' outcome of Islamic Nationalism in many ways. And it seems to have popular support, and has become something of a lightning rod issue.

    How can a country be secular when it was founded by a Ideology related to Religion.
    Same with the case of Israel.
  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #70 - March 22, 2011, 04:41 PM

    Dear Billy

    I know the full story about her from day one and Have defended her even on Muslim forums.

    She was mistreated by her colleagues, she did complain in june 2009 about her colleagues refusing to take water from her because they accused her of being "Dirty" "not pure".

    I know the full extent of her misery, so rest assured, I do understand and she has my support.

  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #71 - March 22, 2011, 04:42 PM

    How can a country be secular when it was founded by a Ideology related to Religion.

    Is that a rhetorical question? Jinnah wanted a secular Pakistan, but it never really stood a chance in the face of Islamic nationalism after he died.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #72 - March 22, 2011, 04:43 PM

    Dear Billy

    I know the full story about her from day one and Have defended her even on Muslim forums.

    She was mistreated by her colleagues, she did complain in june 2009 about her colleagues refusing to take water from her because they accused her of being "Dirty" "not pure".

    I know the full extent of her misery, so rest assured, I do understand and she has my support.

    Yeah I know, you have made that clear.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #73 - March 22, 2011, 04:44 PM

    How can a country be secular when it was founded by a Ideology related to Religion.
    Same with the case of Israel.

    It can happen.  The people who fled to America on the Mayflower were motivated by religion, yet the US is a secular society.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #74 - March 22, 2011, 05:43 PM

    Jinnah was not secular

    Both Israel and Pakistan need Religion to keep its existance justified.

    In the case of Pakistan, Once Islam is out of the Question, Nationalism will rise into power, and Pakistan would crumble.
  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #75 - March 22, 2011, 05:49 PM

    Jinnah WANTED the constitution of Pakistan to be secular, but he didn't understand the forces that he had unleashed. Jinnah was the father of Pakistan, but Maududi is the Godfather of Pakistan, and the simple question that is asked 'If Pakistan was not made for Islam what was it made for' has never been answered with credibility or meaning.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #76 - March 22, 2011, 05:58 PM


    Pakistans purpose was to serve as a proxy state of the British and Americans to counter the influence of Russia/Soviets.

    India was more close to the Soviets, while Pakistan was not.

    Pakistan is dominated by Punjabis, it was made for them and the Mojjahirs from India, Pashtuns and baloch people have been subjected to servent like status and have had their resources plundered and stolen to serve one province, that being Punjab.

    Pakistans sole purpose was to secure British Interests for the future.

    Pakistan is a parasite that has infested the region and has cause more problems than Islam itself.

    Like Zia ul Haq said, take Islam away from Pakistan, there will be no Pakistan.

    Both Pakistan Army and Air Force and ISI were produced by the British, you get the hint?

    I think it should be divided, Punjab/Sindh given to India, and Balochistan is a new state and Pakhtunkhwa and Tribal region given to Afghanistan, Maybe with India's Secularism, Punjab and its Islamist networks would be neutralised.

  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #77 - March 22, 2011, 09:24 PM

    you get the hint?

    If the hint is that Pakistan was created solely because of the machinations and conspiracy of geo-politics and imperial powers, you are being overly deterministic and denying the agency and will of the parties that campaigned and bartered for a separate nation for subcontinental Muslims. They were not the afterthought - they were the genuine progenitors. If the cold war made fast and quick allies and enemies of the post colonial states it was because that was the way of the world back then, those were the faultlines in the international order. But they were not the sole determinant of why Pakistan was created.

    Respectfully, I also think your scenario for a further partition of Pakistan is flawed. Why would India want to take on board 100 million Muslims who especially in the Punjab are probably from the most volatile and violent Islamic culture on planet earth right now. India has too many problems of its own, plus it is trying to unleash its economic potential in the 21st century whilst preserving secularism. As bad as this may sound, but India is better off without those Punjabi Muslims.

    I understand that the Pashtun people that you come from have suffered a great deal both under the Pakistani state and the accelerated version of Islam that its religious nationalism has unleashed. I don't know what the answer is to that. Things seem almost beyond repair in terms of the extremism that is on the boil there.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #78 - March 22, 2011, 10:37 PM

    Goddam uneduated apes!  This really sickens me!  finmad

    As if tearing a wife and mother away from her family and killing her is supposedly 'Islamic'. 

    This case is about a serious lack of eduation amongst rural Pakistanis.  As a white American I've been there and have seen first hand how a lack of education keeps these people back in the stone age.  wacko

    It is the dumb ass poor uneducated people of Pakistan who fuck it up for the rest of us. I was there just recently trying to enjoy speed-boating and some nice sites, and every-time there would be some uneducated poor fool spoiling it for everyone. If I had it my way I would arrest them and send them to forced education camps.   
  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #79 - March 22, 2011, 10:51 PM


    Pakistans purpose was to serve as a proxy state of the British and Americans to counter the influence of Russia/Soviets.

    India was more close to the Soviets, while Pakistan was not.

    Pakistan is dominated by Punjabis, it was made for them and the Mojjahirs from India, Pashtuns and baloch people have been subjected to servent like status and have had their resources plundered and stolen to serve one province, that being Punjab.

    Pakistans sole purpose was to secure British Interests for the future.

    Pakistan is a parasite that has infested the region and has cause more problems than Islam itself.

    Like Zia ul Haq said, take Islam away from Pakistan, there will be no Pakistan.

    Both Pakistan Army and Air Force and ISI were produced by the British, you get the hint?

    I think it should be divided, Punjab/Sindh given to India, and Balochistan is a new state and Pakhtunkhwa and Tribal region given to Afghanistan, Maybe with India's Secularism, Punjab and its Islamist networks would be neutralised.

    LOL another Punjabi hater, you guys live in come coo-co land! The Pathans are more Islamic then the Arabs one token pathan is not going to save Baluchistan, it will turn into another Afghanistan. You guys live in a fantasy world. If you look into the facts the majority of the Punjabis follow Sufism the majority of Pathans follow Salafism. The pathan identity centers around Islam!     
  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #80 - March 22, 2011, 10:57 PM

    Any way I know pathan will most likely respond to the above, I will not respond we Punjabi moved away from the 'tribal mentality' some years, what needs to be realized the enemy is Islam not individual people based on their ethnicity. Its no the 7th century about tribes controlling some shitty piece of land.
  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #81 - March 22, 2011, 11:59 PM

    LOL another Punjabi hater, you guys live in come coo-co land! The Pathans are more Islamic then the Arabs one token pathan is not going to save Baluchistan, it will turn into another Afghanistan. You guys live in a fantasy world. If you look into the facts the majority of the Punjabis follow Sufism the majority of Punjabis  follow Salafism. The pathan identity centers around Islam!    

    When did you last visit Pakistan's Punjab King Tut?? and what % of minority Punjabi you think follow Salafism.??

    Would you like to know who these guys are ??

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #82 - March 23, 2011, 08:06 AM

    Wahabism is rampant in Punjab. Most of the Taliban fighters in the TTP are from Punjab. Even most of the big Talib leaders were educated in Karachi and Punjab.

  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #83 - March 23, 2011, 03:39 PM

    Imran Khan on Blaphamy Law & Asiya Bibi

    Imran KHAN , here are speaking like an  an IDIOT 

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #84 - March 23, 2011, 11:24 PM


    Do you know how many pashtuns have been head of the pak army? From what I can remember the 1st 3 Army chiefs were ALL pasthuns! Ayub Khan, Musa Khan and Yahya Khan. The creation of Pakistan did split pashtun tribes which is kinda related with the war in Afghanistan, bcoz today (unlike before) the pak state/army is trying to control the af-pak border at the behest of the Americans. And that is part of the problem! When musharraf sent the army into wana to fight taliban fighters, about 500 "islamic scholars" signed a fatwa saying the pak soldiers died aren't martyrs and that their funeral prayers cannot be read coz they're not "martyrs". This for me was a significant step in the rise of Islamic extremism in Pakistan.

    Wana fatwa:

    Two MMA components Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) and JUI-Sami had approved the decree issued by the 500 Deobandi clerics at a rally in Rawalpindi. “The tribesmen and the mujahideen are martyrs, while Pakistani troops are not because they are operating on US commands,”
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #85 - October 16, 2014, 12:35 PM

    Lahore High Court upholds blasphemy convict Asia Bibi's death penalty   Says the news from Land of Pure[/url]

    LAHORE: The Lahore High Court (LHC) on Thursday upheld the death sentence of a Christian women convicted of blasphemy four years ago, as her lawyers vowed to appeal. Asia Bibi, a mother of five, has been on death row since November 2010 after she was found guilty of making derogatory remarks about the Holy Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) during an argument with a Muslim woman.

    “A two-judge bench of the Lahore High Court dismissed the appeal of Asia Bibi but we will file an appeal in the Supreme Court of Pakistan,” her lawyer Shakir Chaudhry told AFP.

    Blasphemy is an extremely sensitive issue in Pakistan where 97 per cent of the population is Muslim and unproven claims regularly lead to mob violence. Two high-profile politicians – then Punjab governor Salmaan Taseer and minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti – were murdered in 2011 after calling for reforms to the blasphemy law and describing Bibi's trial as flawed.

    The blasphemy allegations against Bibi date back to June 2009.

    She was working in a field when she was asked to fetch water. Muslim women labourers objected, saying that as a non-Muslim she was unfit to touch the water bowl. A few days later the women went to a local cleric and put forward the blasphemy allegations. Over a dozen religious clerics — including Qari Saleem who brought forward the initial complaint against Bibi — were present at the court Thursday.

    “We will soon distribute sweets among our Muslim brothers for today's verdict, it's a victory of Islam,” Saleem told AFP outside the courtroom as the clerics congratulated each other and chanted religious slogans. Pakistan's tough blasphemy laws have attracted criticism from rights groups, who say they are frequently misused to settle personal scores.

    Lawyers who defend people accused of blasphemy — and judges seen as lenient — also risk being accused of the crime themselves and regularly face intimidation. Last month a prison guard at the notorious Adiala jail in Rawalpindi shot and wounded a 70-year-old Scottish man with a history of mental illness who is on death row for blasphemy.

    The jail also houses Mumtaz Qadri, the former bodyguard of governor Taseer who gunned him down in an Islamabad market place. He was given a death sentence but heralded by some as a hero for killing Taseer. Blasphemy carries the death penalty, though Pakistan has had a de facto moratorium on civilian hangings since 2008. Only one person has been executed since then, a soldier convicted by a court martial and hanged in November 2012.


    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #86 - October 16, 2014, 01:14 PM

    I would suggest prisoner exchange. US should offer 1 prisoner for 10(if not more) who are convicted for insulting the prophet.In that way, the government may at least have an excuse.
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #87 - October 16, 2014, 01:20 PM

    I would suggest prisoner exchange. US should offer 1 prisoner for 10(if not more) who are convicted for insulting the prophet.  In that way, the government may at least have an excuse.

    It is Pakistan problem it is NOT AMRIKA problem..

    And I would suggest to all such FUCKING GUTLESS BRAINLESS judges of Pakistan courts to resign from courts., And... and go  & clean shave some beards & baboons....  And   and clean some  shit in  Mosques ..  I am angry.. really angry
    there is an important video in the above link

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #88 - October 16, 2014, 01:34 PM

    Let me put some videos here on that case


    The man who gave his life his family his wealth and everything to save Aasia bibi life was also a Muslim..
    Rest in peace  Mr.  Salmaan Taseer That was 4 years back..,  The man murdered openly on the road.,  . the poor lady is still in jail  and Today that  fucking court announces death penalty for her fucking Blasphemy case

    20/11/10 - Governor of the Punjab Salmaan Taseer held a press conference at Sheikhupura Jail while visiting Aasia Bibi. He took with him a petition asking for clemency for the Christian woman condemned to death under the Blasphemy Law to forward to President Zardari. The Governor was accompanied by his wife Mrs. Aamna Taseer and daughter Shehrbano Taseer.
    Pakistan Governor Punjab Salman Taseer Killed in Gun fire  Jan 4, 2011

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Save Asia Bibi. The Rampant Terrorization of Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan
     Reply #89 - October 16, 2014, 01:46 PM

    It is Pakistan problem it is NOT AMRIKA problem..

    And I would suggest to all such FUCKING GUTLESS BRAINLESS judges of Pakistan courts to resign from courts., And... and go  & clean shave some beards & baboons....  And   and clean some  shit in  Mosques ..  I am angry.. really angry
    there is an important video in the above link

    Well, its a problem all over the muslim world.I was suggesting that as a short term solution.
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