Excerpts from a blog article by the Danish/Turkish chairwoman of Q-free, Elmas Berke
Hisbut-tahrir are giving a lecture this week in a community center in a suburb of Copenhagen on the woman´s role in a Western society and have advertised the fact by throwing flyers in the mailboxes of people with a Turkish/Muslim name.
She is indignant that the community center makes itself available to HuT and wonders if they would do the same for f.inst. Neonazis, anti-Muslims or a doomsday Christian sect.
In the flyer they refer to a statement made by a former integration minister :
"If you integrate a Muslim man, you integrate just him, but if you integrate a Muslim woman, you integrate the entire family."
Hut grossly abuse this sentence by calling Muslim women to this lecture about the Muslim woman´s role in the West and Denmark. In the flyer they also write, that you end up in hell if you give up your Muslim identity in favour of an infidel lifestyle. They describe WHY you land in Hell !!!???
Infidel lifestyle ?
Why don´t they fuck off to a country where there are no infidels and infidel lifestyle and spare the rest of us their eternal preaching which contributes to the rest of us with a Muslim background to be looked at with suspicion.
Muslims who just want to live in peace and quit WITH our INFIDEL neighbours.
You don´t mind receiving money from the infidels do you ? You don´t mind the comfortable lifestyle living in an infidel country gives you, do you ?
Your double standards make me puke !!!
Where are all the progressive Muslims ? Why don´t we stand together and reject these people, whose view of life, worldview and in particular their opressive view of women are so discriminating.
Why do we allow them to abuse religion in this way.
They think THEIR views of how to behave are the right ones.
They allow our differences to create division, overlooking the fact, that a house divided against itself cannot stand.
She goes on about how unity and individuality are not mutually exclusive and how differences don´t need to lead to strife nor contrast to conflict.
She wonders how a religion, which as its basis has love, can advocate discrimination and says that adherents use their faith to justify the unjustifiable and call it justice.
Leave my faith to be a question between me and God. Let me explain, defend, justify and so on, why I have done and lived as I have. I don´t need you to act as God´s spokespersons to me.
Who do you think you are ?
*I demand the right to call myself a Muslim and not wear the hijab.
*I demand the right to call myself a Muslim and be against the death penalty
*I demand the right to call myself a Muslim and be against stoning.
*I demand the right to call myself a Muslim and be against severing limbs
* I demand the right to call myself a Muslim and not categorize people as pure and impure
*I demand the right to call myself a Muslim and love my "infidel" neighbour
HISBUT-TAHRIR do not represent me and they can keep their exclusion version of Islam to themselves.
She continues, calling Hut extremist brainwashers and wonders how long we will remain silent. How we can face our children, who may very well ask us why we didn´t do something.
This is not about Muslim identity. It is about DANISH IDENTITY with a Muslim background and what is best for Denmark. This is about denouncing parallel societies and that is where religion is seconday.
http://eticha.dk/news/ ![Afro](https://www.councilofexmuslims.com/Smileys/custom/afro.gif)