Hits on several topics, expands on Milligrim & Pavlov experiments, and to an experiment on 're-orienteering' the mind of an homosexual, with very surprising results.
Using electodes probed inside the brain to excite pleasurable parts of the brain i.e. positive reinforcement with hetero porn images, the participant later actually engaged in heterosexual sex and orgasmed. He also went onto have a 10 yr relationship with a married woman, although the results were mixed as he also engaged in homosexual activities too. Only carried out once so cant reliably draw any conclusions from it, but is interesting from a mind control objective.
Very interesting documentary, how we have moved on from surgically inserting electrodes into brains, to using light & how we can alter a rats brain and its activities.
Also delves into brainwashing of American soldiers in Korea & also effects of hallucinagenic drugs like magic mushrooms