All freesoul is doing is posting up stuff from random websites, he can't even think up his own arguments. And now he's talking about Darwin's personal life & claiming he's a racist, to distract from the main point of whether or not evolution is true. Darwin wasn't a racist, but even if he were the worst person on earth, that won't have any effect on whether evolution is factual or not. Stop with your appeal to emotion fallacy.
Btw the following:
Evolutionists claim that all the living things we see today emerged spontaneously by one species turning into another. If this claim were true, the Earth would be full of intermediate form fossils linking different living species to one another. However, no intermediate form fossil has to date been encountered.
Was copied straight word to word from this page from Harun Yahya: its lying, right from the first sentence where it says:
Evolutionists claim that all the living things we see today emerged spontaneously by one species turning into another.
That's an utter lie. Evolutionists' don't say anything like that. I'll correct it:
Evolutionists claim that all the living things we see today emerged spontaneously gradually, over millions of yers by one species turning evolving through means of genetic changes, and natural selection of beneficial changes, into another.
FreeSoul, want to debate with me as well? If so, create a thread. I'd love to.