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 Topic: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'

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  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #780 - February 14, 2011, 05:51 PM

    Cause I was on self-ban before today. Gonna take a while to catch up.

    fuck you
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #781 - February 14, 2011, 05:55 PM

    Such a peaceful revolution can't happen in Syria or Bahrain because of the fact that power is held exclusively by a minority. The army officers in these countries are almost exclusively Aalawites and Sunnis (respectively) so they will never side with the protesters.

    The greatest uprising in the Arab world since the 50s was the Iraq uprising of 1991 where the anti-government forces occupied 14 of 18 provinces but they would've never been to capture Baghdad because the protesters were almost exclusively Shiites and Kurds whereas the army officers were almost exclusively Sunni Arabs.

    Although the Russian Revolution showed that splitting the military rank-and-file will work too. Of course, being on the losing end of a war with piss-poor military leadership and high levels of revolutionary organization within the ranks made that possible. Obviously this is not the case anywhere in the Arab world.

    fuck you
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #782 - February 14, 2011, 11:12 PM

    That is All Good.. good.,

    But I Hope Egyptians start learn to walk  lik e Egyptians .. Not 7th century Bedouins from Arabian desert And those who don't like to be Egyptians but Bedouins of the desert .. send them to desert..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #783 - February 15, 2011, 10:52 PM

    Breaking news - protests have started in Libya
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #784 - February 17, 2011, 09:00 PM

    poor girl

    Lara Logan Suffered 'Brutal' Sexual Assault In Egypt

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  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #785 - February 17, 2011, 09:07 PM

    I heard. Sickening and disgusting. Some reports say some were shouting "Jew, Jew" when she was assaulted.
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #786 - February 17, 2011, 09:46 PM

    I am sure she will confirm or deny when she get well again..

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  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #787 - February 18, 2011, 02:31 AM
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #788 - February 23, 2011, 04:48 AM

    I wonder about that noise is this "To Jerusalem we are heading, Martyrs in the millions " what they are shouting??

    And news says,,

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #789 - February 23, 2011, 06:57 AM


    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #790 - February 23, 2011, 02:21 PM

    Breaking the siege of Gaza is high priority for Egypt's young revolutionaries   says

    Young participants in the 25th January Egyptian revolution have told the Palestine Information Centre that Egypt has been freed from a tyrannical regime and breaking the siege of Gaza is high on their list of priorities. Ousting Hosni Mubarak was difficult, they said, but it was just the beginning of the revolution, not the end. In Tahrir Square, they added, all sections of Egyptian society were united, including Muslims and Christians; leftists and members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Ahmed Bahaauddin Shaaban, one of the founders of the Egyptian Movement for Change (Kifaya), told the PIC, "We took part in a real battle pitting the Egyptian people against the corrupt regime, which was heavily entrenched. However, the Egyptian people were able to uproot it." The people of Egypt have taken one step on a long road, said Shaaban, by overthrowing a dictator and his oppressive regime. "However, we still have a lot to do. We have a programme for democracy, social reform, and the creation of a modern, developed state. We have shaken the regime, as can be seen clearly in the fall of its corrupt symbols."
    Arab issues are at the top of the revolution's priorities, stressed Shaaban, and the people of the Gaza Strip are delighted by its success because they also suffered at the hands of Mubarak's regime. "The people of Gaza will feel the effects of the revolution because the siege of Gaza will end and the kinship between the people of Egypt and Palestine will be restored."

    Amr Ibrahim, another of the young leaders of the revolution and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood chipped in: "The most important characteristic of this revolution was that it was impossible to tell people apart on the basis of which political movement they belonged to. Everyone in Tahrir Square was there under the banner 'I am an Egyptian'. You couldn't tell who was a leftist and who was a Muslim Brother, or who was a Christian and who was a Muslim."

    According to Mr. Ibrahim, the youth of the Muslim Brotherhood were involved in the revolution from its beginning on the 25th January having asked for permission from the movement's leaders. As the demonstrations increased in intensity and the occupation of Tahrir Square by the demonstrators grew, instructions were given by the leadership of the Brotherhood to their younger members to enter Tahrir Square in great numbers. In the end, claimed Ibrahim, Muslim Brotherhood youth members made up between 40 and 50% of the demonstrators.

    With regards to lifting the siege of Gaza, Maher said that the issue cannot be ignored. It is, he stressed, one of the demands of the revolution: "Pressure exerted by the revolutionaries as well as Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi's call to end the siege has obliged the army to fulfil this demand." It is time to end the suffering of the people of Gaza, he said. This, ended Maher, has made the government in Israel "fearful" of Egyptian youth. "If young Egyptians demonstrated on the borders of occupied Palestine," he grinned, "I wouldn't rule out the Zionists packing up and leaving."

    yes.. Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi good man., he will be a very good leader to Brothelhood and may be if he becomes leader of Egypt in these difficult situations then the country  need to split in to couple of nations..

    Off course all the above stuff is from Juice..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #791 - February 24, 2011, 10:21 AM

    Since Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak resigned in the face of widespread demonstrations, attention has shifted to what comes next.

    Indonesia, not Iran, holds lessons for Egypt

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  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #792 - April 01, 2011, 09:31 AM

    no.. not all Muslim are towelheads Arab-Wannabe., but your head certainly has towel and it appears that is made up of iron..

    fuck you yeezevee

  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #793 - November 22, 2011, 04:36 PM

    its back

    pump to this thread

    yesterday 10 dead and idk some hundred number injured

    people are stacking back at tahrir square and its just insane over there right now and in alexandria, suez and ismaliya

    going to the protests next friday because its a million strong protest again

    might even travel to cairo and do it over there

    [13:36] <Fimbles> anything above 7 inches
    [13:37] <Fimbles> is wacko
    [13:37] <Fimbles> see
    [13:37] <Fimbles> you think i'd enjoy anything above 7 inches up my arse?
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #794 - November 22, 2011, 04:36 PM

    oh also right now its more of like army and police vs people

    [13:36] <Fimbles> anything above 7 inches
    [13:37] <Fimbles> is wacko
    [13:37] <Fimbles> see
    [13:37] <Fimbles> you think i'd enjoy anything above 7 inches up my arse?
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #795 - November 22, 2011, 05:41 PM

    Use new tactics. Hand out burgers to your enemies, it always works.

    Before Jesus was, I AM.
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #796 - November 23, 2011, 03:55 AM

    its back

    pump to this thread

    yesterday 10 dead and idk some hundred number injured

    people are stacking back at tahrir square and its just insane over there right now and in alexandria, suez and ismaliya

    going to the protests next friday because its a million strong protest again

    might even travel to cairo and do it over there

    Kod don't go in to the center of the crowd.. stay on sides if needed you can run in to some streets But I am not going the blame the BROTHELHOOD for what happening in Egypt now after Mubarak fall

    The Problem now is   this fool and his handpicked so-called generals

    Mohamed Hussein Tantawi Soliman   born October 31, 1935) is an Egyptian Field Marshal . He is the commander-in-chief of the Egyptian Armed Forces  and since February 11, 2011, he has been simultaneously the Minister of Defense, and Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, the de facto head of state of Egypt. Tantawi has served in the government as Minister of Defense and Military Production since 1991 and was also Deputy Prime Minister in January&#8211;February 2011.

    On May 20, 1991, following the dismissal of Lt. General Youssef Sabri Abu Taleb,  Tantawi was appointed as Minister of Defense and Military Production and commander-in-chief of the Egyptian Armed Forces. He was also appointed as Field Marshal. It is believed that Tantawi would have succeeded Mubarak as president of Egypt, had the assassination attempt in June 1995 been successful.  Early in 2011, Tantawi was seen as a possible contender for the Egyptian presidency

     he is in the center of Egyptian power house for the past 20 years..  and he still wants play politics.. Resign and retire dammit..

    Let people go foe elections..

    That picture is from Cairo's landmark Tahrir Square on the fourth day of clashes with security forces on November 22, 2011,

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #797 - November 23, 2011, 04:03 AM

    I don't understand any of this.

    To me it makes just as much sense as this:

    Before Jesus was, I AM.
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #798 - November 23, 2011, 01:34 PM

    holyshit this is some intense shit right now lol

    snipers and tear gas everywhere

    watch this

    [13:36] <Fimbles> anything above 7 inches
    [13:37] <Fimbles> is wacko
    [13:37] <Fimbles> see
    [13:37] <Fimbles> you think i'd enjoy anything above 7 inches up my arse?
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #799 - November 23, 2011, 05:10 PM

     ohmy ohmy   I'm leaving tonight for a month in Egypt.   Was planning to visit Cairo but looks like that won't be on the cards now,  I'll stick to Sharm el Sheikh instead.   wacko

    "The greatest general is not the one who can take the most cities or spill the most blood. The greatest general is the one who can take Heaven and Earth without waging the battle." ~ Sun Tzu

  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #800 - November 24, 2011, 12:57 PM

    Ok so i went to the protests today and that was quiet an experience

    Around 7 pm was the time i went out with a couple of friends, then we decided to go to the northern area first which is like one of the army places in Alexandria. After we got out and started walking over there for like half a mile there was like 200 people standing there or something and that wasn't much so we decided that we are going to go to the place where all the action is which is like a big version of a police station. and we started walking over there for like 2 miles and as soon as we reached there we couldn't really go inside because we had some disputes first wither we should go in or not as one of my friends chickened out.

    Later we were standing and all of a sudden we see like this tremendous increase in injured people from tear gas etc which lead us to go inside in a road that is closer to the police station more, as we went in deeper, the smell off tear gas became more stronger and the more you see injured people being lifted by people. We decided to go in but then suddenly this guy appeared and said please don't fight the police and army, make it a peaceful protest and stand in this specific garden which is like 1 mile away from the police station. we went outside and stood by the people there for like 1 hour just lifting injured people from tear gas and bullets * yes bullets * and chanting like drop the army and peaceful and all that stuff then out of no where we hear the bullets sound gets closer as we see tear gas canisters flying next to us literally with the size of a pepsi can. everyone started running because no one saw that coming of course with a lot of coughing involved and teary eyes, i still have a headache from all the tear gas i smelled.
    now shit got serious and everyone went back to that garden we were standing in after running and now the amount of injured people got more and more if i had to guess i would say u see around 2-3  people getting lifted by people or motorcycles or vans every minute because they are completely unconscious. I literally saw someone almost dying in my hand he got hit by too much tear gas that he was suffocating and he had a seizure while we me and my friend lifted him to the road clinics because on every like side road there is a clinic made of people that are there to fix the wounds etc. then then they said no this guy needs to go to the hospital. so we just took him and and ran in the middle of the road to drop him to the ambulance.

    Few minutes later we were having a discussion with people about policies and running groups etc and all of a sudden now we saw like 4 tear gas coming toward us again and the bullets became louder and louder. we ran again a little bit since no one was prepared for the tear gas and this time tear gas is a little more stronger than the last ones, military grade tear gas... and now a lot more injured people i could say 6-7 people get lifted per minute by people in the garden or square or whatever u wanna call it.

    then we saw a truck full of stones coming, i'm not sure who send it but i think it was for construction or something, anyways all of us just ran behind it and  told him to unload the stones so we can use them. and he did that, everyone cheered and stuff then we started to set up the road so cars don't come in and we started getting ready and mark the more dangerous territories because some people just come to stay on the outside others go deeper etc and they are all protesters no one can doubt that so my friends and I went inside and stood there for like an hour with the deeper crowed as some protesters burned down a car i think it was a jail car that was empty to make a statement to the police and army that are shooting us. little later they thrown more tear gas at us and this time closer range, that fucked me up and my friends because again we didn't have any preparations for the tear gas as then we decided to head out because it was 2 am and said we would come back tomorrow with more preparation.

    my 2 cents are army and police are a bunch of lying assholes as they go on tv and say nothing happened and no tear gas or bullets from us only sound gun  which is untrue as i got hit by tear gas and i saw someone shot.
    most of the people are actually protesting none violence yet we get tear gassed so don't believe any news that say that we start fighting because we don't.

    in a couple of hours i'm heading over there again hopefully this time its better

    [13:36] <Fimbles> anything above 7 inches
    [13:37] <Fimbles> is wacko
    [13:37] <Fimbles> see
    [13:37] <Fimbles> you think i'd enjoy anything above 7 inches up my arse?
  • Re: Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #801 - November 30, 2011, 01:02 PM

    Muslim Brotherhood claim lead in Egypt vote count says news

    The Muslim Brotherhood, a group persecuted and banned during the 30-year rule of veteran president Hosni Mubarak who was overthrown in February, said their new Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) was ahead in preliminary results.

    “From the start of the voting process until now, preliminary results show the Freedom and Justice party list ahead,” a statement from the group said, without giving figures.

    In a surprise trend that would alarm secular liberals and the country’s minority Christian community, the FJP also claimed that hard-line Muslim Brotherhood who follow the strict Salafi brand of Islam were in second position.

    On Monday and Tuesday, millions of Egyptians embraced their new democratic freedoms, filing into polling stations in the capital Cairo and second-city Alexandria for the first phase of multi-stage parliamentary elections.

    The results to be published on Wednesday only cover those areas that voted – a third of constituencies – but they will show the trends likely to shape a country that has not had a free election in 60 years.

    The Muslim Brotherhood, a group at pains to stress its religious tolerance during campaigning, earned respect and recognition among many Egyptians for its opposition to Mubarak and its charitable work.  

    I say and support them to form government, at the same time I want freedom of expression and question their policies and they must protect my freedom to question them..  read i all at the link..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #802 - July 11, 2015, 05:10 AM

    Omar Sharif ...........Omar Sharif ........Omar Sharif
    I am just curious here ., I haven't heard anything from Omar Sharif , Did you guys read/hear anything from him

    (Clicky for piccy!)

    on Egyptian Revolution??  Funny That guy is missing ., Is he still under fear that Al-Qaida trying to kill &#160;him?? common that was 6 years back.. there are only few rats left in Caves between PAK/Afghan border . I would like to hear few words from him on this political Tsunami sweeping across so-called Arab Lands..

    ah! ha! .. here is what he said..  some how I missed that..

    Omar Sharif says Mubarak fears humiliation – Feb 1, 2011

    (Clicky for piccy!)
    Egyptian film actor Omar Sharif supports talk of democracy in Egypt
    What humiliation.. Leaving political filthy power and becoming a good citizen of his country to help the country  is humiliation??  There is no humiliation in that. It is just that social system generates power hungry rascals.. they start good and go  south..

    well that is what I wrote some 4 years ago.. and today's news says   Actor Omar Sharif, star of Doctor Zhivago, dies

    Lot of water went down the Nile  and Egypt is going back to 7th century . He was wonderful actor ., neither west nor east could use his talent to its fullest extent..

    doctor Zhivago   was 83 year old.. rest in Peace Omar...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #803 - July 11, 2015, 07:22 PM

  • Egypt protests: Three reported dead in 'day of revolt'
     Reply #804 - July 12, 2015, 01:42 PM

    RIP. He never married old mother Cry (a joke that only Algerians would get, I'm afraid)

    He's no friend to the friendless
    And he's the mother of grief
    There's only sorrow for tomorrow
    Surely life is too brief
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