Reinstating the picture thread to the lounge
OP - January 25, 2011, 08:56 PM
We used to have a "Post a picture of yourself" thread in The Lounge. This was hidden when an idiot troll started taking some people's pictures from the thread and posting them on his blog, along with personal details that he had apparently found by trawling other sites.
Some people have asked privately if the thread can be reinstated, as it does add to the social aspect of the forum. We're not opposed to doing this, but before we do it feel we have to make it clear that anything posted in that thread, or in any thread in The Lounge, is publicly viewable to anyone anywhere in the world. Therefore, members have to consider the possibilty that anything they post in such threads may be used to stalk them if someone obsessive happens to be checking the thread.
In the words of our Most Esteemed Registration Agreement: "If you are about to post anything that may possibly compromise your safety, think twice. It is your responsibility."
If the thread is reinstated we will edit a warning to this effect into the OP of the thread, and probably add it after the current last post for good measure.
If anyone wishes to comment on the wisdom or otherwise of reinstating the "Post a picture of yourself" thread to its former residence in The Lounge, please comment away.
If anyone posted something in that thread that, in retrospect, they would like removed before the thread is reinstated please either request the edit here or PM one of the staff.
Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West.