The fact that such things are common says a lot about pathology of mainstream Islam.
But I am not sure if you realize that Tariq Ramadan is hailed as Martin Luther King of Islam, a great reformer (who btw cannot even summon enough moral fibre to condemn stoning and such), a brilliant Islamic intellectual etc.
If you read Ramadan's book, "How to be a European Muslim" there is not a single mention of enemies of Islam to my recollection. It is all about the Dar ul Dawah and nothing about wars, conflict. The guy is a self-styled reformer who is a walking example of why Islamic reformation is such a futile idea. His most "radical" idea was to call for a
moratorium on huddud punishments in Muslim countries
until an Islamic state was properly established, he has never called for the relaxation or removal of huddud punishments. Even that caused an outcry in the Muslim world, everyone got their panties in a bunch over it. If that is the shining pinnacle of Islamic reformation then I'll pass.
Indeed, there is no reason to suppose that such things WOULDN'T be routinely said in the average mosque, since they represent core IslamIC and not just "IslamIST" ideas.
I have to agree. These ideas are, in my opinion, embedded in Islam, it's just that most Muslims ignore them therefore the term Islamist has been coined to describe those who are going back to the roots of Islam.