Mohammad the hypocrite
OP - February 24, 2011, 01:29 PM
So I've been thInking lately about mohammad and what he actually did in Arabia and come to the conclusion he was a dick. Mecca use to be a place were all religions came in peace to worship their respective gods. There was a peace treaty that prevented violence in and around the kabbah. But Mohammad could not tolerate this peaceful coexistence so he eventually destroyed all the other peoples religions symbols and statues. I love how Muslims say there is no compulsion in religion or that Islam respects all faiths. But I guess that's only when they don't have the upper hand and it's not a polytheistic religion.
Also I find it funny that Muslims complain how the Arabs of mohammads times were so savage and uncivilized that they tried to murder Mohammad for speaking out against the religions of his forefathers. But people like us are doing the same but we are presented with the same threats. But we are in actuality acting out a sunnah of the prophet by blaspheming haha. But Mohammad is a hypocrite for persecution people who do the same thing he did by speaking out against the outdated and immoral practices of his friends and family.