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 Topic: Feeling down

 (Read 4911 times)
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  • Feeling down
     OP - February 28, 2011, 01:24 AM

    I'm very glad I came upon this site but reading some of your stories seems to be triggering some old feelings and is really depressing me out. I think to the real hard times I had being all alone and so afraid and I just feel like sitting alone and crying. I just realized that although I have made progress in my life I still feel alone I feel isolated and I don't want to live like this. I'm so tired of feeling this way and having to hide my true self :( I'm sick of uneducated idiots try and debate or argue with me laugh like they have it all figured out those idiotic smug fuckers. I just don't want to have to always fight about my views. I'm just feeling overwhelmed with this bullshit that I'm constantly dealing with. I get it from almost every aspect of my life and I can't keep this up. I lost out on a great relationship with a girl I really liked because of the religion thing and I have no relationship with my father anymore because of it besides the occasional yelling session. My mom just cries when she tries to talk to me about this stuff which makes me feel like shit and my sisters told me they prefer not asking questions and are perfectly happy this way. I have few outlets and just feel so alone lately :( I just dint know what I can do anymore to get out of this funk. Ive dealt with it for years but I can't hide the pain and sadness I've masked for so many years :( I'm just emotionally exhausted.
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #1 - February 28, 2011, 01:37 AM

    Time is relative. I think Einstein proved it. When we hurt a minute feels like eternity. However, without rain it would be hard to appreciate sunshine. I think a lot of people who never went through hardships in their lives later end up depressed. Your hardships will only make your experiences richer. I don't know if there's a way to improve your relationship with family at least temporarily. But if there is anything, whatever you can do - I would do it. If it doesn't work then remember that your hardships are temporary. About your relationship - there's a really really annoying song by a really really annoying band whose name I wont mention, but it says something like "others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars, pointing me on my way to you".

    "That it is indeed the speech of an illustrious messenger" (The Koran 69:40)
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #2 - February 28, 2011, 12:26 PM

    "others who broke my heart, they were like northern stars, pointing me on my way to you".

    That would be Rascall Flatts (I love that song <3 and hes a great singer!:D)

    && SuperMario, its times like these that you should stay strong.
    It may seem like you can't handle it right now, but you can.
    You have been strong enough to go go through it, and you will be strong enough to get out of it.
    Insteadof thinking about all the negative things (we, as humans, have the tendancy to do that), look at the good things to come.
    Going through this struggle will make you stronger in the end.
    Through this struggle you will be able to open doors for the generation to come after you.
    Going through this struggle will allow you to really appreciate the life you have later on.
    You will one day be able to live free, and you will thank this struggle becausei t has made you stronger.

    For the family problem, I suggest you take it one day at a time.
    Try not to get too emotional around them, avoid any future arguements.
    If arguements do occur, just end it with "You believe what you believe, and ii respect that, but please respect my views", or something along that line that would just hold off the arguements.

    && lastly, its okay to feel sad when going through something like this.
    Its oaky to cry and vent as well.
    If anything, we are here to hear you vent, and get you through this because a lot of us have been through it ourselves.

    All will be good in the end Smiley
    Stay strong!
     far away hug
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #3 - March 01, 2011, 12:14 AM

    thanks for the kind words and support things have progressed a bit in a negative direction partly my own doing :s Ive been posting some videos from here on my wall on facebook and its created a lot of problems but im tired of lying and hiding but now my extended family is all pissed at me and say that im alienating them and they are all calling my parents and telling them all this shit and my parents are calling me all upset and shit. I cant be who i want to be because my family is coercing me to stir the pot. Im just so sick of having to deal with this bullshit. :/ And one of my close cousins has been attacking me relentlessly because his panties are all in a bunch because i said somethings that hit a little to close to home for comfort about mohammad and him wedding ayesha and having sex with slaves and multiplewives and other stuff. Fuck ive really made a mess :/ and its like im being pressured to just pretend i believe to make everyone else feel better about their own beliefs. FUCK! I wish I could just disappear :(
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #4 - March 01, 2011, 12:45 AM

    We've all been through that and are still going through it.
    I had to create another facebook page where I blocked off EVERONE one that might know me, or might know someone that might know me (it was a hell of a long list lol). The people that I added are those I truly trusted or those that share the same beliefs.
    I would have pics up there with me without my hijab (except only a side would show or lik half my face cuz im still a bit cautious)
    I have muslims friends up there, and I also have my sisters, so ii refrain from posting up stuff that would offend them.
    I still post things up there that get people thinking, but nothing that I think would hurt my sisters.
    SO even with the new fb im still llimited to what I do.
    It would b nice to be able to express myself on my own facebook tho lol
    Suggestion: create another facebook page just for peolpe that you can trust, or those that would not attack you.

    & a lot of us feel the same pressure.
    At times it overwhelms us.
    I really hate it when extended family butts into EVERYTHING damn thing that has nothign to do with them.
    But since Muslim families (or arabic or indo-paki families), are homogeneous, 1 thing that someone does can affect the whole family.
    This is what stops a lot of people from doing something- the whole family thing.

    I dont know how old you are or if ur still financially dependent on ur family
    If so, try to gain independence and be able to move out.
    That way your not always surrounded by people who can rat you out.

  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #5 - March 01, 2011, 02:21 AM

    Well I had a chat with my sister and her husband and now I think I may have agreed to sit and talk to someone fml but I can't do otherwise or I'm afraid my bro in law won't let me see my niece and nephew and they are the only things that give me comfort in this world :( and hopefully it will make my parents feel better but I really don't want to do this it's such a waste of time. But whatever maybe I'll convert him haha.
    And in responce to your question I'm old enough I'm 28 I should be living on my own but student loans and debt from studying away from home keep me at home longer :( but I'm working hopefully I can move out next year but I'm still in a bind because living away from home dosnt solve my problem because my family is an important part of my life I dont want to cut them out completely but apparently I'm alienating my family even though they have comPletly alienated me by showing me that their love for me is conditional. :( <\3
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #6 - March 01, 2011, 04:47 AM

    You need to strengthen up buddy if you want respect for your position.  Scan through the blog in my sig if you need any pointers for your discussion.

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #7 - March 01, 2011, 08:00 AM

    thanks for the kind words and support things have progressed a bit in a negative direction partly my own doing :s Ive been posting some videos from here on my wall on facebook and its created a lot of problems but im tired of lying and hiding but now my extended family is all pissed at me and say that im alienating them and they are all calling my parents and telling them all this shit and my parents are calling me all upset and shit. I cant be who i want to be because my family is coercing me to stir the pot. Im just so sick of having to deal with this bullshit. :/ And one of my close cousins has been attacking me relentlessly because his panties are all in a bunch because i said somethings that hit a little to close to home for comfort about mohammad and him wedding ayesha and having sex with slaves and multiplewives and other stuff. Fuck ive really made a mess :/ and its like im being pressured to just pretend i believe to make everyone else feel better about their own beliefs. FUCK! I wish I could just disappear :(

    Don't do things like that! You're just asking for trouble. I know it sucks having to lie and hide constantly but if you want things to be easier for yourself then don't broadcast stuff like that on youtube. Your family will feel threatened and alienated by you. If you want to keep good ties with your family (like you said you'd would) then you need to learn to grit your teeth and keep criticisms of Islam to a minimum so as not to offend them.

    Try not to do anything to provoke your family to become upset with you and let them get used to your apostasy. This situation is not easy for either of you and you need to be sensitive towards them.

    Of course if they want a discussion on Islam then feel free to criticise it. However try not to start these discussions yourself if you feel they may get offended or upset. You need to work on maintaining good ties with them. It wont be easy however. There's no easy answer to this situation. I wish you the best of luck however.
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #8 - March 01, 2011, 07:01 PM

    I posted an apology on my fb to try and settle the problem but I know it's gonna blow up once I get back home I'm flying home tonight :/
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #9 - March 02, 2011, 02:56 AM

    Got home and I was confronted but it wasn't what I expected. My parents surprised me they said they dint care what others say or think they are more concerned about my happiness. They asked what's wrong how I'm feeling emotionally cuz they know I'm hurting. And after a lot if tears and them asking I told them something about myself I never told anyone bot even my friends and I've carried this for so long. I told them about my depression that I've had for as ling as I can remember and that I hate my life and that I'm always sad I feel empty and alone and that I don't want to feel like this anymore and that i don't like that I don't open up to anyone. I don't like how my affect is so flat and how I've felt like this for as long as I remember. And they said eff everyone else they want me to be happy my dad even hugged me and he's a man who rarely. Shows affection he even blamed himself but I reassured him it wasn't his fault. I love my parents and I'm glad they are understanding but also this came outta left field haha.
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #10 - March 02, 2011, 03:35 AM

    This is a good sign, they sound reasonable to me.
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #11 - March 02, 2011, 04:30 AM

    Got home and I was confronted but it wasn't what I expected. My parents surprised me they said they dint care what others say or think they are more concerned about my happiness. They asked what's wrong how I'm feeling emotionally cuz they know I'm hurting. And after a lot if tears and them asking I told them something about myself I never told anyone bot even my friends and I've carried this for so long. I told them about my depression that I've had for as ling as I can remember and that I hate my life and that I'm always sad I feel empty and alone and that I don't want to feel like this anymore and that i don't like that I don't open up to anyone. I don't like how my affect is so flat and how I've felt like this for as long as I remember. And they said eff everyone else they want me to be happy my dad even hugged me and he's a man who rarely. Shows affection he even blamed himself but I reassured him it wasn't his fault. I love my parents and I'm glad they are understanding but also this came outta left field haha.

    Wow - certainly didnt expect that positive result.  Nice one  Afro

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #12 - March 02, 2011, 07:43 AM

    Nice one superomario Afro
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #13 - March 05, 2011, 06:22 PM

    @ superomario

    We have similar problems, unlike you i have not told anyone about leaving Islam. I am depressed, i'm also in my twenties as well. Uni debts & unemployment is what keeps me at home. Once i get a job i can move out leaving behind this madness.

    Through Logic, truth can be ascertained.
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #14 - March 05, 2011, 08:33 PM

    I don't think that the advice I'm about to give you is very good, but I found that being a closet atheist is the solution. Tell no one about it. Views on religion are for your own self and you alone.

    When asked, well, unfortunately, you gotta lie.

    I even got to the point when I have to pray Friday prayers just to shut people up...

    People can be so close minded about religion  finmad

    I'm open for debate (of why we should re-/embrace Islam), but I will no longer participate in this forum. Message me if you need anything. Good luck and may you all find your way... again...
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #15 - March 05, 2011, 08:42 PM

    There are ways to be a doubter in just about any religion while still being within the "boundaries" of what is acceptable.  There have always been doubters, some even well respected, in every religion who secretly knew it was bullshit  grin12

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #16 - March 06, 2011, 01:58 PM

    Yea sometimes I think it would he easier to just go with the flow but I dont want to do that. But my parents and sisters keep pressuring me. My mom was like even if u don't believe would it kill you to just stand in prayer out of respect for your family and ur parents? What do I say to that? They basically want me to shut up believe what I want but don't rock the boat.
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #17 - March 08, 2011, 08:00 PM

    I'm being forced to go talk to an imam right now wish me luck.
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #18 - March 08, 2011, 08:28 PM

    Good luck. If it goes south, just tell him there's a hoorie behind him and run for the door.
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #19 - March 09, 2011, 03:12 AM

    Well it went as good as can be considered if I was a weaker person I may have actually been swayed he was pretty intelligent in certain regards but completely ignorant in others. What I knew was I was gonna be unable to argue Quran and Islamic stuff because he has more knowledge and more well read in it than I am and for another person he nay have even adequately answered my criticism of slavery and islam, the issue of Ayesha and her age, polygamy, and other things within the religion itself. But the areas where he faultered was explaining how Adam and eve had children and how their children had children without committing incest which he could not explain except some retarded explanation of how they had two sets of twins and the opposite sets had children but claimed that wasn't incest. Also any area regarding science was an area I had him on the ropes and his answers were weak or outright dishonest. So I questioned him on how people supposedly lived for hundreds of years when we know that's not possible the supposed ability to bring back people from the dead and anything else that contradicts science or the laws of nature/physics. So for anyone else having to talk to someone because if their family stay away from actual stuff from the religion because they can justify anything. And most likely their knowledge will be greater than yours so they will be able to bully u with statements that u can't confirm or deny. Argue more on the existence of god, the science is their weak spot, and areas where they aren't able to rationalize or do fancy word play to confuse you. Also don't allow them to use analogies from the beginning I told him analogies dont mean shit and over simplify situations so stick to actual examples so they lose a huge area of their anecdotes.
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #20 - March 09, 2011, 04:22 AM

    Out of curiosity what was his justification for slavery in Islam, the issue of Ayesha and her age, polygamy etc. I have a hard time believing how you can rationalizing that, when it's written write there. I
     love this thread, a looong laundry list of unethical/questionable hadiths..

    Make sure you ask him about each one.

    [Warning Rant Ahead]

    This is my opinion from a Ex-Christian perspective, now agnostic/atheist/ something
    You see this is mind trick they used on Christians a long time ago in the Catholic Church, the higher up priests whatever, make it seem like they are the only people with the brains to understand Holy Scripture because they are chosen by God, or whatever bullshit. Well guess what it's the 21st century, we have translations of these 'Holy' text in OUR own languages which we can understand, most of us can actually read and write, and we have the internet with plenty of resources. I hate it when these stupid priests/imams/rabbis whoever makes it seem like people can never understand. The only thing these higher ups in religious groups know how to do well is sweet talk people. They sweet talk the people they think they can lure in, telling them what they want to here and then damn the rest of us who don't buy into their bullshit. I don't know your Imam I mean he could just be a nice guy, but still I hold true that the majority are hyprocrites. They also never give straight answers always so looong round about response, they can never believe in real science, they would still be thinking the world was flat and the sun was revolving around the earth, if someone didn't actually step outside the circle and went out and did the research themselves. And now they are still claiming we were created from Adam and Eve, its not science its a bunch of fairy tale ideas which ancient society centuries ago entertained because no one could read or write and they didn't know any better.

    Time for us to fucking grow up as a human race and get over this bullshit. We have horrible things happening to our brothers and sisters all over the world and I don't mean just Muslims I mean everyone. Everyone on this planet we should consider like our brother and sister not just those we think that are saved, or whatever the fuck. There is War, hunger, disease, poverty and our planet may or may not be dying because of global warming I don't know, all I know is now is not the time to be getting on our knees or bending over for half our lives and condemning people, trying to see how many people we can convert, or being completely self absorbed in pleasing a God that is never statisfied. You think Islam is the true religion? Take a look at the countries with the highest Muslim populations (the highest being Afghanistan of course) . A complete and utter mess, and Imams want the entire world to be like that? I say fuck no thank you.

    ok I need to stop it's 4:00am and I have a final project to finish up.

    [Rant End]

    All I can say is that family is still family and you should always love them and try not to let this religious crap drive you apart. Stay patient and work with them. If this decision is honest, they'll eventually have to accept it. What's important is you live an honest life.

    ***~Church is where bad people go to hide~***
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #21 - March 09, 2011, 11:44 AM

    Well according to him Islam dosnt support slavery. And it was such a deep rooted institution that it took a while for it to be phased out I dint by that explanation but if I was a believer with doubts I would be able to swallow that. He went into more detail but I'm not going to. For ayesha he said it was the common practice at the time and she was of age and if her age wasn't an issue at the time due to it being culturally acceptable how can we judge their culture? How can we distinguish what age is appropriate to have sex and get married and that biologically if a girl has her period it means she is biologically ready to have sex he also said he chronologically went through the information and according to his research and not disputed accounts but the time line he claims she was 16 when she we'd but regardless I told him even in his best case scenario it's wrong to me and if god knows everything why would he allow sOmething that would put his prophets character in question. But he defended it as well as he could and like I said he is more read on Islam and it's history so he just tried to say I'm not well read in the issue and he is and he invoked the cultural aspect and said how can one culture judge another what right do we have and who says our way is right. Also the polygamy stuff he says islam didn't invent polygamy and also the cultural argument again and he asked me what was so wrong with allowing polygamy or other practices that have existed for much longer than mOdern society. And like I said he explained more in detail but I could see why for some that would be an adequate answer.

    But about the imam stuff most religious people I know aren't hypocritical they truly believe and practice they follow moderate Islam but it still dosnt explain to me the contradictions and also the scientific inaccuracies. Most of the people just want something to comfort them and also culture and community are a human need and in order for atheists to help others see that we need to take their social needs into account a lot of us feel empty and alone once we leave Islam or any religion and if we don't provide that support or community then most will go back to that comfort or never venture out.

    The argument about Muslim nations I think is false I think many Muslim nations are the way they are due to colonization western influences corruption and many other factors. Although I would never want to live under even a liberal interpretation of Islam it's to easy to cat blame on something when there are many other factors.
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #22 - March 10, 2011, 01:02 AM

    Well according to him Islam dosnt support slavery. And it was such a deep rooted institution that it took a while for it to be phased out I dint by that explanation but if I was a believer with doubts I would be able to swallow that.

    Wrong. If Allah/ Muhammad was as divine as he says he is he would have forseen than in our future we would count off slavery as immoral and would no longer be widely practice. Those slavery hadiths are written under the assumption that slavery would still be widely practice today, and gives no window or hint that it would no longer be relevant. Muhammad would have been more admirable if he had decided to go against the norms/culture instead of using it to his advantage and personal gain. Slavery, and riches are material things linked to greed and power.

    He went into more detail but I'm not going to. For ayesha he said it was the common practice at the  and she was of age and if her age wasn't an issue at the time due to it being culturally acceptable how can we judge their culture? How can we distinguish what age is appropriate to have sex and get married and that biologically if a girl has her period it means she is biologically ready to
     have sex he also said he chronologically went through the information and according to his research and not disputed accounts but the time line he claims she was 16 when she we'd but regardless I told him even in his best case scenario it's wrong to me and if god knows everything why would he allow sOmething that would put his prophets character in question.

    Wrong, again.

    1. It's been medically proven than young girls have a higher chance of health risks when they give birth . A full grown woman has wider hips and is more suited for child rearing, seriously think about it. Child marriages are frowned upon not only because in some societies today it is seen as just plain wrong but, medically it's a risk. The fact the Muhammad even so much as had his eyes on Ayesha before she started menstruating is just sick. Whatever point in time at which they got married officially doesn't mean anything either. Again prophets who claim to get all their divine knowledge from God SHOULD know this and not always give into what's culturally acceptable. They should preach what can be applied worldwide long after their deaths.

    There is this very fine line between love and lust. I seriously doubt Muhammad loved any of his wives he lusted for them. Muhammad should have instead taken Ayesha as his disciple/student if he had a real connection with her and leave it at that. But instead he was immediately intent on getting married and having sex with her as soon as possible. That is NOT the most beautiful love story in Qu'ran. I'm not familiar with Hinduism, but I know Jesus and Buddha never did that shit. Muhammad is the only prophet that was obsessed with women, riches, punishment, inflicting pain, and sexual conduct in his teachings.

    2. Also I don't think a 16 year old would be playing with dolls as quoted by the Qu'ran, it was made clear that Ayesha had not hit puberty when Muhammad took her to be his wife. The sudden age change was made up recently to defend  the growing trend that young brides are no longer acceptable, in a desperate attempt to save the dignity of the Qu'ran by modern standards. Before, it was widely accepted that she was 9. Point is weak argument,

    By your Imam's argument, he is making it out to be that the practices of Islam itself are limited by culture and does not set out to be compatible worldwide. In that case, you are already at liberty to associate with another culture and break ties with Islam altogether if you cannot find a connection with everything in it. Again a Holy book from God should NOT be disputable period, and you should be comfortable with everything in it.

    My main argument here is this.
    There are some things in life that everyone can agree on. For example. We breathe oxygen, the grass is green etc. Everyone can agree to these facts, because it is widely known knowledge. Now here you have the Qu'ran which is taken to be the word of Allah/God, everyone SHOULD agree with it. But not even within the own Muslim population which is split between Shiite and Shia can agree on everything? If you are a reasonable, logical thinking human being, you observe history, you observe science, you observe the laws of physics. Holy books never are and will never be on the same level. Physics and science know no silly boundaries like culture and countries, therefore they are solid truths Neither should God in theory because God created everything.  

    Therefore if the science in these Holy books are questionable some of the practices should also come into question. The concept of God should be on par with science because as religion claims, he/she created  us and the universe.

    ***~Church is where bad people go to hide~***
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #23 - March 10, 2011, 02:05 AM

    Oh and here's some actual advice, since this is the advice section. If you are strong with what you believe in , the sciences and knowledge you need to be patient with your family.  Ultimately we are all responsible for how we respond to situations. As much a I don't like Islam I sympathize with your need to keep a level head and deal with this rough road as best you can. I personally think individual morals are more important than assigning yourself to a religious group. Show you're parents that you are not going to be a Demon spawn Roll Eyes find things that you do agree on in the Qu'ran and try to find that common ground with them. If you are leaning agnostic/atheist find values you hold important to yourself that is related to Islam. Then be like super nice to your parents, and show that you still respect them. Do something super nice for your mom, show her that you still love her even if she is being difficult.

    ***~Church is where bad people go to hide~***
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #24 - March 10, 2011, 04:23 AM

    @ Sakura02

    You have made some great points.  Afro

    Through Logic, truth can be ascertained.
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #25 - March 12, 2011, 04:33 AM

    Anyways things have kinda settled I went through some very difficult topics with my mom things I haven't told a single person ever. And she's finally said she won't bother me about religion or anything anymore and will tell my dad to so the same she will just continue to pray for me and hope I change my mind. I wish I grew a pair earlier and delt with this problem then I wouldn't have broken up with one of my ex's cuz she loved me and wanted to marry me but I broke it off with her cuz she was catholic but that boats long gone. I always wonder did I lose my chance at happiness and a loving relationship. I hope not but nit so sure sometimes. It was really hard saying some of the things I told my mom but it seemed to help and she's backed off completely. I love my parents and wish I had more faith in them when I was younger and I wasn't so afraid.
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #26 - March 12, 2011, 05:06 AM

    Anyways things have kinda settled I went through some very difficult topics with my mom things I haven't told a single person ever. And she's finally said she won't bother me about religion or anything anymore and will tell my dad to so the same she will just continue to pray for me and hope I change my mind. I wish I grew a pair earlier and delt with this problem then I wouldn't have broken up with one of my ex's cuz she loved me and wanted to marry me but I broke it off with her cuz she was catholic but that boats long gone. I always wonder did I lose my chance at happiness and a loving relationship. I hope not but nit so sure sometimes. It was really hard saying some of the things I told my mom but it seemed to help and she's backed off completely. I love my parents and wish I had more faith in them when I was younger and I wasn't so afraid.

    Thanks for that admission Superomario - thats why I think its not always wise to always advise younger members to keep stum about their apostacy. 

    Like I have said before, I told my parents from the moments I had doubt & am so glad I did as it worked in my favour.  Not in all cases admittedly, thats why each individual circumstances & personality plays as big a part in the decision as any.

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    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: Feeling down
     Reply #27 - March 12, 2011, 10:57 AM

    Yea everyone on the forums tells the youngins to hide but that's not healthy and leads to problems. But each individual poster knows their family best and their culture and community so they should make that decision on their own. We can tell them our own stories but they may put to much weight in our stories because they feel we have gone through the same thing but each of our stories are unique and we need to respect that. I compare declaring ur apostasy as similiar as coming out as a gay or lesbian. You feel complete and uninflected when u declare it but u need to be strong and realize some people may not accept it. In the gay community most people dint believe in hiding in the closet but also respect the person and allow them to come to their own decisions. And most gay or lesbians suffer from depression and suicidal ideation if they are constantly in the closet and dint feel truly accepted for who they are. Being able to express yourself and being accepted for ones true self is truly liberating.
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