Is this why muslims memorize the Quran? (Comedy)
OP - March 11, 2011, 12:14 AM
Came across a video recently from a muslim,
it argued a point about muslims memorizing the Quran (unlike other religions) and used the following scenario:
If all of the worlds religions threw every piece of their scripture into the sea,
they would all be lost forever. But unlike the rest, the Quran could be restored as people
have memorized it, thus being able to re-write it.
In conclusion = Memorizing the Quran is great.
So this got me thinking...
Let's use that scenario and say that the scripture of any of them was actually true and that it truly was gods word.
It would be fair to assume that either:
a) God would bring his word back at some point
b) God wouldn't allow it to happen
Ergo, memorizing the Quran would be pointless.
Let's use the same scenario again, but this time say that the scripture was simply man made and had no godly involvement, what happens now? The scripture is lost forever..
This would make the memorizing of the scripture important....Something only done with the Quran.