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 Topic: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)

 (Read 84945 times)
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  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #270 - March 14, 2011, 02:12 AM

    He's all yours, MAB. I don't do virgins.

    I don't do fat chicks either
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #271 - March 14, 2011, 02:14 AM

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #272 - March 14, 2011, 02:16 AM

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #273 - March 14, 2011, 02:17 AM

    I don't do fat chicks either

    You have a kids cartoon character as an avatar. You're not doing any chicks anytime soon.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #274 - March 14, 2011, 02:19 AM

    MAB is a fat chick? This explains an awful lot.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #275 - March 14, 2011, 02:20 AM

    You have a kids cartoon character as an avatar. You're not doing any chicks anytime soon.

    You seem to pay an awful lot of attention to what I do.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #276 - March 14, 2011, 02:21 AM

    That's because you keep humping my leg.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #277 - March 14, 2011, 02:22 AM

    In your dreams
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #278 - March 14, 2011, 02:25 AM

    You actually took me off ignore to do this too. LOL.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #279 - March 14, 2011, 02:30 AM

    To do what?
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #280 - March 14, 2011, 02:31 AM

    Hey yo check this out Donatelo. Got some good advice for ya bro.

    You ready for it?

    Grow up.

    This aint elementary school.

    Fake friends flatter you. Their compliments are made up. Nasty enemies criticize you harshly. They pick on you unnecessarily. Neither of them help you improve yourself. The best critic is honest and knows you exactly and the best person you can choose to follow is someone closest to you.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #281 - March 14, 2011, 02:32 AM

    Hey yo check this out Donatelo. Got some good advice for ya bro.

    You ready for it?

    Grow up.

    This aint elementary school.

    BTW who are you? Never seen you before
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #282 - March 14, 2011, 02:38 AM

    (Clicky for piccy!)

    BTW who are you? Never seen you before

    "bro" is what you call a fellow soldier of lower ranks than Sergeant that you dont know.

    Fake friends flatter you. Their compliments are made up. Nasty enemies criticize you harshly. They pick on you unnecessarily. Neither of them help you improve yourself. The best critic is honest and knows you exactly and the best person you can choose to follow is someone closest to you.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #283 - March 14, 2011, 02:40 AM

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #284 - March 14, 2011, 02:42 AM



    Fake friends flatter you. Their compliments are made up. Nasty enemies criticize you harshly. They pick on you unnecessarily. Neither of them help you improve yourself. The best critic is honest and knows you exactly and the best person you can choose to follow is someone closest to you.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #285 - March 14, 2011, 02:44 AM
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #286 - March 14, 2011, 02:47 AM

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #287 - March 14, 2011, 02:49 AM


    Ah! thats right,

    shouldnt have expected more from you...

    Fake friends flatter you. Their compliments are made up. Nasty enemies criticize you harshly. They pick on you unnecessarily. Neither of them help you improve yourself. The best critic is honest and knows you exactly and the best person you can choose to follow is someone closest to you.
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #288 - March 14, 2011, 02:53 AM

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #289 - March 14, 2011, 02:55 AM

    ^ Why do you keep sending me incoherent private messages?

    You had better stop. I will violate you.

    Don't worry, sir, I'll stop replying so this thread can get back on track Smiley

    Max check your other thread in a second
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #290 - March 14, 2011, 02:56 AM

    Are you trying to get me fired from my job Bolshevik?

    Nope. I don't snitch to people's bosses.

    I will tell you everything you want to know about the Hairy Turk. I will even send you my nekkid pictures.  I just wanna trace where you got that factoid from.

    What Prince Spinoza said. Now please answer my question.

    fuck you
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #291 - March 14, 2011, 03:01 AM

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #292 - March 14, 2011, 03:14 AM

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #293 - March 14, 2011, 03:25 AM


    fuck you
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #294 - March 14, 2011, 03:27 AM

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #295 - March 14, 2011, 03:36 AM


    You gave out way too much personal information, MaB.

    19:46   <zizo>: hugs could pimp u into sex

    Quote from: yeezevee
    well I am neither ex-Muslim nor absolute 100% Non-Muslim.. I am fucking Zebra

  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #296 - March 14, 2011, 03:40 AM

    Oh dear, this thread is driving off the cliff. Can you girls save the flirting for the chat box? Thanks


    I understand that you are a cow-worshipper. Fascinating. I have an immense respect for the Hindu creed and its thousand gods with the thousand d!cks. Impressive. Tell me, since the largest number of vegetarians come from your neck of the woods, are you a fellow veggie or or do you sink your teeth into the stray cow? Since you are named after an animal and one of the more harmless type I'm sure that you've never had ribs in your life, but you never can be sure with the Hindus. I tried to date a Hindu lass many years ago and she carried on like she a was a vegan, but when I tried to put my lips on her I smelt on her breath a potent whiff of chicken currry. Dangerous stuff. So you will have to win my trust brother.

    Not so much as a cow worshiper, more like respectful towards the animal kingdom. But you are free to call me a cow worshiper, I take this as a compliment. I am a lapsed vegetarian.

    As a matter of fact, there is no prohibition against eating meat in the Vedas, the original Hindu scriptures. There are several reasons why majority of cow worshipers became vegetarians. Hindus are not vegans. Cow's milk is sacred.

    (1) The influence of Jainism, an ascetic religion established by Mahavir about 2500 years ago. Jains are strictly non-violent and they are commanded not to engage in any action which might cause any sort of violence to any living creature.

    (2) The cult of Krishna, the cow herd, one of the Incarnations of Vishnu, the Lord of sustenance, one of the Trinity.

    (3) Economic reason: The cow became the backbone of the economy in the rural India for last 2000 years, due to geographic reasons. Cow provided milk, the offspring of the cow, the bull was used for tilling the land and as means of transport. This enabled the farmers to take their produce to the markets etc. The cow dung was used as fuel for cooking. Also the cow dung was used as reinforcement to mix with mud to build huts.

    (4) It takes almost 20 times more resources to provide the same amount of animal protein as vegetable protein.

    वासुदैव कुटुम्बकम्
    Entire World is One Family
    سارا سنسار ايک پريوار ہے
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #297 - March 14, 2011, 03:44 AM

    Admin of following facebook pages and groups:
    Islam's Last Stand (page)
    Islam's Last Stand (group)
    and many others...
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #298 - March 14, 2011, 06:48 AM

    Quote from: Bardhi_i_zi
    An individual animal does not matter in macro biological terms.. They profited as a SPECIES from the domestication,

    So Black Africans profited as a "species" from being transported to the Americas and bred there to produce more slaves - to the extent that in many areas the slaves ended up outnumbering the slavemasters. What a success in macrobiological terms! BTW, if anybody is inclined to express outrage at my likening of a situation involving human beings with one involving animals - or even accuse me of "racism" - I am waiting with a reply.

    since they would not number billions today and would not be able to colonize all the continents where humans went.

    Most animal families colonized the world before humans did - including the arctic and antarctic. Cattle, dogs, cats, elephants, horses. You name it. Like humans, they evolved special physical characteristics to survive in diverse environments.

    They would die out as a species...

    Their wild relatives have been and continue to be wiped out to make way for them. Bison in North America were replaced with cows. A bad trade off.

    Cow numbers would dwindle...

    Boo hoo!

    chickens would probably vanish, since even stray cats and dogs would eliminate all of them

    And they would be replaced by wild animals with a far better ability to fight or flee predators. Anyhow, a few domestic species could be kept as pets.

    In the end of the day, i will not stop eating a food that gave birth to the Homo Sapiens as a species.... You can stop, i don't care but please do not come and tell me how disgusting it is or how sad the little piggy moma is that i am eating the little piglet...

    Look YOU are justifying meat eating on the grounds that it's "mutally beneficial" for humans and animals! Don't resort to lame attempts at sarcasm when I demonstrate this to be self-serving claptrap. Furthermore, if the pain and suffering of animals is nothing to you don't get angry with a wolf if it kills and eats a child of yours.

    You guys have no clue what is it like being that poor where meat is a luxury item, you have never experienced war and scarcity of food... Vegies are spoiled kids with money that they can waste on tons of fruit and vegetables which are way less nutritious (per same amount of weight) than meat is, and then brag about it...

    Blah blah blah....

    If shit ever happens in your parts of the world,you will see how all of you will change the attitudes so much so, that you will yourself brake the neck of a little sweet furry bunny or chicken....

    Firstly, I have not expressed opposition to eating meat per se. Fuck me, if I was starving enough I cannot say I wouldn't tuck into your leg if I found you dead on the roadside. Human sapiens are, after all (and contrary to what self-centered egotists might wish to believe), JUST ANOTHER ANIMAL.

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Being Vegetarian (continued from shout box)
     Reply #299 - March 14, 2011, 01:20 PM

    So Black Africans profited as a "species" from being transported to the Americas and bred there to produce more slaves - to the extent that in many areas the slaves ended up outnumbering the slavemasters. What a success in macrobiological terms! BTW, if anybody is inclined to express outrage at my likening of a situation involving human beings with one involving animals - or even accuse me of "racism" - I am waiting with a reply.

    What does slavery have to do with eating meat? why the hell are you people creating logical fallacies and strawmen? WE ARE TALKING ABOUT FOOD NOT EXPLOITATION OF HUMANS FOR THE BENEFIT OF OTHER HUMANS!

    Most animal families colonized the world before humans did - including the arctic and antarctic. Cattle, dogs, cats, elephants, horses. You name it. Like humans, they evolved special physical characteristics to survive in diverse environments.

    wrong.. cats, dogs, cattle and horses spread around continents with humans, because humans took them.

    Their wild relatives have been and continue to be wiped out to make way for them. Bison in North America were replaced with cows. A bad trade off.

    And amazon forests are being cut off to make place for soya... And the towns we live in destroyed the habitat of many species, and our cars kill and crush a lot of animals that we do not even consider food... This is yet again a stupid argument...

    And they would be replaced by wild animals with a far better ability to fight or flee predators. Anyhow, a few domestic species could be kept as pets.

    which in turn would loose their habitat even more because people living in nonarable land would flood places where eatable vegetation is possible... Except the mass exodus of people from mountains, hills, barren hills, stepes, jungles, deserts, semi deserts etc... we would need to cut down even more jungles in order to keep our vegetarian diet...
    Furthermore, if the pain and suffering of animals is nothing to you don't get angry with a wolf if it kills and eats a child of yours.

    Cutting the head, or shooting the animal in the head does not give any pain, just death.... Ohhh yet again an emotional strawman comparing domestic farming with predatory wild animals that actually fear humans....

    Just look at the sun and the moon, rotating around the earth perfectly! Out of all the never ending space in the universe, the sun and moon ended up close to earth rotating around it perfectly.!!

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