Assalamuallaikum everyone - may the peace and blessings of Allah be with you all.
Many women especially in places like America who have felt oppressed their whole lives are entering islam in big numbers.
Likewise in america, a quarter of muslims are converts to islam. These surge in numbers are because people are hearing criticism of islam from the media and news and subsequently go to research the 'true islam' themselves. In particualt many women have found that Islam gave unprecedented rights to women including the right to vote - something which is not too long ago in our modern time - more importantly that islam teaches that men and women have equal rights.
aslam o alikum brother/sister,thank you very much for posting this,i have also been giving dawah to these ex muslims,they only know how to joke around but in debates they always leave halfway,thats because even they also know that islam is the true religion and they dont want to be confronted with this truth
its very good topic about womens' rights,i believe that islam gives the women the best position.this is how allah has made us,men are stronger and more powerful naturally,so allah has given them the responsibility,and women are the more weaker one,so allah has put them in the protection of men.its these days that women are misguided by the doings of the kufaar and they want to work and do the things which are the mens work,that goes against even nature which has made men stronger and more intelligent.and before islam women were treated like slaves,islam has given them a lot of rights,even the burying of infant girls it has stopped even though a daughter is a little like burden on her parents
and about the hijab,well if you have a precious diamond,will you let it stay outside in the air and get dirty,or will you cover it so it stays clean and shiny?of course you will cover it.people jut have to think deeply,every command of allah has wisdom inside it