Indeed. Though, we do not have any footage of the shocking and gruesome act of bestiality and animal cruelty that was your conception.
Yeah, that's a really good answer refuting my argument. Well done, have another lollipop.
Ooooh, that's a tough question. Maybe it was because his last dying moment has been plastered on YouTube as dawaganda. Maybe it was because it was extracted out of him during a barely lucid state, his lowest ebb, most likely on a cocktail of drugs, by morally bankrupt ghouls and vultures to that end.
As I previously stated, I condone his decision to make it public. How many times do I have to repeat it to the thickos like you?
And you sure know how to make it sound dramatic.
Exploiting his dying father. Just because you're too undeveloped and too socially myopic to understand what's going on doesn't mean others cannot.
Wow, another super answer refuting my argument! Well done, this time you deserve a medal!

The fact is, and notice that I'm using FACTS here and not ignorant assumptions, Green has been persuading his father to convert for years and years before his of course he was going to continue to to convert him on his death bed! Why would he stop now?
I would understand him being "exploited" if Green wasn't persuading him to convert for x years before he tried it on his death bed, but we know that's not true.
Do you think he was forced? Do you think the Shahada was rammed down this throat? In that case, tell me something... you know Green Snr's thoughts about this? Were you there when he was "exploited"? Was he uncomfortable with his son's insistence to convert? After he converted, he lived on for 10 more days, did Green Snr have second thoughts about his conversion? Did he express any concerns? Was he FORCED to utter the Shahada? Go on, answer the questions with facts, not some ignorant crap that you and your friends have come up with so far.
You'll never be mistaken for a bloke so don't worry about it.
Good one again.

You're thick and ignorant as shit, you really are.