^Freudian slip?

Wasn’t quite a Freudian slip, I needed a shortened version of your name because I struggle to type on my phone (I considered ‘Mr God’ and ‘Mr Not Great’, but felt those could possibly cause offense).
Osman – The mobile theme solves many of the problems I was having on my Smartphone. I’m using a Samsung Galaxy S (Android) and I suspect that the problems I was having are specific to my phone:
• Firstly, the menu bar at the top was not fitting on the screen for the default theme – it had the effect of the left half my screen showing some of the menu bar, whilst the right contained the rest of the website. Some of the options (such as ‘Profile’ and ‘Logout’) were also missing. Your mobile theme solves all of that and everything fits smuggle on my phone.
• I like many of the features on the mobile theme – the handy arrows at the top; the way not everything clutters your screen, unless you want it to; the way the text is folded within posts to save from expanding and scrolling.
• The shout box could not be seen at all from my phone. Now I have the option of seeing this (or not).
• Creating/Replying to posts is mush easier to use and seems much more stable. I was constantly frustrated by laboriously typing out posts and finding that they were refusing to send
However, the mobile theme does not have the feel of the website itself. I realise that this was necessary to accommodate the spatial problems you were trying to solve, but this does take some getting used to. In particular, the fact that ‘recent posts’ are not shown on the left, but at the bottom (and less of them are shown – I realise you can click on ‘recent posts’ to show more, but this again requires a little more navigation than in the default theme). Also, as far as I can tell, you can only see these ‘recent posts’ if you click on the ‘Forum’ tab and not from within a thread. This means that extra work (i.e. clicking) is needed to keep an eye on recent activity.
Muddy – What is a ‘cell’? Are you in prison again, young man?