zbd, do you find that craig's arguments have any merit for their own sake? Or do you think that he should debate Dawkins simply because he has a greater understanding of theology than the naive biologist (which I agree with)?
It's a bit of both, but more than that still.
Kalam isn't all bad as it refutes the 'steady state' universe (though it doesn't nearly demonstrate all that Craig intends it to) and the fine tuning argument is not entirely useless, as it makes more plausible the notion of 'design,' and thus is evidence against atheism. The arguments do have major flaws though, they're not irrefutable by any means.
And Dawkins likes to make it seem as though the theism-atheism debate is entirely one-sided: stupid, misguided religionists believing iron-age nonsense on the one hand and enlightened and rational, scientifically-minded types bearing the banner of the advancement of the human race on the other.
I'd like Dawkins to debate Craig so he can get taken down a few pegs, but also so all his fanboys can see that things aren't nearly as simple as they like to believe. If atheism is given a philosophical kicking with rational and scientific arguments, then the atheists may think twice about bleating out the same old waffle about how rationality and empirical evidence is their exclusive domain.
As far as I'm concerned, modern atheists, materialists, Scientists, etc., can be every bit as arrogant and dogmatic, yet simultaneously misguided, as those religionists they claim to so vehemently oppose and contradict. They have to learn that they likewise don't have The Truth.