^^Thanks q man, I learnt a lot from that post, even if no one else did.
My silent support has has always been with western imperialism, mainly because it seems better than the existing alternatives, in particular, the islamic alternative. I realise now that those feelings have come instinctively to me a result of my hatred for all things islamic. But I really ought to start look beyond geographical, cultural, ethnic and religious divides, and thus return to my once socialist ideals. Thanks for writing it out so plainly.
Thank you.
Great post, Q-Man.

@Pashtun: You have got many things right in your politics but a few are fucked up. The things you have got right, in my view, are: You are anti-imperialist, anti-EDL, anti-Gert Wilders, anti-Zionism, anti-Islamism (of course), anti-neocon, pro-science, pro-skepticism (although in practice you make outragious claims without providing good evidence!), etc.
The things you have got wrong, in my view, are: You seem to harbour a hatred of Jews. (Well that's how it comes across when you call people closet Jews.) Also, you are too tribalistic. Humanism is about trying to widen the scope of love of people as widely as possible. You mentioned you are a "Pashtun nationalist" in another thread. You have gone from one us-versus-them mentality (Islam) to another (arguably more exclusive) one.
Plus, I just think you need to chill-out a bit. You seem to be angry all the time at America, Israel etc. Here: have a parrot.


Nationalism often ends up as the graveyard for progressive movements/revolutions. There's a very, very fine line between progressive national liberationism and reactionary national chauvinism, and in the case of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict one can certainly see that line has been crossed on both sides of the conflict many times.