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 Topic: Your professions

 (Read 8806 times)
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  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #60 - April 23, 2011, 03:00 PM

    Sounds pretty cool Sakura, seems you chose something you really enjoy doing I think!

    <dust>: i love tea!!!
    <dust>: milky tea
    <three>: soooo gentle for my neck (from the inside)
    <dust>: mm
    <three>: it's definitely not called neck
    <dust>: lol
    <three>: what's the word i'm looking for
    <dust>: throat
  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #61 - April 23, 2011, 04:28 PM

    Yeah but it comes with a greater risk. Being an artist isn't as secure a job as let's say engineering. But my goal in life isn't to make money.
    1. I want to be ultimately remembered for something after I die, or at least leave behind a small part of myself behind.
    2. Use my artwork to make someone happy, impact someone's life or make a statement I couldn't express verbally.

    So for me it's a lot deeper beyond the fact that love drawing and being creative. :d if I can turn all that into a 'real' profession in the next threes years the awesome.

    ***~Church is where bad people go to hide~***
  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #62 - April 23, 2011, 04:31 PM

    I got Diploma credits towards hairdressing ( bit of a story, found out it was not a full diploma after i got done with the classes) I trained in a couple of salons for a while and was a freelance stylist (sort of, clients mainly being friends and their friends, gotta love the support) I'm quite dusty now.
    Friends & family bombarded me with ideas of opening a salon back home which eventually put me off the whole thing. Plus, i couldn't  cook up any enthusiasm for making it a life long career. ( young and hardly motivated, i chose to pursue an existing interest of mine with only my immediate future in consideration) erm, which is basically what i still do Tongue

    Anywho, I now work in Broker company and love it for the most part, I do think that eventually , when i know the ins & outs of Insurance and broking it might get weary to pause and repeat for each similar situation if i am not given room to influence the process, I'm not sure, eventually it might be interesting to delve in Investments within the field ( it's a whole new world) I'd just have to be lucky enough to work in a company which is flexible in regards to transferring between departments conditioned to further training as my current company.

    Note: Totally random cause of events lead me to Insurance, I was basically trained internally, and still consider myself in "training".

    These two professions would be the ones i attempted at dedicating time to make a career out of.I was definitely not short of ideas along the way .lol

    so you have *wasta*.

    A googolplex is *precisely* as far from infinity as is the number 1.--Carl Sagan
  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #63 - April 23, 2011, 09:28 PM

    It's Kathy Geiss, a character from the show 30 Rock, who's a bit of a simpleton.

    Oops  015 015

    Sakura: I'm intrigued. Is there anywhere I can see your comic online?

  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #64 - April 23, 2011, 09:49 PM

    I'm 21 with a bachelors in Fine Arts (pretty useless I know) Right now I'm studying Game Design and Development and I'm hoping to work in the casual game market and make games for the iphone, the internets and such. I also write comic books on the side and I printed my first one last year and I'm hoping to make more. Overall I'm just an artist and right now I do freelance work.

    Wow that longer than it needed to be -__-

    I just bought RPG maker because hopefully I can do what Ive wanted to do and design some old school 16 bit rgps. 

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #65 - April 26, 2011, 02:55 AM

    I'm kinda late in replying XD
    but my main comic is here. Jew x Muslim
    Smiley one day this is going to go international I swearz dance

    my website is yet to be finished *_*

    ***~Church is where bad people go to hide~***
  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #66 - April 26, 2011, 04:16 AM

    I'm a student studying Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering but...I've been playing music (guitar, piano) for 12 years now, and I am starting to record my works. The whole Engineering bit was meant as security and I'm interested in it, but I feel like I'd be miserable if I never gave music a chance.

    Add me on facebook, just send me a message with your COEM username.
  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #67 - April 26, 2011, 02:18 PM

    I'M EMKAY!  Cheesy LOOOOL

    and i'm a prostitute.

    call me.  Afro

  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #68 - April 26, 2011, 02:30 PM

     Smiley Smiley

    Or should I say  Wink ?

  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #69 - April 26, 2011, 02:57 PM

  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #70 - April 26, 2011, 03:06 PM

    Stop it Zelda, the excitement will give me a stroke.

  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #71 - April 26, 2011, 03:16 PM

    Meet me on tinychat tonight Wink i'll fix you up musiWhore  grin12
  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #72 - April 26, 2011, 03:21 PM

    No need. The excitement of this exchange was enough. My load is shot.

    Thanks Zelda  Afro. I hope I don’t owe you any money for this?

  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #73 - April 26, 2011, 03:38 PM

    i charge by each comment £50 > $600  Afro
  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #74 - April 26, 2011, 03:43 PM

    Okay, the cheque is in the post. And I must admit, that was money well spent.

    But may I suggest that you change your avatar in time for our next encounter? It’d be nice to last more than 5 minutes next time. May I suggest Boris Yeltsin as your next avatar?

  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #75 - April 27, 2011, 07:40 PM

    How does this avatar do for you MusiWhore  Wink
  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #76 - April 27, 2011, 08:12 PM

    Zelda... I mean MK... I mean...who are you? God girl, you've now had officially more facelifts than Cher!

    Really cute avatar. Suits you alot.

    It's not quite the Boris Yeltsin I requested, but it's a step in the right direction. Your last avatar was way way too hot for an excitable young man like me. I felt as if we'd only momentarily negotiated terms, before...wham...there was an almighty mess in my pants. At least now, I'll be able to concentrate on your sweet words, rather than on your looks.

  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #77 - April 28, 2011, 01:12 PM

    Zelda... I mean MK... I mean...who are you? God girl, you've now had officially more facelifts than Cher!

    Really cute avatar. Suits you alot.

    It's not quite the Boris Yeltsin I requested, but it's a step in the right direction. Your last avatar was way way too hot for an excitable young man like me. I felt as if we'd only momentarily negotiated terms, before...wham...there was an almighty mess in my pants. At least now, I'll be able to concentrate on your sweet words, rather than on your looks.

    It's Zaiba Wink .. for the time being Tongue LOL errrm i think my avatar is extremely ironic, not even a stranger would clasify me as an ''innocent angel'' but yeah i guess my beauty does run beyond skin Tongue, i feel like we're going to get along very well, but hey i charge for sweet talking Wink have your bank cards at the ready grin12
  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #78 - April 28, 2011, 01:40 PM

    I have a masters in physics and am currently working at university as a lab technician in the cleanroom, helping develop wavelength filters for various astrophys projects.

    Hoping to move on to a more promotable job, probably in Research and Development with a company. Will be looking at graduate schemes too.

    "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor E. Frankl

    'Life is just the extreme expression of complex chemistry' - Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #79 - April 28, 2011, 01:42 PM

    Wow that's hardcore stardust. The sciences kinda elude me X_X Especially psychics, failed that class big time in High school '__'

    ***~Church is where bad people go to hide~***
  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #80 - April 28, 2011, 01:51 PM

    I have a masters in physics and am currently working at university as a lab technician in the cleanroom, helping develop wavelength filters for various astrophys projects.

    Hoping to move on to a more promotable job, probably in Research and Development with a company. Will be looking at graduate schemes too.

    Shit man, dusty's got some BRAINS!

    <dust>: i love tea!!!
    <dust>: milky tea
    <three>: soooo gentle for my neck (from the inside)
    <dust>: mm
    <three>: it's definitely not called neck
    <dust>: lol
    <three>: what's the word i'm looking for
    <dust>: throat
  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #81 - April 28, 2011, 02:08 PM

    It's Zaiba Wink .. for the time being Tongue LOL errrm i think my avatar is extremely ironic, not even a stranger would clasify me as an ''innocent angel'' but yeah i guess my beauty does run beyond skin Tongue, i feel like we're going to get along very well, but hey i charge for sweet talking Wink have your bank cards at the ready grin12

    Zaiba my love, I see you’ve changed again. I’ve thought about you (all last night) and I think I am perfectly happy with the fact that you constantly change. I see it as a kind of kinky role play, which makes things all the more interesting.

    I wonder if this role play will be added to your charges? I hope not. I have already started selling my body in order to pay for our illicit encounters. Unfortunately, unlike you, I can only really attract pervy old men to take up the services I offer. They often smell of wee and poo, and insist on calling me Glenda. I’ve started developing a phobia to carrots, banana’s and particularly cucumbers, ever since I started down this road. I also haven’t been able to walk properly in days… Oh Zaiba, the things I put myself through for you…

    Btw, what do you think my wife, and your boyfriend, would make of this cosy little arrangement that you and I have?

  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #82 - April 28, 2011, 02:08 PM

    I have a masters in physics and am currently working at university as a lab technician in the cleanroom, helping develop wavelength filters for various astrophys projects.

    Hoping to move on to a more promotable job, probably in Research and Development with a company. Will be looking at graduate schemes too.

    Brains to add to your good looks eh? Unfair…

  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #83 - April 28, 2011, 03:34 PM

    Nice, why type of R&D stardust? What applications would you apply your knowledge in? Communications? Space? Healthcare? Defence? The world wide web was invented by a physicist, so you could look into the Internet too!
  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #84 - April 28, 2011, 03:46 PM

    Zaiba my love, I see you’ve changed again. I’ve thought about you (all last night) and I think I am perfectly happy with the fact that you constantly change. I see it as a kind of kinky role play, which makes things all the more interesting.

    I wonder if this role play will be added to your charges? I hope not. I have already started selling my body in order to pay for our illicit encounters. Unfortunately, unlike you, I can only really attract pervy old men to take up the services I offer. They often smell of wee and poo, and insist on calling me Glenda. I’ve started developing a phobia to carrots, banana’s and particularly cucumbers, ever since I started down this road. I also haven’t been able to walk properly in days… Oh Zaiba, the things I put myself through for you…

    Btw, what do you think my wife, and your boyfriend, would make of this cosy little arrangement that you and I have?

    oh my oh my Musiwhore Wink it is not very surprising you put yourself through so much for me, as i always say to gain you gotta go through the pain, and i've always had such an effect on men and people, i don't blame you for your sleepless nights my lil Glenda grin12

     Wink aww man i love that look on your face while you read this and make a mess in your pants Wink i see potential in you, the road your on is one way Wink you can't turn back  Afro

    rest assured my lil Glenda i shall be Zaiba for a while grin12 until then ...  i shall leave you to anticipate our future encounters  Wink

    ps. let's keep this a secret from my boyfriend and your wife Wink btw how do you know i have a boyfriend?  Shocked
  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #85 - April 28, 2011, 04:04 PM

    I asked Black Dog about you. I was trying to tell him that you’re a lovely girl and that you could be the answer to his recent women problems (sorry that I started trying to pimp you out before I even knew you, but IMO, you guys would have made such a cute couple…).

    Anyways, reading your last post really did get my heart racing. It is no longer a joke. It doesn’t take much to get me going and you definitely know where my buttons are.

    The mess has been made. Thank you so much Zaiba. How much do I owe you this time?

    Btw, I will be at the toilets on Leeds station again tonight, offering my services to the drunk and needy. But, my love, you are worth every thrust that I have to endure and every lollipop that I have to suck. I shall think of you often during those difficult hours.

  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #86 - April 28, 2011, 04:47 PM

    You asked Blackdog about me? ahaha what did he say? where's that bitch nowadays anyway? haven't seen his sexy self in ages!

    If it makes it less painful for you i shall be thinking of you while having a great time in bed with my boyf, while your out on the streets thinking of me grin12

    And that will be $450,000 thank you, nice doing business with you, come again, anytime  yes
  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #87 - April 28, 2011, 04:58 PM

    Hmm .. do we need a separate thread for flirting? All that frustration can be let loose in one central thread Tongue
  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #88 - April 28, 2011, 05:01 PM

    He does seem to have gone for a long walk... He just laughed it off and told me you were taken.

    nice doing business with you, come again, anytime  yes

    I just have. And just on the strength of these few words. You're magic.

    I'm going home now to pretend my wife is you for the evening. Its not wrong to do that if she has been a bitch to me recently? I hope not because it is what I am unavoidably driven to do.

    Take care zaibs. And thanks.

  • Re: Your professions
     Reply #89 - April 28, 2011, 05:08 PM

    Hmm .. do we need a separate thread for flirting? All that frustration can be let loose in one central thread Tongue

    You're right, we should have got a room ages ago.

    Sorry for trolling. I just got under her spell...

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