Looking for Muslims: thesis experiment
OP - April 27, 2011, 02:57 PM
Hi all,
For my Master thesis I have to find around 160 Muslims to participate in my experiment.
So far I'm up to 80 and I only have two weeks left...
Duration: about 30 minutes
Prizes: an iPod Nano Touch 8GB (value €159) which will be given to a random winner and two movie tickets (depending on the participant's score in the game they have to play, value €16 or so)
It would be really helpful if you could notify your Muslim contacts about this.
How? I suggest you PM me your email, I will then send you a standard reply mail explaining the experiment with all relevant info, which you can forward to your Muslim friends.
The mail will also ask them to send me an email if they wish to participate, so forwarding the email is the only thing you have to do!
I'll bump this thread every now and then to keep it alive. Hope you don't mind!
PS: obviously it's a bit risky to send the iPod through mail (if someone outside my country wins)
In that case I'd simply transfer the value of the prize.
<dust>: i love tea!!!
<dust>: milky tea
<three>: soooo gentle for my neck (from the inside)
<dust>: mm
<three>: it's definitely not called neck
<dust>: lol
<three>: what's the word i'm looking for
<dust>: throat