Foreskin Restoration techniques.
OP - May 18, 2011, 12:58 AM
As I've just seen a thread about circumcision, I thought some of our circumcised male members may want to know how to get back what they lost with simple techniques, naturally and without pain.
The process is foreskin restoration where certain movements will cause the skin from the shaft to generate a new foreskin, much like a cut healing itself, by building new skin.
Costs are either non-existent or minimal, here are some examples:
Manual Tugging - using fingers to gently but firmly stretch skin out and over the glans. Usually done for 15 minutes a time three or four times a day. Cheapest, easiest and least conspicuous method.
T-Tape - medical tape formed into a "T" shape then wrapped around the member and drawn forward over the glans. Comfortable and effective, this method suits many restorers and can be worn 24 hours or more, including during sleep. Drawbacks include time to apply and remove, discomfort when removing and the lack of spontaneity when amorous.
O-Rings - simple rubber gaskets available at most hardware stores. Shaft skin drawn over the glans and fed through the ring naturally pulls back, applying tension as the ring and skin draw back against the (wider than ring) glans. This method requires more loose skin than many beginning restorers have. One major benefit is that it can speed dekeratinization of the glans, increasing sensitivity.
CATIIQ - short for "Constant Applied Tension II Quick," this device pulls and pushes simultaneously for both inner and outer skin growth. Goes on and off very quickly. It's available online and at ebay for around $80.
DTR - short for "Dual Tension Restorer," this device pulls and pushes simultaneously for both inner and outer skin growth. It's available online at about $90.
TLC-X - short for "TapeLess Conical eXtensible," this device pulls and pushes simultaneously for both inner and outer skin growth, and also allows the device to grow with you as you gain skin. Weights or straps can also be used. It's available online at about $80.
Canister or Pill Tube - by cutting the bottom from a cylinder (35mm film canister), the user can draw shaft skin over the plastic and tape it in place. By attaching a wire, the user can apply tension with an elastic band around the knee or leg. Stuffing the cylinder with cotton and capping it can apply 'inner' tension as well. While cheap, easy and effective, this method requires the user construct the device and use tape.
TLC Tugger - silicone plug is placed against the glans and shaft skin is pulled up over the plug, holding it in place with a soft rubber cap. The wearer then applies an elastic strap to the TLC and around the knee or leg, applying pulling tension. Weights can also be used.
MySkinClamp - made from medical-grade stainless steel, this device functions similarly to the CATIIQ and DTR.
Foreballs - requires some foreskin, which is drawn over one of the balls and taped in place.
PUD - the Penile Uncircumcising Device is placed against the glans, the skin is drawn over the PUD and taped in
place. Weight of the PUD applies tension.
DILE - available since 1998, this device functions similarly to the CATIIQ and DTR.
RECAP - various models $75 - $150.
DEEP SOCKET - A Sears Craftsman 1 1/8" chromed stainless steel deep socket provides a convenient and effective weight to stretch the foreskin. Taped on with waterproof tape, it weighs 12 ounces and has an opening through which to urinate. Use the 6-bladed one, vs. a 12-bladed socket.
Trombone mouthpiece - used in the same manner as Foreballs and PUD, usually with medical tape to hold skin in place.