I shall pray there with you.
dear Quod dear god
what is there in pray?
and what is there in prey ?
some would like to pray the idol
and some other would like to kill the same idol
but idol appears to be a cat with nine lives
so far idol escaped those who pray and those who prey
So talking about
Idols & human race i learned something new today
from BBC news https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjCtdMklN5o fascinating... and clicking goggle god made me to learn the relationship between cultures and faith..........
and that is about cultural fusion in Brazil ..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrydSkQril0 Orixás: The Divine Forces of Nature So dear Quod dear god.....here are our new gods ...
* Exu is the messenger god .. He....
* Ogum is the god of war.... He....
* Omolu/Obaluaiye is the god of smallpox and epidemic diseases.... He....
* Nanã Buruku is the mud and marshes. She.......
* Oxumaré rules the rainbow and the serpent. He...........
* Oxóssi rules the hunt, protects animals and lives in the forest. He......
* Logunede is considered to be the son of Oxum and Oxóssi. He...
* Ossaim is the god ruling the sacred force of leaves. He........
*Xangô is the god of thunder, lightning, fire and justice. He......
* Oyá/Iansã is the goddess of the winds and the storms. She.......
* Oxum is the goddess of the rivers and beauty. she..........
* Obá rules the lagoon waters and is also a warrior. She.....
* Ewá is said to be devoted and kind. she........
* Iemanjá is the queen of the oceans and is the mother of all the orixás. She........
* Oxalá is the father of all the orix·s; the white robed king He ...............
So dear Quod dear god which one of the above god would you like to pray
