- I have drowned a baby duckling before, the piece of bread I threw was too big and drowned the poor thing.
- I have participated in a live burning of a rat inside a bottle of water.
- I have seen a hedgehog get run over by a car and its body 'expload'.
- Trodded a cats tail before.
- Accidently kicked a seagull by running into it to fast on the college car park.
- Realised I stepped on a snail when I was walking back home from the cinema.
- Single handedly destroyed a ant colony with a hose pipe.
- Witnessed a fat ginger cat kill a small, cute and helpless bird.
I want a dog.
What's with all the animal killings? I wouldn't trust you with that dog then.

I also witnessed a big dog killing a little, cute dog and I was helpless to stop it (I was scared of dogs, plus, I even tried hitting the bastard but he wouldn't let the little cute one out of his mouth anyway!) It was a pretty traumatic experience from my childhood and the blood stain stayed on the sidewalk for months after.