Something that I am personally very "proud" of about my family is that, amongst my direct family (family / grandparents / aunts or uncles), I have Anglican Welsh/British roots, Catholic Irish roots, Chinese roots and Muslim Malay roots all within two generations of family. My grandma and grandpa were immigrants to Australia in the 60's, and I think it must have been so before-their-time to see a Chinese immigrant and an English immigrant walking hand-in-hand.

I always get some looks, as a blond-haired blue-eyed person, when they see that my surname is "Ho".
What other facts?
Left-handed, does that count?
Moving to Sweden in two months for one year to study social science (in Swedish, which I don't speak). Purpose being for an exchange program and to learn about Swedish culture though.
Green is my fav colour.
I have a tattoo of a phoenix on my left arm, it's a quarter sleeve with shading.
I would love to move to another country, either in Europe or the USA.
Dream destinations are the Netherlands, Spain, Brazil, Canada, Israel and India.