I'm about to start book 4. :dance:The problem isn't that the sex scenes are overly explicit or anything like that, it's that some of the sex scenes simply aren't needed and are used as an extremely crude method of explaining the motives and personalities of characters. The Petyr Baelish and Maester Pycelle scenes are the worst examples this. They each had a monologue directed at random prostitutes, revealing their innermost thoughts, which seems like a weird thing do for characters as conniving as Baelish and Pycelle. Maybe it's just the book purist in me, but I'd expected them to provide the backstory in much more subtle manner.
The problem with Littlefinger's scene with the whores is that it reveals things about him, and his way of thinking, that might ruin the impact of the final scene of that particular episode. The one with Pycelle plainly didn't make any sense. I didn't get the point of it. To show us that Pycelle is evil? We already knew that, also {books spoilers}
There's absolutely no need fpr making him more sly than he actually is. He is just a Lannister lickspittle, nothing else. So I'm not quite sure what they're trying to do there...