No one hates Arabs., it is foolish for you to say that., May be some Persains hate Arabs.. lol.. But., Raccoon you seem to go to all corners of the world in support of the freedom and the cause of Palestinian people.,
I too support them but I will not support their political parties and their Islam . Funny thing about your post is, You go around & around at the end
you enter in to the hole that is made by juice..
Lucky the lady lives in Jerusalem., Tell me, how many offices this organization
has inside the Palestine Islam dominated areas.. This is the game of juice trying to fool Muslims of Palestine. The lady
saysYou recently had a tour in the US. Can you tell me about the objectives of the tour and how it went?
The main goal of the tour was to bring the voice of Palestinian queers into mainstream venues of the US queer movement. The idea for this tour emerged because the gay Palestinian movement has a specific image in the West. We are perceived as being victims of our society. It is often assumed that Palestinian society is particularly homophobic and that the Israeli gay community is progressive and that Israel is saving gay Palestinians who run away from their communities. All of these are problematic and not true images.
No one talks about the strong, mature queer Palestinian movement or acknowledges that we have our own agenda and dreams and vision. So this is why we came to the US – we came to convey our voice.
The tour was amazing. We met with diverse queer people, people of color, Arab and Jewish groups. We talked about our achievements, our challenges and our unique perspectives. We shared how we believe that we can grow from the challenges that we face.
PUT HER IN BURQA .., It is a fact Palestinian ISLAMIC SOCIETY IS HOMOPHOBIC... may be she does not know that..
From Gaza, Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Zahar fulminates to Reuters against Western condemnation of the Islamic terrorist movement:
"You in the West do not live like human beings. You do not even live like animals. You accept homosexuality. And now you criticize us?"