I read that parallel universes aren't out, nor multiverses, I don't think I have read anything about string theory, and the color one (I currently forget the name of) and super symmetry are not out but the possible variables are much more limited.
The Higgs and the multiverse are not related, it has no bearing on parallel universes, nor multiverses. It has implications for supersymmetry (SUSY), it basically creates a problem for low energy SUSY, we haven't found evidence of SUSY at low energies. With the mass of the Higgs being what it is, the energies required for SUSY to be true are too high, so they end up being too high for the
problem it was designed to solve. Since SUSY is a part of string theory, if there are problems for SUSY, there are slight problems for string theory.
The techicolourists didn't find the news to be so good, one of the reason that this discovery is bad is that we knew it was going to happen, and what it implies, but it gives us nothing beyond that. Had the Higgs not shown up at the LHC, then it would have been interesting, and it would have given Techicolour more weight.
It has no bearing on TOE, as string theory was never really accepted by a lot of physicists, and there are viable alternatives to it.
Loop quantum gravity is one such thing, though it isn't a TOE, but it might put us on the right track to find a TOE.
There's still a lot of physics to come from the LHC, they haven't even begun 14 TeV collisions. They're still running at 8 TeV.