Whats your favourite genre of music?
I am not good at distinguishing genre. I was raised listening to Indian and Pakistani songs. Anyways, any song that sounds good, I like it..
Where are you from originally?
Pakistan.. (Although I recently tried giving up on that, but they have asked a lot of questions..)
Top or Bottom?
Thats secret!
If you had any choice in a partner who would it be?
Shahid Kapoor
Do you think you would've stayed a muslim had you been straight or at the very least bi?
Might took more time studying religion, but no, I was always keen to learn more about what I am signing up for.
If you fell in love with a female do you think you could *marry* her? (assume that you fell in love with a female) if she let you have sex with whomever as long as you were faithful to her in other ways (emotionally, financially, etc).
what if she didn't let you have sex with whomever?
No and No... I intended to marry girl in the past for the sake of norm, but I simply refuse to do that to any girl. And, no I am not going to emotionally or financially support any girl.. Every adult should be able to take care of him/herself.
How many women have you been with?

Whats the scariest thing thats happened to you that doesnt relate to religion?
I rolled over my car when I initially got my license. (over speeding in rain because of peer pressure.. there were three other guys in the car.. anyways, all survived, but was a really huge roll over)
Would you ever skydive?
Sure, why not?