(Sorry in advance if this in the wrong section didn't know where else to post)
Ok is this even possible This just blew me completely out of the water.
So I went to a dorky anime convention this weekend, and I was at the rave dance party till like 3am. Raves are insane, strobe lights, girls in practically in bikinis or their underwear, people in furry costumes, guys in drag, people in fishnets, Sweaty shirtless fat guys. You name it all the freaks come to this thing. And I saw, a girl in a hijab, I swear.
Ok let me give you a mental picture here. She couldn't be no older than 17, I want to say 15, or she could have just been short, so somewhere between that age range . So she's in a black hijab, the semi long ones that fall just mid back and kinda in the front and fall in a triangle shape at the end. With like this crazy light up pigtail tubes hat all the cyber punk people wear, ( kinda like this if you've never seen one
http://i27.tinypic.com/2qtjudz.jpg flashing bright green on her head (jealous <_<). She was in a shirt with poof short sleeves and under it a long sleeved shirt with a black corset over it with red lace. Also was wearing a short frilly black skirt and long sorta close fitting pants. And she had I don't know i it was fake but it looks like a piercing on her lip and on her eyebrow. I come from a liberal Christian family and my dad is more or less agnostic and they would flip the fuck out if I got my face pierced. That just isn't fair. Also she was there with a guy, probably her boyfriend or whatever practically walking around with his arms around her really close, from behind in a slightly inappropriate manner. WTF... She was there with her sister who also had her hair covered bu not a hijab it was like a very close tied up kinda head covering, and she was wearing like a long white robe looking costume that looked like it was from star wars or something. Anyways... and what else blew me away is that this random guy comes up to them, jumping up and down with glow sicks like an idiot and is like " FUCK YEAH THIS RAVE IS AWESOME" and she responds with a " fuck yeah!" along with sister whatever guy she was with.
I swear this girl was in a hijab, I mean I know i was at a convention with a lot of people in costumes, but I know a hijab when I see one...which means that she's Muslim... right?!? What!? I really wanted to just go up and hug her be like you are the fucking coolest!" . This was in Baltimore Maryland, btw.
I might be over reacting, but that just blew my mind. Especially from all that I know from researching about Islam and Muslim women. I love that girl forever.
Am I over-reacting or do you see this often or at all? Thoughts?