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 Topic: Abood's blog

 (Read 17669 times)
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  • Abood's blog
     OP - August 28, 2011, 06:46 PM

    On nihilism and subjectivity

    One of the most common things people who leave religion go through is the need to fill a supposed "void" that religion used to fill previously, but what many people don't stop to think is if there really is a void that needs to be filled, or if this void was constructed, dug by religion itself, to fit in a person's life. Nihilism is a reaction, a product of religion specifically, but more generally objective philosophy. This is why Nietzsche refused to call himself a nihilist and instead called the religious people the nihilists. Because it's religion that strips life of its meaning. Life is in fact full of meaning. What life lacks is objective meaning, but that's not a bad thing at all. In fact, subjective meaning is better than objective. Think of what objectivity does, it's oppressive and something we can't relate to. Would you want to spend your entire life worshipping something so isolated you can't even feel his existence? Would you want to be part of a society that's all about the "social good" and "what's best for most people", neglecting what is good for the individual? You might think the individual is part of society so s/he will be taken into account, surely? But that's the problem with utilitarianism: the individual is only taken into account if s/he fits the majority, the object. The individual, ultimately, is merely a subject. Objectivity is about things high up above, be it society or God. A subjective religion is one where the subject and object is one: you are your own god. And we all, connected, are God. This is the religion of inter-subjectivity, the religion of life.

    Subjective truth is the highest form of truth, because it's truth we can relate to, truth based on our own experiences. So stop thinking about objectivity, about some "meaning" in life, as if life isn't already full of beauty; objectivity, this sick and twisted idea that there is something higher than us. Stop thinking about meaning and go talk to people, make friends, share your experiences, relate to them... make connections, fall in love. Go do something you enjoy. This is your fuckin' life, so go fuckin' live it!
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #1 - August 28, 2011, 06:48 PM


    I will read your post now.
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #2 - August 28, 2011, 07:00 PM

    So very true. When you concentrate on the next life, and work towards gaining the maximum benefit in the afterlife, then you treat this life as worthless or, at best, a tool towards a superior end. And yet this life is the one we should make the most of.
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #3 - August 28, 2011, 07:03 PM

    Was just about to head off to bed but bookmarked this thread so I can read the post and reply to it properly later.
    Just wanted to say it's good to see you again Abood. Hope you've been doing well Smiley
    (P.S. it's poopycock)

  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #4 - August 29, 2011, 12:11 AM

    Welcome back  Smiley
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #5 - August 29, 2011, 10:56 PM

    Thanks, everyone.

    I started this blog to get back into thinking and writing mode, I haven't written or been contemplative all summer, although that's not necessarily a bad thing, I just haven't been feeling it. I've been busy doing other things, and I have to say, every time I look back at my life I smile inside knowing how it took a dramatic turn to the better. I used to be a "lost soul", but somehow I managed to find myself. I realized this while I was on vacation with my family and instead of spending my time with them I just wanted to do my own thing, doing what I love. And that's the difference between me and many other people: some people's joie de vivre is to be around as many people as possible, they wake up every morning and without even thinking about it go and hang out with their friends. Personally, I'm always afraid of spending too much time with my friends because I think I could be doing something more productive. Don't get me wrong, I love my friends, but I guess I've never been into shallow social interactions. I find them to be a waste of time. When I'm hanging out with many people and we're just sitting around drinking, I always think I'm practically doing nothing. I'm a bigger fan of one-on-one interactions, they're more real and I can really relate to the other person. I hung out with a friend last week, someone who had been an acquaintance/a friend but never too close and being with him alone made me really feel that I know him better. We went to a dingy indie-type cafe/bar then walked out for a bit. I mean, that's one of the reasons I live: to relate to other people, to form connections. But even then, I always have the need to go back to my default solitude and be productive.

    I feel that many things in life are a charade, I don't even know why we do them. When I was with my family and we were doing touristy stuff, it came to a point that I thought there's no point in all this. For some reason I felt it had gone beyond "this is the summer, let's relax and do chill stuff" to "wow this is just becoming a waste of time now, can I please go and do something more self-fulfilling?" By the end of it I stopped hanging out with them and just closed in on myself. That's not a bad thing though, I've just figured out what I want in life and the fact that I couldn't do it made me really irritated.

    I'll give to you if you give to me
    I always want to hear what's on your mind
    And from the other side, can you still answer me
    'Cause we'll crave to be understood

  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #6 - August 29, 2011, 11:00 PM

    I can't  (won't) read your post but Welcome back aboodle :3

    "If intelligence is feminine... I would want that mine would, in a resolute movement, come to resemble an impious woman."
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #7 - August 29, 2011, 11:54 PM

    Welcome back Abood Smiley Im glad your working those things out. 

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #8 - August 30, 2011, 05:42 AM

    Why are the things done ‘pointless’? And what is it that you love doing? Is that also pointless?
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #9 - August 30, 2011, 06:20 AM

    They're not necessarily pointless, but when you do them for a long period of time it becomes pointless. The point of a vacation is to wind down and chill out for a bit, which I did -- I mean I had a great summer, I just thought it was too long and wanted to go back to my life, which I guess is a good thing, because it means my summer was very relaxing.

    I seek self-fulfillment in life. Doing the things I love gives me self-fulfillment, and I knew I would have to go back to school soon so I really wanted to make sure I get some things done before I get preoccupied again.

    The things I love are making music, photography and writing.
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #10 - September 02, 2011, 11:40 AM

    Sometimes you have a lot of things to complain about, but you decide to shut up and enjoy life.
    It's unconditional love.
    Sometimes unrequited love,
    but always true love.
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #11 - September 03, 2011, 06:21 AM

    Good blog, i feel i can relate to some of your entries particularly reply No.5, bookmarked.

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #12 - September 03, 2011, 09:11 AM

    On nihilism and subjectivity

    One of the most common things people who leave religion go through is the need to fill a supposed "void" that religion used to fill previously, but what many people don't stop to think is if there really is a void that needs to be filled, or if this void was constructed, dug by religion itself, to fit in a person's life. Nihilism is a reaction, a product of religion specifically, but more generally objective philosophy. This is why Nietzsche refused to call himself a nihilist and instead called the religious people the nihilists. Because it's religion that strips life of its meaning. Life is in fact full of meaning. What life lacks is objective meaning, but that's not a bad thing at all. In fact, subjective meaning is better than objective. Think of what objectivity does, it's oppressive and something we can't relate to. Would you want to spend your entire life worshipping something so isolated you can't even feel his existence? Would you want to be part of a society that's all about the "social good" and "what's best for most people", neglecting what is good for the individual? You might think the individual is part of society so s/he will be taken into account, surely? But that's the problem with utilitarianism: the individual is only taken into account if s/he fits the majority, the object. The individual, ultimately, is merely a subject. Objectivity is about things high up above, be it society or God. A subjective religion is one where the subject and object is one: you are your own god. And we all, connected, are God. This is the religion of inter-subjectivity, the religion of life.

    Subjective truth is the highest form of truth, because it's truth we can relate to, truth based on our own experiences. So stop thinking about objectivity, about some "meaning" in life, as if life isn't already full of beauty; objectivity, this sick and twisted idea that there is something higher than us. Stop thinking about meaning and go talk to people, make friends, share your experiences, relate to them... make connections, fall in love. Go do something you enjoy. This is your fuckin' life, so go fuckin' live it!

    WOW! clap couldn't agree with you more! AFA life goes objective truths are abstractions whereas subjective truths are concrete and real.

    The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.
                                   Thomas Paine

    Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored !- Aldous Huxley
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #13 - September 03, 2011, 11:56 AM

    Keep on writing, Abood. Afro

    I thoroughly enjoy reading your stuff.

    "Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well."
    - Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #14 - October 01, 2011, 12:35 AM

    Twenty-three years of life / I remember

    Twenty-three years of life, twenty three years on this planet, twenty-three rotations around the Sun. I can’t say I know what my first memory is, but I can say that I have many of them. I remember my first crush, I remember my first date, I remember when I started sexually experimenting. I remember when teachers told me I’m smart but need to put in more effort, I remember believing them, I remember believing in myself, but not giving a crap about schoolwork. I remember spending time doing independent reading when I was supposed to be studying for school. I remember the pain and depression that comes with being a teenager, and the pain I had to inflict on myself to cope with it. I remember the music I used to listen to to help me get through another day, and the people who helped me get through it. I remember the trouble I got into in school, I remember how many detentions I had, how I got close to being suspended, how I got close to being expelled. I remember the arguments I had with my parents about my future, and how I had to straighten the fuck up and study, study, study. I remember how I owned everyone and showed them that I believe in myself and was able to prove it.

    I remember when I got my driving license and felt free, free to do whatever I wanted. I remember when I used to sneak out in the middle of the night and drive with my best friend everywhere, nowhere, just hang out, drive along, watch the sunrise on the beach, enjoy life – really enjoy life, feel it, feel alive, breathe its air, the air of freedom.

    I remember when I started questioning things. I don’t know how or why I started, but I guess in a sense I’ve always been a sceptic, a questioner. I remember looking out the window when I was twelve and wondering why I was expected to respect authority, why I was unable to question what people say, and why I had to love abstract things such as my “country”. “Your country raises and feeds you,” people would say. “But my mom does that,” I would think.

    I remember when I moved out and started feeling homesick, when all I wanted to do was go back home. That’s when it dawned on me what having a “home” really is – that thing I took for granted all along. That’s when I realized what being uprooted truly meant, having all your past, all your memories just evaporate. You stick to everything you can, cherishing everything, every memory, every possession that reminds you of a past that will never come back. That’s when I truly realized how precious life is, how much of it just slipped under me while I was unconscious. Where did my life go? What have I done with it? Where is everything? Everything had a whole new meaning to it. I would go back home and look around my room, looking at things not just as things, but as things full of memories, things with a past I experienced, things that were once a part of me, memories embodied.

    I remember when I was seventeen and my questioning became even deeper: What’s the purpose of life? How do I know God exists? Big questions started coming up, scary questions. I started having dialogues with myself, I felt crazy, started dealing by joking around with myself about them. After much reading and much thought, after many days and nights spent thinking, I just had to accept the truth, which opened up a whole new Pandora’s box. I fell into unprecedented depression – I remember the days I couldn’t get out of bed and just wanted it all to end, I remember the times I just wanted to lock myself in my room and could barely read a few pages, didn’t want to speak to anyone. But more importantly, I remember my first spiritual experience, the experience I had reading a book I had found on the street, like a Godsend. Camus spoke to me like no one else could. “There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide,” he said. He was speaking to me. I was convinced. The connection I felt reading the first few pages of his essay was mystical. I felt high, soberly high, like nothing I had ever felt before. That essay opened a whole new world of experiences, a whole new level of consciousness. Since that day, I haven’t stopped feeling spiritual experiences, feeling connected to everything in a way that cannot be explained, only be experienced.

    I remember the amount of time, amount of energy I spent trying to figure out what it is that I want in life, what it is that drives me, going through so many things, falling in and out of passions… always finding something new to pursue, always trying to convince myself that that’s the thing I truly want, but never feeling dedicated or perseverant enough… and I remember, years later, out of the blue, realizing that I’m happy, content, that I’ve finally found what I’ve been looking for all along. I don’t know how I did it, but I know I did, and that it changed my attitude toward everything. When you would give up everything just to dedicate yourself to something, that’s when you know, you just know, that that’s it, you’ve found the answer.

    I remember when it first hit me that I am happy, not because of any higher power, not because I have somehow found an outside meaning to life, but because life itself is full of meaning, full of beauty. Freedom is the true source of happiness, the realization that this is my life, and no one else’s, that I am free to do with it whatever the hell I want, and that every day I wake up is another day that’s mine and mine alone, mine to shape, mine to seize, mine to live.

    There aren’t many things I know, but one thing I’m certain of: I’m alive, alive in the fullest, alive in the most real sense. Every time I laugh, every time I cry, every time I’m happy or depressed, every time I’m melancholic, every time I’m feeling connected… I know I’m alive. I just want to scream into the empty distant and hear this life echo back at me.
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #15 - October 01, 2011, 06:44 AM

    I remember when it first hit me that I am happy, not because of any higher power, not because I have somehow found an outside meaning to life, but because life itself is full of meaning, full of beauty. Freedom is the true source of happiness, the realization that this is my life, and no one else’s, that I am free to do with it whatever the hell I want, and that every day I wake up is another day that’s mine and mine alone, mine to shape, mine to seize, mine to live.

    There aren’t many things I know, but one thing I’m certain of: I’m alive, alive in the fullest, alive in the most real sense. Every time I laugh, every time I cry, every time I’m happy or depressed, every time I’m melancholic, every time I’m feeling connected… I know I’m alive. I just want to scream into the empty distant and hear this life echo back at me.

    You're beautiful. I remember having the exact same realization.

    "If intelligence is feminine... I would want that mine would, in a resolute movement, come to resemble an impious woman."
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #16 - October 27, 2011, 01:30 PM

    i wanna drop out and run away
    run away into the wild
    run and never come back
    i wanna live my life and fall in love
    i wanna make love
    get high
    high on life
    be on top of the world
    never come down
    i wanna breathe the air
    not just mechanically but spiritually
    i wanna be the air
    i wanna smile from ear to ear, hold your hand and jump
    sore the skies
    dive through the clouds
    and when i land back on earth
    i want you to always be by my side
    we are alive
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #17 - November 01, 2011, 03:55 AM

    sometimes you feel so fucking worthless like you have so much energy and you're not using it. you don't know why but you just feel dormant and have no idea how to manifest your energy. it's so very debilitating. you wish you could smash everything around you and start anew, you wish you can always start anew, always, new, always, new... always.. every time you screw up you want to start anew... every time.. till when? you feel like you always need a restart button and redo everything over and over again because you keep falling and falling.

    I try to discipline myself and get myself organized to be more productive and feel more self-satisfied but i always slip, slip within a week or two, always fall into a rut and try to climb back up, always the same cycle over and over again. it feels hopeless and pointless. till when? how many times do I have to do this? why do I waste my life doing abso-fucking-lutely nothing? school takes over my life and i study study study then i stress out and give up then i fall behind then i try to study again but it's just too much so i give up and fall behind and can't do anything because i feel guilty so i just do nothing and keep falling and falling and wasting time and wasting time and forever and forever and ever... and i know i'm going to screw up my classes but i can't do anything about it because i'm too busy thinking about doing this and that instead of doing this or that and i'm just sitting around and doing nothing and nothing and nothing all day every moment. tick tick tock tick tock tick and every moment passes and every moment i've wasted, wasted it on nothingness... and then i'm wasting more and more... and i'm stuck in a cycle thinking about what i'm wasting and keep on wasting... GAHH!!! i want to let all the energy burst out and break the cycle. i feel my head pumping about to explode and i'm about to scream the life out of me and let it all out, but it's all temporary because it'll all come back over and over again and repeat itself and repeat... and always forever and ever... and i'm just stuck here in the fucking middle of it all, what a worthless existence i am living... i don't know how to get out.
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #18 - November 01, 2011, 04:25 AM

    Hello INFP.  Tongue

    Sorry, not being insensitive, just from one idealist to another, hello, I know you well.   cool2

    To be the ideal abood, on top of everything, not slipping anymore, staying in control and using your Te will just exhaust you and you will fall again, it's the way that function works for us.  In fact use it for too long, stay in control and regimented and on top of the organisation necessary to be as successful as you can be and you will break. 

    This isn't defeatist talk, more that perhaps it is better for you to adjust that this up and down cycle of productivity is you.  And maybe instead of beating yourself up over it, accept that every now and again you MUST let things go for a little while to give your system a break from routine, and then reapply yourself.  Be happy when you are on a 'fall' by seeing it as your need for down time, something we need to get back on the bike again.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #19 - November 01, 2011, 04:45 AM

    it's scary how right you are, but i never saw it that way. i always tell myself i need a break, etc., but i never saw the bigger picture that i always will need a break and need to just accept it. my problem is that i feel that i'm falling a lot and am not "on the bike" enough. when i first started the semester i worked so so hard and hardly took any break, i really overworked myself and did every single reading and it was so fucking ridiculous how much i stressed myself out, but suddenly i just stopped doing things and it really ruined everything, it's like i realized that i can actually have the option of doing nothing so now i do nothing, or very little. i studied a bit last weekend and it was very successful because i was able to manage my time but i can't seem to get back on track and i'm really really falling behind and i don't want it to end like every semester did.

    and the worst part is that i have so many other things i want to do yet i can't do anything at all. even when i'm procrastinating schoolwork i'm not using the time to be productive in other ways, so i'm basically just sitting around, being online, doing nothing. and i even lost my volunteer job because they realized i've been too busy and haven't been able to keep up with things and it's made me feel like shit because i knew i'm really stressed out and have been thinking of leaving but i really loved that job and it was right up my alley and i would have done anything to keep it. now i feel that i can't even do the thing i'm most passionate about and was thinking of making my career someday...
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #20 - November 04, 2011, 01:54 AM

    i wanna drop out and run away
    run away into the wild
    run and never come back
    i wanna live my life and fall in love
    i wanna make love
    get high
    high on life
    be on top of the world
    never come down
    i wanna breathe the air
    not just mechanically but spiritually
    i wanna be the air
    i wanna smile from ear to ear, hold your hand and jump
    sore the skies
    dive through the clouds
    and when i land back on earth
    i want you to always be by my side
    we are alive

    Smiley Pretty

    "If intelligence is feminine... I would want that mine would, in a resolute movement, come to resemble an impious woman."
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #21 - November 04, 2011, 01:56 AM

    it's scary how right you are, but i never saw it that way. i always tell myself i need a break, etc., but i never saw the bigger picture that i always will need a break and need to just accept it. my problem is that i feel that i'm falling a lot and am not "on the bike" enough. when i first started the semester i worked so so hard and hardly took any break, i really overworked myself and did every single reading and it was so fucking ridiculous how much i stressed myself out, but suddenly i just stopped doing things and it really ruined everything, it's like i realized that i can actually have the option of doing nothing so now i do nothing, or very little. i studied a bit last weekend and it was very successful because i was able to manage my time but i can't seem to get back on track and i'm really really falling behind and i don't want it to end like every semester did.

    and the worst part is that i have so many other things i want to do yet i can't do anything at all. even when i'm procrastinating schoolwork i'm not using the time to be productive in other ways, so i'm basically just sitting around, being online, doing nothing. and i even lost my volunteer job because they realized i've been too busy and haven't been able to keep up with things and it's made me feel like shit because i knew i'm really stressed out and have been thinking of leaving but i really loved that job and it was right up my alley and i would have done anything to keep it. now i feel that i can't even do the thing i'm most passionate about and was thinking of making my career someday...

    But you didn't do everything to keep it, clearly.
    I know how you feel though. That passivity you feel towards life/an issue is only going to be overcome if you take on a project or activity which makes you excited again and pushes you. And don't say you cant do what you're passionate about. I'm sure you do the job well, you just have commitment and organizational issues.

    "If intelligence is feminine... I would want that mine would, in a resolute movement, come to resemble an impious woman."
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #22 - November 04, 2011, 02:14 AM

    i've always had problems sticking to long term projects. i have a lot of things i want to do and it's hard keeping them all active. it's something i've been working on improving. right now i'm trying to develop the habit of getting in a few hours of things other than schoolwork so that i can be more active. i've realized that i can't spend all my time doing schoolwork, otherwise it can be a drag and stressful.

    and i'm still volunteering as a photographer with another group, which i think suits me more right now, because it gives me control on how much i want to do.

  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #23 - November 04, 2011, 07:56 AM

    dude wtf u write good Cheesy im reading and i just kept reading, i never read blogs NEVER

    deep stuff

    [13:36] <Fimbles> anything above 7 inches
    [13:37] <Fimbles> is wacko
    [13:37] <Fimbles> see
    [13:37] <Fimbles> you think i'd enjoy anything above 7 inches up my arse?
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #24 - November 09, 2011, 10:08 AM

    there are more important things in life than school and work
    life is too important to be school and work
    i demand more than the dullness of this routine
    you call me a failure
    of course i'm a failure
    you don't judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree
    i want to swim
    swim in the ocean of life
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #25 - November 09, 2011, 07:04 PM

    Thread split. Discussions about Abood and his inherent bitchiness may be continued at the following most salubrious venue: Abood is a bitch

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #26 - November 20, 2011, 04:55 AM

    wow, i just got an email from a friend in kuwait i haven't talked to in months. this is someone i was madly close to in high school, we used to split from our groups and go walking around the yard alone, and we used to take walks in the park, and she snuck out to hang out with me a few times. my friends used to tell me we'd make a good couple, and i really did like her, but somehow she went from being resistant to her parents' pressures to giving in to all the religiousness. i remember she even cried for me when i told her i don't believe in god. part of me still wishes i could get her back, because she has a lot of potential but is really too nice for her own good, but i just want the best for her. she's always been really open-minded though about everything. i even told her i'm bi and she was cool with it. fuck. i wish i can steal her, open the cage and set her free like a bird soaring away, but i know no man will free her, she needs to free herself. i just don't want her to end up with a religious nut who doesn't appreciate what a beautiful soul she is.
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #27 - March 24, 2012, 04:26 AM

    i think i'm starting to be one of those people who look for faults in a potential partner. it's not just that my standards are really high, it's that i seem to be seeking an ideal partner, an ideal experience that transcends reality. i get attracted to people easily, but once we get closer i'm constantly looking for excuses not to be with them, even if we get along really well and have good chemistry. it's as if i'm telling myself this isn't the image of romance i've been sold. and yet i have no idea what i'm looking for.
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #28 - April 19, 2012, 10:16 PM

    I lost a friend today. It’s weird, on some level I knew it was going to happen, but on another I didn’t really know what he was going through. Ultimately, he was the only person who knew what was going through his head. He was a very intelligent guy, a guy whose intelligence drove him over the edge. The maddening intelligence, with the mind that just spins out of control. Life was hard on him. Life is fucking hard; it’s a struggle. Some people can’t go through with it. It’s an absurd existence. Many of us have been there: when we lose all purpose in life, when we lose all motivation and ask ourselves why to even bother getting out of bed, because what’s the point of it all?

    But why do we isolate ourselves and look for meaning above us? Why don’t we look for meaning around us, within us?

    Finitude gives things value. You can either ask why you don’t have more, or you can cherish absolutely what you have. When confronted with a finite life, the logical thing to do is to give it infinite value. A meaningful life is one that has its own, intrinsic value. If you’ve lost meaning in your life, find something that fills it with meaning. Your life is yours. If you’re not happy with your job, quit it. If you don’t like your study program, change it. If you want to escape, run away and never look back.

    Experience every moment with all the intensity in the universe, express yourself unabashedly, surround yourself with people you love, people you get a rush of joy by just being with, people who make you feel connected – to them, and to the very Being of existence.

    These words are hard to live by, I know. It’s not easy finding people you really love, or a job you are really passionate about. It’s not easy expressing yourself when we’re socialized to be alienated.

    Life is not easy, but we really need to enjoy the process, the struggles, the challenges. It’s like hiking up a mountain. The longer the hike, the steeper it is, the more accomplished you feel. And on the way, you can take time to enjoy the scenery, snap some photos, and breathe in the air. When you reach the top, you look down and exclaim at how far you’ve gone, then marvel at all the beautiful moments you've captured. But what is the purpose of the hike? Only to enjoy it, to feel accomplished. It has no meaning outside of itself, no promise of wealth, no eternal reward.
  • Re: Abood's blog
     Reply #29 - April 19, 2012, 10:25 PM

    ^^ sorry about your friend Abood, are you going through grieving for the loss or do you think that is yet to come?  far away hug
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