It's funny that there's such a difference between 16 and 17, but no difference between two other consecutive years in the same way. 16 reminds me of the dorky days when I was a clueless idiot, while 17 reminds me of youthful exuberance when I thought I was the best and youthfully unaware of my dorkishness (although my 17 was more like when I was 19/20
Anyway, my point is if I had to say what age I feel then I would say 17.
I just have to add... my bf is the best. He bought me a ROBOT today!
I was SO HAPPY!!! Hahahaha! I said I'm like a little girl cos I was playing with it, and he was like, um, more like a little boy... should I be concerned?
DISMISS all comments made prev iously about my bf, he's awesome. I think I just stopped appreciating it but robots don't lie, he's the best.