There's a fantastic comic series called Hellblazer. A very adult series staring a working class warlock/occultist from Liverpool It;s first foray as live action was the movie Constantine in 2005 which was beyond shit, and earlier this year A TV series called Constantine which was a cancelled and obviously trying to be like Supernatural, which is ironic considering Hellblazer was a major inspiration for Supernatural. The character Castiel dresses exactly like Constantine in a homage to the series.
There was a Hellblazer/Sandman spinoff series called Lucifer. The premise was that Lucifer abandoned Hell after a story arc in the Sandman series and open a piano bar in LA called Lux. It was a brilliant series overall that explored concepts of free will, individuality, willpower, as well as depicting his adventures on Earth, Heaven, and in the various other realms of his family's creations and in uncreated voids, and actual conversations with god. Like, god is there in the story and they have an actual conversation.
Last week I saw the pilot episode of Lucifer. I was massively disappointed, and if the last two attempts at getting this franchise on the screen is any indicator, my disappointment is to be expected.