Ecstacy 100% Proven To Kill Cancer Cells Now you can add another to your checklist of reasons to go to Club Space this weekend: a modified super-version of the club drug ecstasy has been “100% proven” to kill all blood related cancer cells. Back in 2006 when they started these experiments, they determined that in huge doses, ecstasy and antidepressants proved to shut down the already cancerous cells and prevent them from continuing their toxic growth. But the downside was, the doses of both would have to be in such high amounts that it would be lethal to the patient. Scientists at The University Of Western Australia have chemically modified ecstasy so that some atoms were taken away and replaced with others. Lead researcher Professor John Gordon, from the University of Birmingham, told the BBC: “Particularly the leukemia, the lymphoma and the melanoma, where we’ve tested these new compounds we can wipe out 100% of the cancer cells in some cases.” So now, what would normally take 100mg of ecstasy to do the job (and would kill you) they can do in 1mg.
But don’t get too excited yet, because these are just test tube results. Before doctors would ever start prescribing it, it would need lengthy testing on both animals and humans before it would be mainstream. Last year I also wrote a story titled “About To Die? Just Get High!” which talked about how the main ingredient in magic mushrooms called psilocybin calmed even the most terrified nerves of terminal patients. So basically drugs are wonderful for you in the right circumstances. But don’t get too excited just yet, according to scientists, BBC and other estimates, it could take up to 10 years until ecstasy becomes mainstream in the medical treatment world. But still, extremely good news and a huge step into fighting cancer.
SF ChronicleDo drugs, kids.