To me the argument from morality seems to me always seem to be begging the question.
Off course there will always be questions what is Moral and what is not moral., after all it is evolving along with human being since the time they came out of monkeys..
All arguments for it I have seen try and appeal to the moral anarchy of a loss of a trans-human judge of morality and then claims in order to avoid that "loss" we need a trans human judge for their to be moral values, but this actually doesn't say anything about the actual existence of one, only that if there were to be one we could avoid the messiness of moral anarchy. I could be wrong though.
Well Theists have that trans human judge to guide their moral values along with books allegedly inspired/written with trans human background..
anyways., Here I have to agree Richard Dawkins w.r.t. Craig.,
Craig should spend his time with debates like this.. he will be better of debating with LOOONG Allah loving BEARDS.. Not with Atheists..