Things Allah Forgot
OP - December 20, 2011, 03:33 AM
Here is a short list of what Allah and His Rasool did not know or forgot about:
- There may be security guards and other people who may be working and living inverse lives, how are they supposed to follow the Muslim Prayer calendar if they sleep during the daytime? Where are statements by Allah and Mohammed to grant them a leave to live such a life, and how must they pray according to Shariah?
- Allah and his Rasool forgot about the land of midnight sun and long nights. They forgot to give us guidance on how long to fast, and what times to pray at. How are people supposed to live in these places with 100% certainty that they are not violating the Shariah?
- Allah and his Rasool forgot about the fact that stars and meteors are two very different things.
- Allah did not know about creatures who have no gender, or have several or even thousands of genders.
- Allah forgot about most of the invertibrates even though they are the majority of the living beings.
- Allah forgot that it is possible to reproduce without a male in reptiles.
- Allah forgot that there are a lot more than 8 different types of cattle.
- Allah forgot that Moon is much closer to the Earth than the stars.
- Allah forgot that when the Earth formed 4.5 billion years ago the universe and even our galaxy was well-formed. Universe was about 9 billion years old at that time, and our galaxy of a similar age. But Allah thinks that universe was like smoke.
- Allah forgot that humans evolved and did not come from Adam and Eve, otherwise humans will not exhibit Atavism and their second chromosome would have no telomeric regions in middle of the chromosome suggesting of chromosomal merger. Nor would there would be analogues to the two chromosomes that merged to form chromosome 2 in other apes.
If Allah forgot these many things in Quran, then can you trust him to protect the Quran or even be anything more than Mohammed's own imagination?
Think about it and reflect. Only reason you believe in Quran is because you received this hearsay and/or you were born as Muslims. The majority of Muslims have not even ever read the translation of Quran. Do you want to listen to denials of science from people who have no qualification on the subject and believe them?
Are you then not naive and gullible?
The most merciful Allah, who is more merciful than your own mortal mother, is capable of punishing you for eternity for a finite sin committed in a finite lifetime with finite knowledge, while your mother nor any living creature that is NOT a sadistic mother fucker would never commit such an act.