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 Topic: Hi confused muslim here

 (Read 16937 times)
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  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #30 - January 12, 2012, 08:41 PM

    berberella what are you talking about?
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #31 - January 12, 2012, 08:43 PM

    Innocence doesn't suit you.   Smiley

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #32 - January 12, 2012, 08:44 PM

    Well, if you know that Richard Dawkins is a credible atheist, then why don't you visit his website or watch some of his documentaries on youtube?

    Surely it can't be that hard, can it?
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #33 - January 12, 2012, 08:47 PM

    demba there is nothing wrong with creating a community, and working together for a common cause, but it seems people are not very serious about defeating islam.

    berbella, how can you know what a doubting muslim would say, Have you studied psychology and determined the behaviour of a doubting muslim? Im sure there are many different behavioural patterns for doubting muslims depending on the individual, his mental capacity, his life experiences, his outlook. I know some apostates in real life. they area whole profile of people, coming from different angles.

    Some just enjoyed the hedonistic life of university and didnt like having to abide by rules and dint know much about religion and thought f**k it. These are the types who grew up in strict but uneducated ethnic families and suddenly found freedom when they got to university.

    Then there are a lot of iranian apostates, who suffered at the hands of the iranian islamic revolution and became atheist here. this is quite common.

    Then you have some converts who left Islam again, this also seems to be quite common.

    but to say I dont match the profile of a doubting muslim is sheer stupidity.

    My outlook is simple, I wish to research religion because I wish to contribute to the world but dont want to contribute to the wrong side. All ive asked for is basic info and sites, how does that gain me "trolling benefit" of any sort?
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #34 - January 12, 2012, 08:53 PM

     Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

    Lemme see.  I'm one of the admin.  I have been a part of the ex muslim community since 2005.  I have seen members come and go.  I spend almost all my time here watching, learning, studying ex muslims, trying to figure out how it all works.

    I have also seen many a fucking troll pass through here, and many of them fit your profile.

    So experience says that you do not fit the ex muslim profile based on how you keep wording your questions.  Very strangely put for someone who should currently have some connection to muslims.  There is something missing in your post.

    Even the angry ex muslims don't sound the way you do.

    Yet experience says you totally fit the troll profile.

    You will only prove me right soon enough.  I have an eye for these things. 

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #35 - January 12, 2012, 08:56 PM

    demba, firstly i dont mean to be obnoxious, i got a little bit irritated by some posts because I didnt feel its a hard request and its taking a long time to get some links, not what i had hoped.

    richard dawkins mainly focuses on the existence of god and doesnt have much work on islam to my knowledge, so he will help me on the theism vs atheism issue but i wanted the websites which demonstrate the bad things in the hadeeth and qur'an like scientific inaccuracies, oppression, contradictions etc. I have come accross different websites from time to time but i presumed you guys would have a lot more knowledge of where i can find all the resources and could compile a list of the best websites. I need as much as possible. there is some really distirbing things that I am aware of in Islam, such as the prophets marriage to a 9 year old, approval of slavery, approval of beating wives, men allowed to take more than one wife, killing of apostates, but i need all the references, all the issues im unaware of, maybe some videos, i wish to research it fully and not just leave it on flimsy reasoning because its a big change in my life and will change a lot of things for me.

    Sorry if i have been rude but I just want a list of sites, videos and otehr resources. im sure everyone can just post what they have come across that they felt was good websites with good info.

    Im not here to debate with anyone so dont worry about me trolling, im hear to establish the truth for myself and if im 100% certain about leaving islam i wish to get involved in teh movement myself. Its very confusing and hard for me because on one hand i see islam could have benefits to society if it was implemented, but on the other hand i see it as a disasterous thing if islam succeeds in the world. im genuinely a very confused person right now and apologise if ive offended anyone.

    also, im interested to hear your theory as you mentioend you dont believe aysha even existed at all, ive not come accross that before,coudl you explain more?
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #36 - January 12, 2012, 08:56 PM

    demba there is nothing wrong with creating a community, and working together for a common cause, but it seems people are not very serious about defeating islam.

    Listen, I've already provided you with a couple of sources....... why don't you now go and start reading/watching?

  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #37 - January 12, 2012, 08:58 PM


    "We were married by a Reform rabbi in Long Island. A very Reform rabbi. A Nazi."-- Woody Allen
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #38 - January 12, 2012, 08:59 PM

    berbella your very wrong but it doesnt matter what you think. As far as im aware, trolls come to start arguements, right?

    your making rules and generalisations and people dont necessarily follows these rules. interesting accusation though. you'll be waiting a long time if you think am gonna start shouting and swearing or arguing, all im here to do is get info on the problems with islamic texts. think what you wnat though, im not your average person and dont think the same as your average person so doesnt surpise me if i dont fit the profile. Im interested to hear more on your theories and observations though if you feel like sharing?
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #39 - January 12, 2012, 09:01 PM

    And BTW, Richard Dawkins knows more than just atheism v religion. He's also an evolutionary biologist. A scientist.

    I'll repeat it again, no one here should do the donkey work for you. You go and do your own research.

    Now, excuse me, I'm off to eat my roasted chicken while watching a bit of Spanish football.
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #40 - January 12, 2012, 09:02 PM

    demba i wanted to build up a full list of sites first if thats ok. thanks for the links.

    my intention is to get a ful list of resources, do a lot of research and check out references etc, really research in detail and finally, come to a decision. ill let you all know if i decide to leave islam although as i said, i dont think am gonna be one of the people who chills n chats, perhaps i maybe assist those who also wish to leave islam and provide the resources etc as i can see some of you prefer to discuss lighter topics
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #41 - January 12, 2012, 09:04 PM

    btw berberella no offence but you actually remind me of the muslims who always make the exact same accusations that people are fake ex muslims and secret spies etc. I find it very strange lol. why not assume good of people, your not portraying the anti muslim movement in a good manner, are you sure they were all actual fake ex muslims you spoke to before, you didnt accidentally start firing accusatiosn at genuine ex muslims or doubters did you? Perhaps its safer to judge on the apparant?
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #42 - January 12, 2012, 09:09 PM

    demba thanks for the links. if you think doubters in islam need to do their own searches then i dont feel your taking it very seriously but hey whatever man, its cool, its your choice n hope you enjoy the chicken n football. I think we just think differently, you just wanna kick back and enjoy life, which is fair enough, and i have a different outlook but each to their own. i guess im searching for purpose in life. maybe i might end up deciding the purpose IS to kick back n enjoy. who knows? Guess time will tell. Hope some of you will help me on my journey and can provide lots of resources etc, im sure some of you have a tonne of sites and articles. i actually enjoy reading articles and comparitive religious studies so i gess those who have the same mindset and approach will be the most suitable to help me out. the party animal steve stifler types might clash a bit with me lol
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #43 - January 12, 2012, 09:10 PM

    I'll bite...

    youtube channels;  Smiley
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #44 - January 12, 2012, 09:10 PM

    i have to say, berberella, dispite your increible rudeness, i do like your style though and hope i will be hearing more from you
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #45 - January 12, 2012, 09:11 PM

    thanks strangest dude

    admin, do you mind if i copy n paste the links to a new thread at some point so its a little more concise and perhaps a resource for others too in the future?
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #46 - January 12, 2012, 09:12 PM

    i remember reading once that the first verse of the qur'an has a spelling error. Does anyone have an article or know anything about that?
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #47 - January 12, 2012, 09:15 PM

    No probs.

    Id like to know all about the movement so please let me know more, im excited to find a whole movement I can be part of as Ive really had doubts about islam for a long time now but not had much chance to talk to anyone about it or relate to anyone.

    What movement you talking bout dude?
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #48 - January 12, 2012, 09:21 PM

    im sure some of you have some websites for me to start reading?

    Hello jon_confused. I like the way you think. There are several anti-Islamic websites.

    But I suggest you read the following books:-
    - INFIDEL and NOMAD both written by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
    - AMONG THE BELIVERS and BEYOND BELIEF both written by V.S. Naipaul. Naipaul is a Noble Prize winner. He was listed as the best English language writer in 1980's.
    - WHY I AM NOT A MUSLIM by Ibn Warraq. Warraq is a Pakistani ex-Muslim. He is a professor in some university.

    वासुदैव कुटुम्बकम्
    Entire World is One Family
    سارا سنسار ايک پريوار ہے
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #49 - January 12, 2012, 09:22 PM

    the ex muslim/anti muslim movement. I thought it was the same thing but apparently jihad watch style websites dont get on too well with ex muslim council of britain. Perhaps I have misunderstood, do you guys get involved in sites refuting islam and detailing the errors in islam etc? I came accross any sites and ASSUMED you guys would be into that and know all about them but maybe i m ade an assumption, do you guys follow this sort of stuff? maybe its two seperate movements n you guys are just people who left islam. If you arent invovled in refuting islam, could you tell me where i can go to get this sort of info?
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #50 - January 12, 2012, 09:23 PM

    thanks ram. Maybe we are thinking along the same lines?

    Ill try get those books, is there any online versions? ive heard of ayaan hursi
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #51 - January 12, 2012, 09:25 PM

    im glad some people here understand me

    not many do usually so its hard to relate to people

    have you heard of daniel pipes? He has a good site
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #52 - January 12, 2012, 09:26 PM

    I'm not chilled or relaxed about this. Why on earth should I do your research work for you? How about if you start reading faithfreedom?

    You're not my responsibility. When I left Islam, I did my own work and research. You've got the internet right at your finger tips.... only one or two words typed into Google will get you what you are looking for.

    Stop being a lazy fucker, will you.
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #53 - January 12, 2012, 09:28 PM

    Hello again jon_cofused. Here are some websites, you may want to check. Google their names and you will see their websites.
    - Taslima Nasrin or Taslima Nasreen.
    - Noni Derwish
    - Wafa Sultan
    - Raymond Ibrahim

    वासुदैव कुटुम्बकम्
    Entire World is One Family
    سارا سنسار ايک پريوار ہے
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #54 - January 12, 2012, 09:28 PM

    the ex muslim/anti muslim movement. I thought it was the same thing but apparently jihad watch style websites dont get on too well with ex muslim council of britain. Perhaps I have misunderstood, do you guys get involved in sites refuting islam and detailing the errors in islam etc? I came accross any sites and ASSUMED you guys would be into that and know all about them but maybe i m ade an assumption, do you guys follow this sort of stuff? maybe its two seperate movements n you guys are just people who left islam. If you arent invovled in refuting islam, could you tell me where i can go to get this sort of info?

    Grin You are surprised that people here aren't impressed with JihadWatch and similar sites? Ok.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #55 - January 12, 2012, 09:30 PM

    To my knowledge this forum is an open support forum for ex muslims, though anyone can join.

    If you're into active campaigning the best place to network is probably youtube, you'll find plenty of proponents of 'new atheism' who focus on Islam.
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #56 - January 12, 2012, 09:31 PM

    the ex muslim/anti muslim movement. I thought it was the same thing but apparently jihad watch style websites dont get on too well with ex muslim council of britain. Perhaps I have misunderstood, do you guys get involved in sites refuting islam and detailing the errors in islam etc? I came accross any sites and ASSUMED you guys would be into that and know all about them but maybe i m ade an assumption, do you guys follow this sort of stuff? maybe its two seperate movements n you guys are just people who left islam. If you arent invovled in refuting islam, could you tell me where i can go to get this sort of info?

    our families are muslims.. we were once .. i don't know why you're surprised

    if you are looking for hate sites .. they come to you.. you won't have to look far unfortunately..
    but i hope that's not what you're looking for.. i would love it if you take a peek at "muslims against sharia", "one law for all"  sites..
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #57 - January 12, 2012, 09:31 PM

    lol demba. ok you made your point. im sure there are some people who are willing to share some links though so ill continue with my plan of building a comprehensive list of resources first and tehn going deep and thoroughly into the issue. im a bit of an OCD kinda person. Like i couldnt get married or have kids without first establishing if i believe in islam or not coz if i get in a relationship and then decide i want to go the other way it would be sort of uncomfortable. whereas im guess you would shag first ask questions later right? :-)

    im the sort of person who buys the build-it-yourself wardrobe and gets the instruction manual out, lays out all the bits in order and does it step by step. your the sort of person who says fuck it, throws away the manual and just builds the damn thing. Right? I think we just approach things differently. thanks for the advice though
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #58 - January 12, 2012, 09:32 PM

    jon_confused, do not let rude comments by some members of the CEMB rile you. They do not mean any ill will.

    वासुदैव कुटुम्बकम्
    Entire World is One Family
    سارا سنسار ايک پريوار ہے
  • Re: Hi confused muslim here
     Reply #59 - January 12, 2012, 09:36 PM

    right, i see. i didnt realise you guys werent the hater types. that actually does surprise me to be honest, but i did make an assumption i guess as i thought people leaving a religion and then making an organisation for it would be active in posting leaflets through muslims doors with bad hadeeths and things lol. im sure i can still get some benefit from the forum. im interested to know more about the mindset of people who leave islam and compare it with people who leave other faiths and adopt others faiths too. i want to know if its just the same but different religion or if there are some differences. out of interest, are the majority of people here atheist?

    Is there any forums which are active against islam because i think id like to talk with them also and maybe they will have alot of resources, i think you guys are more the types who just dont wanna have to get up at fajr lol
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