Re: Music changes how we see the world
Reply #2 - March 01, 2012, 06:39 PM
Interesting, so when I walk down the road listening to my sad music I can identify other sad people better?
I'm going to test this theory as usually I pay as little attention to other people as possible.
Thing is though, that if I am in a good mood, sad music does not bring me down, nor do I feel it altering my perception, rather I feel my perception altering what the music represents. so for instance a song that makes me cry because it reminds me of my heartbreak, I can listen to in a good mood and see the heartache in positive terms. Remember the good times, smile over the bittersweet memories and not end up in tears.
Cheerful music does not make me feel cheerful if I am depressed. It's just annoying noise that I want to stop.
Still though, I'm not discounting this, because music definitely does magic on me.
Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.