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 Topic: % of people that will go to hell

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  • % of people that will go to hell
     OP - March 24, 2012, 10:21 AM

    I saw somewhere someone claiming that 99% of people will go to hell.   Is this claimed in Islam through some hadith?  I know that Mohammad said that women were the majority when he 'visited'.   Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Was also reading that when a Muslim converts to Sikhism,  the first meal they prepare for the convert is pork!  Also read that Sikhs are actually forbidden from eating halal or kosher products.  Interesting....
  • Re: % of people that will go to hell
     Reply #1 - March 24, 2012, 02:38 PM

    I think I found it:   99 out of 100 of Adam's offspring will go to hell?  Wow,  not good odds for any of us.  We might as well enjoy life since we are hell-bound anyway (and predestination included means nothing can be done!!). bunny  The Flying Spaghetti Monster is far less likely to send anyone to hell.

    "The first man to be called on the Day of Resurrection will be Adam
    who will be shown his offspring, and it will be said to them, 'This
    is your father, Adam.' Adam will say (responding to the call),
    'Labbaik and Sa'daik' Then Allah will say (to Adam), 'Take out of
    your offspring, the people of Hell.' Adam will say, 'O Lord, how
    many should I take out?' Allah will say, 'Take out ninety-nine out
    of every hundred." They (the Prophet's companions) said, "O Allah's
    Apostle! If ninety-nine out of every one hundred of us are taken
    away, what will remain out of us?" He said, "My followers in
    comparison to the other nations are like a white hair on a black ox."

    Bukhari :: Book 8 :: Volume 76 :: Hadith 536

    Any comments or clarification welcome.
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