OP - April 03, 2012, 07:45 AM
Hello all, life-long kafir here!
I finally just registered for the forums, though I've admired your organization for a long time for what you do for ex-muslims. There have been many times when I've been debating muslims online, and I refer them to your testimonials.
I began focusing on defeating islam about two years ago. Long ago I had a positive view of islam, but that all changed once I decided to actually educate myself on it. During this time I've met numerous ex-muslims online, and they are some of the bravest people I know. They do what is right, despite the consequences. They want to leave so badly, that the consequences are worth it.
Someone like me, who grew up outside of islam, could never fully appreciate how difficult it must be to leave it. I know plenty of ex-Christians; and the worst-case scenario is some bitterness with the family that lasts perhaps a few months. But of the ex-muslims I've met, the best-case scenario was a girl whose parents shunned her but finished paying for university. The worst-case scenario was a married couple who had to flee to another country due to death threats from the wife's family.
Anyway, keep up the good work! You can find me here:
www . facebook . com /Fingolfin.Rhundagnir
I beat witness that there is no evil but allah, and muhammad is his tool for evil (may piss & shit be upon them both) inshallah ameen!