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 Topic: Is This right?? If it is, I hate Nature.,Nature has no place in my life..

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  • Re: Is This right?? If it is, I hate Nature.,Nature has no place in my life..
     Reply #30 - July 09, 2012, 02:07 PM

    Evolution via natural selection has largely dictated for hominids that the male be the more dominant and the females be subservient, the male to be hunter gatherer and the female to be the nurturer off-spring raiser.

    It boggles my mind how people forget that men are hunters-only, and it's women who are gatherers. Also, 70% of prehistoric human diet came from gathering, so thank those hard-working stone-age women for being on this planet.

    Also also, the patriarchy arose with agriculture, true hunter-gatherer societies, especially those where the tribe is always on the move and people only own what they can carry, tend to be very egalitarian.
  • Re: Is This right?? If it is, I hate Nature.,Nature has no place in my life..
     Reply #31 - July 13, 2012, 01:22 AM

    It boggles my mind how people forget that men are hunters-only, and it's women who are gatherers. Also, 70% of prehistoric human diet came from gathering, so thank those hard-working stone-age women for being on this planet.

    Also also, the patriarchy arose with agriculture, true hunter-gatherer societies, especially those where the tribe is always on the move and people only own what they can carry, tend to be very egalitarian.

    Actually it was mostly the males of the species which did the labour i.e. cutting trees down, making camp no doubt women played a role in gathering already cut resources, but their role was mostly confined to raising the off-spring and cooking. Of course these were also vital roles, and just as important as hunting.
  • Re: Is This right?? If it is, I hate Nature.,Nature has no place in my life..
     Reply #32 - July 13, 2012, 11:59 AM

    You don't eat trees and gathering is about gathering food. That's what hunter-gatherers do. They hunt food and they gather food, and once there's too little food left, they take their stuff and go off to an another location where they can hunt and gather stuff.

    If "most" of what women did would have been looking after babies, then humanity would have been long extinct, because men would have never been able to provide enough food to feed everyone.

    Also, don't forget the fact that a good chunk of women in any hunter-gatherer tribe would be past the menopause. It's tricky to be a baby-factory when you aren't making babies anymore. Here's a quote for you:

    Some evidence suggests that hunters contribute less than half the total food budget of most hunter-gatherer societies, and often much less than half, so that foraging grandmothers can contribute substantially to the survival of grandchildren at times when mothers and fathers are unable to gather enough food for all of their children. In general, selection operates most powerfully during times of famine or other privation. So although grandmothers might not be necessary during good times, many grandchildren cannot survive without them during times of famine.

    Besides, children don't need anywhere near as much "looking after" as people tend to imagine. My mom was always so busy weeding the fields and washing the clothes (no running water and no washing machine makes this an extremely time-consuming task) and making food, that she never had the time to look after me or my brother. We just ran around doing whatever.

    Finally, it's all also about specialization. One of the hypotheses that explains why Homo Sapiens out-competed the Neaderthals points to the fact that Neanderthals had no specialization between the sexes. Neanderthal women both hunted and gathered, and Neanderthal men both hunted and gathered, and that's inefficient. Human men and women specialised with men hunting and women gathering, both evolved to be good at those specific tasks, and that contributed to the success of human species.

    Here's a video for you:
  • Re: Is This right?? If it is, I hate Nature.,Nature has no place in my life..
     Reply #33 - July 13, 2012, 12:51 PM

    Great,informative vid.

    Yet, there are  many people these days who want to emulate the Neanderthals ! Lmao

    The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.
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    Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored !- Aldous Huxley
  • Re: Is This right?? If it is, I hate Nature.,Nature has no place in my life..
     Reply #34 - July 13, 2012, 06:33 PM

    Actually, human babies require the most resources when growing up compared to other mammal species. I don't nesassrily disagree with you though, women did gather berries, and fruits and the like.
  • Re: Is This right?? If it is, I hate Nature.,Nature has no place in my life..
     Reply #35 - July 13, 2012, 07:37 PM

    Actually, human babies require the most resources when growing up compared to other mammal species.

    That indeed is true, but I often feel like people portray the taking-care-of-the-kids as way more debilitating than it actually is. Most women throughout history, and most women around the world right now, simply could not and cannot afford to just exclusively look after the kids. That was also the case for my mother and both my grandmothers. Heck, my maternal grandmother was always so busy looking after the livestock, that she didn't even have enough time to make food for the family, my mum and her siblings had to cook for themselves by themselves.
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