Re: women .......Saudi Women
Reply #1 - May 08, 2012, 07:12 AM
Isn't it great to have the western liberal system to facilitate their more flexible version of Islam?
The second video reminds me of my mum, how she is fairly liberal in certain sense, though a bit more religious than those women.
I think to free minds, not just an academic education is required, but a practical one of experiencing a diverse range of things, it's experiences which reach the heart more strongly than words from a text book (although some can be quite powerful and help provide an understanding), but without engaging in 'real life' experiences there's a disconnection with reality. No matter how many books you read on Egypt, the experience of going to such a place will provide an entirely different understanding. A sort of theory vs evidence case, where life experience is evidence in this context. An experience is more powerful than simply attaining knowledge through second hand means. It's a sort of nobody will properly listen to (believe) you until they've experienced it themselves.
Those women in Saudi (the poorer ones), don't have the opportunities when they're locked up their homes.
A strong believer is emotionally attached, so a shake up in emotions in a calculated way could 'loosen' the screws, and then to provide stability whist in this intermediate state, start implementing 'strong pillar' points of ideas/concepts/doubts from which the finer details of explanation and rationalizations of those can be filled. I would think rational thinking is a secondary function of the brain to emotional/instinctive.
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor E. Frankl
'Life is just the extreme expression of complex chemistry' - Neil deGrasse Tyson