Check this out:
Under reporting
According to the American Medical Association (1995), sexual violence, and rape in particular, is considered the most under-reported violent crime.[4][5]
The most common reasons given by victims for not reporting rapes are the belief that it is a personal or private matter, and that they fear reprisal from the assailant. A 2007 government report in England says "Estimates from research suggest that between 75 and 95 percent of rape crimes are never reported to the police."[6]
Traditional (male-female) focused rape-related advocacy groups have suggested several tactics to encourage the reporting of sexual assaults, most of which aim at lessening the psychological trauma, often suffered by female rape victims following their assault by male rapists. Many police departments now assign female police officers to deal with rape cases. Advocacy groups also argue for the preservation of the victim's privacy during the legal process; it is standard practice among mainstream American news media not to divulge the names of alleged rape victims in news reports but this practice is becoming increasingly controversial due to well publicized cases of false rape accusations. Traditional rape-related advocacy groups are also beginning to support male-male rape victims as well as female-male rape victims. Other advocacy groups that support male victims of female rape encourage recognition of female-male rape as rape rather than as a 'love affair', a 'relationship', or as a beneficial form of sex 'education'. However, female-male and female-female rape is rarely recognized as a statistically significant form of rape despite research indicating otherwise. Thus reporting rape by females remains difficult or impossible especially in jurisdictions where rape by a female is not considered a crime or where the false perception persists that rape of a male by a female is impossible.[7]
Tell me how often you think a rape gets reported in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan. Tell me how often you think a reported rape is even taken seriously in those countries. Have you heard of how the Muslim population has a grossly exaggerated rape percentage in Nordic countries?
There is a big difference between a burka and a bikini: If an American woman wears a burka, she might get some weird looks. If a Saudi woman wears a bikini, she'll likely be beaten, killed, raped, or all three.
How about swimming trunks? Do you not think that wearing nothing but swim trunks would cause you to attract gay/female rapists to you as a man? If a man gets raped, who would you blame?
I don't masturbate at bikinis or burkas. There's like 2348054 websites with full blown (
) hardcore porn...
If bikinis cause rape, why haven't I raped anyone? Why have none of my friends raped anyone? Why have we never felt the desire to rape anyone?